Chemical Industry Information From Japan & China Japan Chemical Week
Japan Chemical Directory 1995
An English-language weekly journal published since 1960. This paper provides readers worldwide with Japanese and pacific rim (East Asian) chemical industry information. Price: US$369.00/year
A Comprehensive survey listing approximately 1,500 Japanese enterprises in the chemical and allied fields with additional details on foreign-capital companies, associations, groups, etc The data covers details including company name, address, phone and telex numbers, capital, names of executives, turnover (not all), main products, etc It also serves as a brief directory in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Price: Additional Delivery Cost: US$250.00 Airmail US$23.00 for Asia ¥27,000 (Japan OnlyUS$33.00 for other areas tax included)
Additional Delivery Cost: Airmail US$39.00 for Asia US$57.00 for other areas
Medical Companies Guide to Japan (Second Edition) Company profiles of some 550 medical and medical equipment companies. Newly included are the detailed reports on the Japanese pharmaceutical industries. Price: Additional Delivery Cost: US$242.00 Airmail US$14.00 for Asia US$20.00 for other areas
Japan Chemical Annual 1994 An annual report on supply and demand trends in Japan's chemical industry in 1993 and the first half of 1994 analyzing individual fields with statistical informatioa Compiled in cooperation with Japan Chemical Industry Association and other organizations and associations under its influence. Pr
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Additional Delivery Cost: Ajrmaj| u s $ 1 0 0 0
for Asia
US$17.00 for other areas
CHEMINDEX 1994/ 95 An alphabetical listing of some 16,000 chemical products available in Japan. Each product name is followed by a listing of its manufacturers in Japaa List of product items by use is also involved. Price: Additional Delivery Cost: US$192.00 Airmail US$16.00 for Asia US$21.00 for other areas
The Directory of Chemical Products and Producers in China A buyers' guide for the chemical industries in China including some 15,000 chemical products and 10, 000 producers. Detailed information is given to each company. Cross-reference is possible. Also available in 3.5" and 5.25" FD. Price: US$380.00 (Air Transportation included)
Specialty Chemicals Handbook (Fifth Edition) A multifunctional handbook also serving as a buyer's guide for Fine chemicals - clearly showing the properties, uses, production, price, etc., of each of the 1,321 most important organic intermediates selected according to rigid criteria from the numerous items manufactured in Japan. Price: Additional Delivery Cost: US$150.00 Airmail US$15.00 for Asia US$23.00 for N.C. America, Oceania, Middle and Near East US$27.00 for other areas
China Chemical Industry Yearbook 1994 & Company Directory Chemical industry trends and statistics in China are included in Vol. 1. Some 6,000 chemical companies in China are listed with their details in Vol. 2. Price: US$270.00 (Air Transportation included)
Handbook of Existing and New Chemical Substances (Sixth Edition) Listed in this volume are some 20,000 existing chemical substances and 3,191 new chemical substances (as of 1992) with MITI permits to be imported into and manufactured in Japan. Each substance bears a "Class-Reference Number in the Gazetted List" registered by MITI. CAS7Class Reference Index is also included. Price: US$218.00
Additional Delivery Cost: Airmail US$39.00 for Asia US$53.00 for N.C. America, Oceania, Middle and Near East US$58.00 for other areas
Guide to Current ENCS Listed Chemicals Vol. I -IV — Based on the Japanese Chemical Substances Control Law — Vol. I : CAS Number Index Vol. II: Chemical Name Index (incl. general name)
Vol.111: Molecular Formula Index Vol. IV: ENCS Number Index
China Chemical Commodities Import and Export Statistics The first edition on the import and export of China's chemical commodities with complete figures. The Statistics provides you with import and export figures of chemical commodities tolalling more than 1,000 varieties transacted in the year, of 1993 and the first quater of 1994 with various countries. Price: US$228.00 (Air Transportation included)
China Chemical Reporter An English-language semimonthly news magazine to report the ever-ending China's chemical industry such as market trend, government policies, progress on science and technology, development of technical tie-ups & joint ventures with foreign partners, projects development in the industry, movement of tariffs, export/import statistics, special reports and others. Price: US$240.00/year (airmail shipping and handling included)
"Guide to Current ENCS Listed Chemicals" has arranged in an easy-to-use format the chemical substances (existing and new) specified under The Japanese Chemical Substances Control Law and in correspondence with CAS numbers. Additional items include relevant numbers from the Chemical Substance Inventory, under the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and the EC's European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS). The numbers of official chemical substances specified by Industrial Safety and Health Law (ISHL) are published wherever possible. Price: Additional Delivery Cost: US$1,400.00 US$140.00 for Asia US$192.00 for N.C. America, Oceania, Middle and Near East US$228.00 for other areas
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