CHEMICAL MARKET PRICES - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - The following prices are for chemicals and related products usually handled in commercial quantities and represent quotations of manufac...
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June 5 — A c e t a l d e h y d e - n - B u t y i Stéarate This section replaces p a g e s 1 5 2 7 - 3 1 o f M a y 1




The following prices are for chemicals and related products usually handled in commercial quantities and represent quotations of manufacturers or other primary sources prevailing in the New York market as of May 29, 1950. Prices for chemicals vary considerably depending upon quantities purchased and the type of container. Shipments smaller than tank cars, or drum lots, may cost more than the price listed in this table* unless small packages are specifically indicated. Acetaldehyde, 9 9 % , drums, c.l. and l.c.l., wks., s p o t . . . l b . 0. 1 1 H - 0 . 1 2 M tanks, wks., spot lb. 0.09^ Ammonia, drums, wks lb. 1 . 4 0 - 1 . 7 5 Bisulfite, drums, wks lb. 0. 50 Acetanilide, USP, crystals, 2,000 lb. lots, t lb. 0 . 5 0 0 . 5 2 50-lb. kegs lb. 0 . 56 Powder, in 150-lb. bbl lb. 0.51 In 50-lb. kegs lb. 0. 54 Technical, powd., bbl., c.l., dlvd.. lb. 0.22 Acetic anhydride, drums, c.l. a n d l.c.l., t E a s t lb. 0 . 1 3 - 0 . 1 4 3 ^ Acetoacetanilide, 200-lb. bbl.. I.c.I.. ib. 0.67 H Acetone, single trip drums inch, c.l., f.o.b. buyer's wks., or f lb. 0.09 drums, l.c.l., same basis lb. 0.09M tanks, same basis ' lb. 0.07*^ Acetonitrile, dr., c.l. and l.c.l., 0 . 4 3 - 0 . 4 0 Acetophenetidine, U S P . bbl.. 1,000lb. quant lb. 1 . 1 0 - 1 . 14 Aceto-o-chloroanilide, l.c.l., wks.. . . lb. 1.15 Acetophenone, 25-lb. lots and 400lb. lots lb. 1. 30-1 . 36 technical, l.c.l., drums, wks lb. 0.75 Acid, abietic, drums, c.l., wks lb. 0.10 Acetic, glacial, tech., synthetic, drums, (extra) c.l. and l.c.l., wks., t lb. 0 . 0 9 - 0 . 10 tanks, wks., X lb. 0.07^ USP, drums (extra) wks., c.l., X lb. 0. 1 0 ^ - 0 . 1 1 CP, drums (extra), wks., c.l.. X lb. 0. 1 2 H - 0 . 13 50% tech., drums, (extra) c.l., wks. J, 100 lb 100 lb. 7.00 Acetylsalicylic, U S P crystals, 2 4 40 mesh and 80 mesh powder, 250-lb. bbl., X lb. 0.50 25-lb. fiber drum lb. 0.51 Starch granulations, 12-50 mesh, 1 0 % starch white. . . .lb. 0 . 5 0 - 0 . 5 1 Pink or green, 10% starch, 250lb. lots lb. 0.55 25-lb. d r u m s lb. 0.56 16% starch white, 250-lb. lots. .lb. 0.48 25-lb. lots lb. 0. 49 20% starch white, 250 1b lb. 0.46 25-lb. lots : lb. 0.47 Adipic, bags, Belle, W. Va., 15 tons, more a n d less lb. 0 . 2 6 ^ - 0 . 2 6 % Alkyl naphthalene sulfonic, 500lb. drums, wks lb. 0. 33 Aminoacetic, N F (Glycocol), 25lb. d r u m lb. 1. 65 5-lb. fiber drum lb. 2.07 Amino acids (see Acid, Aminoacetic; Alanine, Agrinine; Acid, Aspartic; Acid, Aminopropionic; Cysteine; Acid, Glutamic; Histidine, Hydroxy-i-proline, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Norleucine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, a n d Valine) p-Aminobenzoic, purif., drums, wks lb. 3.75 technical, drums, wks lb. 1.84 b-Aminopropionic, 10-grain bot. „ . . . .gram 0.22 p-Aminosalicylic, drums, 1,0001b., dlvd lb. 5.50 25 to 500-lb. lote lb. 5. 55-6.50 Animal, fatty, distilled, drums, c.l., wks lb. 0.10^ l.c.l., drums, wks lb. 0. 1 1 ^ - 0 . \l% Anisic, 100-lb. drums, X lb! 1.50 lots of 10,000 lb lb. 1. 45 Anthraniiic, tech., bbl. X lb. 1.05-1.10 resublimed, bbl lb. 2.10 Arsenous, U S P , powd., drums, kegs lb. 0.40-O.42 Aecorbic, U S P (vitamin C ) , 1-30 kilo drums, 1-500 kilos, t k i l o 2 4 . 5 0 - 2 6 . 4 1 25-500 gram bottles kilo 2 7 . 4 7 - 3 2 . 0 5


2 8,



Acid, DL-aspartic. 1 0-gram bot. . gram Battery, cby., c.l., East, wks. 100 Ib. Benzilic, 100-lb. drums, % lb. 50 lb lb. 25 lb lb. Benzoic, tech., 100-lb. containers, a n v quanti tv, f lb. U S P 100-lb. drums, t lb. U S P 50-lb. drums lb.

0.29 1.60 2.25 2.30 2.35 0.43 0.54 0. 55

of chemicals carried T hethislisting section is changed weekly provide a monthly changes as follows:



in to price

First week Acetaldehyde—n-Butyl Stéarate Second week Cadmium-Fustic Extract Third week Gelatîn-Oxyquinolîne Fourth week Paint Drier-Zirconium Sulfate In those months in which a fi-fth issue is published the Chemical Market Prices section will be devoted to special groups o f products. For example, the Jan. 30 issue listed prices for Analytical Reagents and Fine Chemicals. A revised listing of this group will appear in the issue of July 3 1 . The May 29 issue contained a listing of prices for synthetic resins, intermediates, and detergents, a revision of which will appear again during the fifth week in October.

Readers may find if convenient and desirable to remove these pages from each issue and keep them in a loose leaf binder for ready reference. Acid, boric, tech., cryst., bags, c.l., wks ton 115. 25 Granular, bags, 100 lb., c.l., wks ton 90. 2") Powder, ci., wks ton 95. 25 ( U S P boric quotations are $25.00 per ton higher than above) Broenner's, bbl lb. 1 . 34 Butyric, 99%, drums, c.l., wks.. .lb. 0. 3 4 H t a n k s , wks lb. 0. 33 Cacodylic, 25- and δθ-lb. lots lb. 1 0 . 0 0 - 1 0 . 0 5 Capric, tech., drums lb. 0. 40 H Caprylic, 9 1 % , drums lb. 0. 4 0 ^ Chloroacetic, mono-, tech., 300l b . drums, c.l. and l.c.l., wks., ί lb. 0 . 1 8 - 0 . 1 9 Flake, purif., drums lb. 0 . 2 2 ^ - 0 . 2 3 ^ o-Chlorobenzoic. 200-lb. bbl., χ. .lb. 1.05 p-Çhlorobenzoic, 100-lb. drums. t lb. 1.50 over 2000 l b lb. 1. 47 Chlorosulfonic, drums, c.l lb. 0.03>* l.c.l lb. 0.03^ tanks lb. 0 . 02^i Chromic, 99>3%, drums, c.l., a n d l.c.l. wks., Î lb. 0 . 2 5 ^ - 0 . 2 6 ^ Cinnamic, refined, bot lb. 2 . 5 0 - 4 . 0 0 Citric, USP, cryst., bbl., c.l lb. 0 . 273^ l.c.l lb. 0 . 2 8 - 0 . 28>3 Granular, bbl., c.l lb. 0. 24^




Acid, citric anhydrous, gran., fine gran., drums, c.l lb. 0 26 V£ (Anhydrous powder citric acid quotations are half per cent per lb. higher than above) Cleve's mixed, bbl. ( l - l b . basis) t East lb. 0 . 05-0 72 1:6 and 1:7 (100% basis) t East lb. 0 .94-> >6 Coconut oil. doub. dist., t a n k s . . .lb. 0.24 Chicago, c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0 . 2 G - 0 . 2 7 H Corn oil, c.l.. Chicago lb. 0 . 1 0 ^ - 0 . 1 1 Cottonseed, c.l., Chicago lb. 0 . 1 0 ^ - 0 . 1 1 Tanks, Chicago lb. 0.09}* o-Cresotinic. drums, c.l., wks.. . .lb. 0.62 Cresylic, 7 5 % , drums, British, duty free gal. 0. 5 2 ^ - 0 . 55 Dom. synthetic, petroleum, d r u m s , c.l., wks gal. 0 . 5 6 ^ 0 72>£ l.c.l., drums gal. 0 . 5 8 ^ 0 . 7 4 ^ Coal tar, low b.p., 204-207°, c.l and l.c.l., wks. Î gal. 0 . 8 6 - 0 . 9 0 High b . p . , over 207°, c.l. and. l.c.l., wks. $ . . . gal. 0 . 8 1 - 0 . 8 4 Crotonic, drums, wks lb. 0.29 Cyanoacetic, 135-lb. drums, 1.00 50-lb. drum, wks lb. 1 . 20 2,4-Diehlorophenoxyacetic, fiber drums, c.l., wks., X lb. 0. 43 l.c.l., wks.. X lb. 0. 48-0. 55 Diglycolic, any «niant., Charleston, W. Va lb. 0.14 epsilon (100% basis), Carney's Ft., N. J lb. 2.00 Fluosilicic, 30%, bbl., wks lb. 0.05 Folic, bot gram 2. 0 0 - 2 . 10 Formic, 8 5 % , cbv. a n d drums, (extra) c.l. X lb. 0 . 1 3 - 0 . 1 4 9 0 % , cbv., c.l., χ lb. 0 . 1 3 H - 0 - 1 4 H Gallic. N F V . , bbl., 1.000-lb. 1 . 60-1 . 65 tech., drums, 25-1,000 lb., J . . l b . 1.43-1.52 L-Cilutamic, 99%, 100-lb. drums, f lb. 2.30 9 7 % , 100-lb. drum, f lb. 2.15 Hydrochloride, Ν min., 7.0% DL-monohydrate, 10 gram bot gram 0.33 II (l-Amino-8-naphthol-3:6-disulfonic). 100% bbl., wks lb. 0.73H Heptanoic, tech., 9 5 % min., 375lb. d r u m , wks lb. 1 .80 Hydriodic 45-47%, cby., w k s . . .lb. 2 . 5 7 - 2 . 5 9 Hydrobromic, 4 5 % , 157-lb. cbys., no quantity differential. X. . . .lb. 0.35 Hydrochloric (Muriatic) 18° c o m m . , cbys., c.l., wks lb. 0.0215 20° cbys., c.l., wks., and tanks χ lb. 0.024-0.011 22° cbvs., c.l., wks., and tanks χ..." lb. 0.0265-0.0125 Hydrocyanic, cyls., w k s lb. 1.00 N F , dilute, 5-lb. b o t lb. 0.37 Hydrofluoric, 3 0 % , drums, 0 . 0 8 ^ - 0 - 0 9 60%, drums lb. 0.13^ anhydrous, cyls., w k s lb. 0.19-O.19>4 Hydroxylammonium sulfate, drums, wks lb. 0 30 /3-Hydroxynaphthoic. fiber drum. l.c.l., w k s lb. 125 8-IIydroxyquinolinc, 5-sulfonic acid, lOO-lb. d r u m lb. 4.00 Lactic, tech., 4 4 % , bbl.. c.l., wks. 100 lb. 10.95 Edible. 50%, bbl., wks 100 lb. 0. 16-0.18 Laurent's (100%, basis) t lb. 0.60 Laurie. 9 0 to 9 5 % tanks, w k s . . . .lb. 0.30 H c.l.. wks lb. 0.32 Maleic, powd., d r u m s lb. 0. 30 -0.31 Methacrylic, crude, d r u m s , wks. c.l. and truckloads lb. 0. 76 Methylene disalicyclic, 225-lb. bbl.. X lb. 0.50 100-lb. to 25-lb. drums lb. 0. 51-0.54 Naphthenic, drums (inel.), 0.13 tanks, wks lb. 0.11 Nicotinic (Niacin), carton, wks. (X o n 10 kilos or more), 1-5 kilos kilo 8.00-8.30 D r u m s . 10-50 kilos kilo 8. 00-8.10 Nitric, C P , USP, c b y . extra, c.l. a n d l.c.L.i lb. 0 . 1 1 ^ - 0 . 1 3 Tech. grades, 3 6 ° , cby.. c.l.. wks-, East 100 lb. 5. 00-6. 50 (l.c.l. prices generally 40 to 60 cents per 100 lb. higher than above) ρ-Nitrobenzoic, cans lb. 0. 87 Oleic, undist., (saponified red oil), d r u m s , ton lots* dlvd lb. 0. 13$* single diet, (commercial red oil), drums, c.l., dlvd lb. 0. 13$* double dist lb. 0. 16}*




A c i d , Oleic a n d L i n o l e i e - A m m o n i q , A n h y d r o u s

Albumin, blood, 200-lb. d r u m s . . . . l b . 0 . 7 3 - 0 . 7 5 Acid, oleic and Linoleic, mixed c.l.. .lb. 0.13H Alcohol, allyl, d r u m s , c.l., f.o.b· tanks lb. 0.12 cars, nearest rail delivery point Oxalic, bbh, c.l., wks. a n d 0 . 1 4 ^ - 0 . 1 5 lb. 0 . 3 1 Η - Ο · 3 2 ^ less than 10,000 lb., 0 . 1 5 ^ - 0 . 1 8 > 2 tanks, same basis lb. 0.30 Palmitic, c.l., wks lb. 0.14^ Aminomethylpropyl, cans, 10.000-19,900 lb lb. 0.15^ drums, wks lb. 0. 50-0. 60 Pentobarbital, 1-lb. bot lb. 12. 50 Amyl ex-pentane, drums, c.l. and 25-lb. drum lb. 12.15 l.c.l., f.o.b. Wyandotte, Perchloric, 6 0 % . cby., w k s lb. 0 . 5 8 - 0 . 62 Mich., f a n d Belle, W . Va., .lb. 0. 16-0. 17 70-72%, cby., wks lb. 0 . 6 1 - 0 . 6 6 tanks, same basis lb. 0.15 Peri (100% basis) t lb. 1.13 Anisic, 25 lb lb, 4.40 Phenolsulfonic, 600-lb. drums, Benzyl, tech., 55-gal. d r u m X. . . .lb. 0. 45-0. 50 l.c.h, % lb. 0.12H Butyl, t a n k cars, dlvd lb. 0.12 Phenyl peri (100% basis) t · . · -lb. 1.86 D r u m s , c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0. 1 3 ^ - 0 · 14M Phosphoric, N F , cby., wks lb. 0.09 Secondary, t a n k s , wks., or f. . .lb. 0.09 8 5 % technical grade, t a n k cars, D r u m s , c.l. and l.c.l., or f .lb. 0 . 1 0 M - 0 . 11 X (cbys. extra, ret.) . . 100 lb. 5. 50 Tert., tanks lb. 0.12 l.c.l 100 lb. 7 . 7 5 - 8 . 2 5 c.l. a n d I.e.I lb. 0 . 1 3 ^ - 0 - 14 8 5 % , NF grade (USP), c.l.. X (Prices for synthetic normal butyl alcohol in (cbys. extra, returnable) Western areas a r e one cent higher than above) 10O lb. 8.00 Capryl, drums, c.l-, wks lb. 0.26^ 25 cby. lots 100 lb. 8. 50 l.c.l., wks lb. 0.27M under 25 cby. lots 100 1b. 9.00 Cetyl, d o n , , CP, fiber cartons, 7 5 % food grade, c l . , Î (cbys. 1,000-lb. s h p m t lb. 1.50 extra, returnable) . . . . 100 lb. 6. 50 C i n n a m y l . bot lb. 2. 7 5 - 3 . 00 l.c.l 100 lb. 7.50 D e n a t u r e d , Formula S D l , 1905 0 % food grade, c.l., X (cbys. proof, d r u m s , c.l., dlvd. extra, returnable) . . . . 100 lb. 4. 50 l.c.l 100 lb. 5 . 0 0 - 5 . 50 E a s t of Miss. R pal. 0.47 6 2 3 ^ % commercial grade, c.l., l.c.l., dlvd., E a s t gal. 0. 51-0. 56 wks. (Bbls. S10.50 each, tanks, dlvd., E a s t gal. 0.37 non-returnable) 100 lb. 3. 25 Formula S D 2 B , drums, c.l.. l.c.l 100 lb. 3.50 dlvd. East of Miss. R gal. 0.46 Picric, NF, bbl lb. 0.42 Formula S D 2 3 H , drums, c.l., tech lb. 0 . 3 2 - 0 . 3 3 dlvd. East of Miss. R gal. 0. 48 Polymethacrylic, wks., t lbI.2b Formula SD30, drums, c.l., Propionic, s y n t h . , d r u m s lb. 0.21 dlvd. East of Miss. R gal. 0.45^ Pyrogallic, NF, cryst., drums, Denatured, formulas CD12. 25-100 lb., X lb. 2. 95-3.00 CD13, C D 1 4 . drums, dlvd. tech., lumps, 25-225 lbs lb. 2 . 2 0 - 2 . 2 5 E a s t of Miss. R., c.l. powd., 200-lb. drum lb. 2. 20 gal. 0 . 4 7 ^ £ - 0 . 4 8 ^ Pyroligneous, 55-gai. drum, l.c.l., l.c.l., dlvd., E a s t gal. 0 . 5 1 ^ - 0 . 5 7 ^ wks gal. 0.31 Proprietary, special solvent, 5 gal. cans gal. 0. 55 drums, c.l., dlvd. E a s t of /3-Resorcyclic, drums, wks lb. 3.00 Miss. R gal. 0.48^ Salicyclic, crystals, 150-lb. bbl.. X lb. 0.40 l.c.l., dlvd., E a s t gal. 0 . 5 2 ^ - 0 . 5 7 ^ Powder. 150-lb. bbl lb. 0.45 tanks, dlvd., E a s t gal. 0.38^ tech., bbl lb. 0.38 77-Decyl, tech.. drums, dlvd lb. 0.34>£ Silicic, special bulky; drums, 50 Diacetone, pure, drums, c.l., 1,000 l b . % lb. 0 . 9 0 - 1 . 0 0 f.o.b. nearest rail del. point, lb. 0.13^ Standard luminescent, 25-500 l.c.l., same basis lb. 0.14 lb lb. 0. 65 0. 783^ tanks, same basis lb. 0.12 Soybean, c.l., Chicago lb. 0. 1 3 ^ Tech., c.l., drums, dlvd lb. 0.13 Stearic, single, pressed, bags. c.l. Ethyl, 190-proof tax-paid drums, and l.c.l., Chicago lb. 0. 13-0. 13% c.l., dlvd.. E a s t of Miss. R. Double pressed, c.l lb. 0. 14 gal. 17. 55 Triple pressed ton lots, bags l.c.l., dlvd.. E a s t . gal. 17.59-17.64 l b . 0 . 1 6 M - 0 . 16M tanks, dlvd., E a s t gal. 17. 45 Succinic, cryst., ptirif., bbl., 0.75 (Pure ethyl alcohol may be purchased tax-free Tech., bbl., wks lb. 0. 65-0.75 for certain nonindustriai research purposes) Sulfanilic, tech., drums, wks. t - lb. 0. 17 Ethyl, tax-free, drums, c.l., dlvd. Sulfuric, 6 0 ° Be., cby., c.l. and East gal. 0. 45 l.c.l.. East, wks 100 lb. 1.65 2.50 l.c.l., dlvd., E a s t gal. O.40-O.54 tanks, East, wks ton 14.40-14. 50 tanks, dlvd., East gal. 0. 35 66° Bé., cby., c.l. and l.c.l., Absolute, tax-paid, drums, c.l., East, wks 100 lb. 1 . 9 0 - 2 . 7 5 dlvd., E a s t gal. 18. 50 tanks, East, wks ton 1 7 . 7 5 - 1 8 . 0 0 l.c.l gal. 18.54-18.59 98, 99, a n d 100°, tanks, E a s t , tanks, dlvd., East gal. 18. 40 wks ton 1 8 . 8 0 - 1 9 . 0 0 2-Ethyl butyl, tanks, wks lb. 0. 26 Oleum, 20°, tanks, East, wks. c.l. and l.c.l., drums, wks. . .lb. 0.27-O.28 ton 19.85-20.00 Furfuryl, tank cars, Niagara Falls C P , N F , cby., extra, c.l. and N.Y lb. 0. 18 l.c.l., wks., X lb. 0.08-0.09>2 c.l., SO drums, Waverly, 0. 2 1 H Sulfurous, 6%, 50 lb. cby. 50-100 500-lb. drums, and 9, 45 & 90lb., % (carboys $5-10 dep., ret.).lb. 0 . 0 7 - 0 . 0 8 lb. cans. Cedar Rapids, la. .lb. 0 . 2 3 - 0 . 3 0 Tannic, USP, fluffy, boxes 2 5 Heptyl, tech., 9 0 % min., 375-lb. 1000 lb., % lb. 1. 4 5 - 1 . SO drum, wks lb. 1 . 80 USP, powd., 100-500 lb lb. 1.36-1.39 less than drum quantities, tech., 25-1,000 lb lb. 0. 8 5 - 0 . 9 2 wks lb. 2 . 25-2 . 70 Tartaric, 250 l b . drums, N Y . . . . l b . 0.32 Isoamyl, drums, l.c.l., wks lb. 0 . 34 3^2 Thiovanic, cby.. wks lb. 1. 8 0 - 1 . 9 0 Isobutyl, réf., drums, wks lb. 0. 1 3 ^ Tobias, bbl lb. 0. 65 t a n k s , wks lb. 0.12 Tungetic, 300-1,000 lb. lots, Iso-octyl, d r u m s , c.l. a n d l.c.l. t drums lb. 2.40 lb. 0.29 K - 0 - 29 H over 1,000 lb. lots lb. 2.25 tanks t lb. 0.27% T Undecylic, 9 0 % , sat. C-ll acid, .sopropyl, réf., 9 9 % , d r u m s incl., 375 drums, wks lb. 2.00 c.l., a n d l.c.l. dlvd.or f. -gal. 0 . 4 5 - 0 . 4 8 Xylenesulfonic, réf., drums, w k s . l h . 0 . 2 0 - 0 . 2 8 tanks, dlvd. or t gal. 0 . 35 tech., d r u m s , wks lb. 0 . 12-0 . 15 9 5 % , drums inch, c.l., dlvd.. .gal. 0*43^ Aconitine, amorpb... b o t oz. 27. 50-32. 5 0 tanks, dlvd. or t gal. 0 . 33 ^ cryst., bot oz. 78. 0 0 - 8 5 . 0 0 9 1 % , drums inch, c.l., dlvd.. . gal. 0 . 42 Acrylonitrile, drums, c.l. and l.c.l., tanks, dlvd gal. 0 . 32 wks lb. 0 . 4 0 > 2 - 0 . 4 1 Methyl (see Methanol) Agar agar, n o 1, stripped lb. 1. 28- 1. 3 0 Methylamyl, drums, e.l., t 0 . 13 DL-Alanine, drums, wks lb. 8. 5 0 - 1 1 . 0 0 Nonyl, drums, wks., c.l. and Albumen, egg, edible, flake, powd., l.c.l lb. 0 . 2 9 ^ - 0 . 30 bbl : lb. 1 . 1 0 - 1 . 1 5 ' t a n k s , wks lb. 0 . 28 Tech., cryst., bbl lb. 0. 70-0. 80 D-Pantothenyl,bot., wks., J . . . . k i l o 90.00 Albumin, light, drums, l.c.l lb. 0 . 6 7 ^ - 0 . 7 2 H Phenyl ethyl, 25-lb. cans lb. 1 . 60


Alcohol, η-propyl, drums, c.l., wks., Texas lb. 0.O9J* tanks, Texas, wks., freight pre­ paid to nearest R.R. siding, .lb. 0.O8 Tetrahydrofurfuryl, tank cars, Niagara Falls, Ν. Υ lb. 0. 36 c.l., 80 drums lb. 0.40 475-lb. drums, a n d 8, 40 & 80lb. cans, Cedar Rapids, l a . . . 0.44—0.47 Industrial grade, tank cars, Niagara Falls, Ν. Υ lb. 0 . 24 c.l., 80 drums Waverly, 0. 26 475-lb. drums a n d 8, 40 and 80-lb. cans, Cedar Rapids .lb. 0.27-0.30 Wood (see Methanol) Aldehyde, aromatic, C 8 , bot lb. 8. 75 C9, bot lb. 17. 10 C10, bot lb. 7. 00 C l 1, undecylenic, b o t lb. 19. 00 C12, lauric, bot lb. 15.00-22.50 Aldol, denaturing, drums gal. 1.33—1.48 c.l., wks lb. 0. 15 Algin, réf., fiber drums lb. 0.76-1.00 C r u d e , fiber drums lb. 0. 46 Alkylated aromatic, drums, c.l., Illinois, wks lb. 0. 1 5 ^ Allyl bromide, cby., wks lb. 1. 00 Caproate, 25 lb lb. 3 . 50 Chloride, drums, c.l. and l.c.l.. .lb. 0 . 16 J^ tanks, dlvd lb. 0-15 Aloin, USP, bbl. or drums lb. 3.50 Alum, ammonium, b u r n t , USP, bbl lb. 0.20-0.21 Granular, bbl., wks. 100 lb. 3 . 80 L u m p , bbl., wks 100 lb. 4 . 05 Powd. bbl., wks 100 lb. 4 . 20 Potassium, granular, bbl., wks 100 lb. 4 . 05 Lump, bbl., wks 100 lb. 4 . 30 Powd., bbl., wks 100 lb. 4 . 45 Potassium-chrome, bbl lb. 0.17 Sodium, bbl., c.l., wks 100 lb. 0.03K Alumina, calcined, c.l., bbl. or bags extra, f.o.b. wks lb. 0 . 0 3 ^ - 0 . 0 5 H l.c.l., pkgs. included lb. 0 . 0 4 ^ - 0 . 0 8 % Hydrated, chemical and ceramic grades, c.l., 100-lb. paper bags, f.o.b., wks., X lb. 0 . 0 2 ^ - 0 . 0 2 7 Low soda, c.l., bbl. or bags extra, f.o.b. wks lb. 0.05-0 . 0 5 H Pigment grades, c.l., 50-lb. paper bags lb. 0.07-0.08 Tabular, c.l., f.o.b. E. St. Louis lb. 0.06-O.06H Aluminum, metal, 9 9 % -f-, 50-lb. pig, f.o.b. shipping point lb. 0.163^ Acetate, 2 0 % normal soin., drums, wks lb. 0 . 0 9 ^ - 0 . 1 0 2 4 % basic soin., drums, w k s . lb. 0 . 1 0 ^ - 0 . 1 1 Chloride, N F , cryst., 100-lb. fiber drums, New York lb. Ο . 28 1,000-lb. lots lb. 0.27 powd., 25-lb. glass jar, N . Y . . . lb. Ο . 44 Anhyd., comm., 55-gal. drum, c.l. and l.c.l. X lb. O . U - O . l l ^ Formate, soin., 21 % basic, drums, wks lb. O.ll Isopropoxide, Kingsport, Tenn.. .lb. 0.75-0.80 Sulfate, N F , gran., 250-lb. drum, New York lb. 0.28 100-lb. fiber d r u m and 25lb. d r u m lb. 0.3O-0.35 N F , powd. (5 cents per lb. higher t h a n gran.) comm., tech., gran., ground, 300-lb. d r u m , New York... .lb. O.05 smaller lots lb. 0.07-0.13 c.L, wks 100 lb. 1.50 Stéarate, technical, A, c.l lb. O.30 50-lb. bags, boxes lb. 0.3 1-0.36 Aluminum-ammonium sulfate, USP, powd., 54b. cans lb. 0.29-0.34 Aluminum-potassium sulfate, USP, powd., 5-lb. cans lb. 0.28-0.46 2-Amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol, drums, wks lb. 1.35 2-Amino-2-methyl-l-propanol, drums, wks lb. 0.65 m-Aminophenol, 100-200 lb. drums, c.L, wks lb. 2.00 p-Aminophenol, 200 lb. drums, wks. X lb. 0.77 Aminophylline, USP, 100-lb. drums lb. 5 . 35 Aminopyriwe, USP, drums, bot.. . .lb. li.OO-C». 15 USP, powd., gran., bot lb. 8.15 Ammonia, anhydrous, refrig. grade, tanks, wks ton 76.50





Ammonia, A q u a A m y I Vc! en nate Amn.onia, aqua, 2ϋ° tanks, f.o.b. wks ton 7G.05~SO.00 fertilize. • · -, a a d co mm. grades, tanks, wks ton 7 4 . 0 0 - 7 5 . 0 0 Ind industrial. p«re.ret. c y l i n d e r ^ Ο 17-Ô 17H u Sal, see Ammonium chloride · * ' ^ Ammoniacal liquor, tanks, wks... . t o n 80 00 A,




°· 8 3

Benzoate, USP, 4,000-lb. lots, k

egs, ib. Bicarbonate, drums c < wks. lb. lb. I-c.l., wks.. lb. Bichromate, b b l . , ; v k s : lb. Bifluonde. drums, dlvd. Ju

t-Tsr x i . b o t . . . :


0.31-0.32 0.223^ 0.36 0.37 0.39 0.40

450 1

Tôot: ^^"· - ^^··'*·? 50-lb. d r u m s .


25-ib. drums.:.'; ;


(In last 2 items, minus'lV forlOO ' lb-^powder (same quantities Carbonate.USP, d r u m s . . . kets'


b b L



l b


, o

For the chemical processing industries

1 / n


Citrate, dibasic, drums, b b l ' κ 0 Hydroxy! e h l o r i d e i c y l i l ^ e r o V l b - 0 Conta,ner


Photographic Developers, Fixers a n d Specialties

· 25-500 l b . .

-_ S u l f a s drums." WkV. ! !


Moiybdat^^!b^s::Pa--cl,b· ^ or less ' c-1' Superior chemical g r a d e ' wks ' h •^lyjbdic acid S a l e s ' ' metal grade.'.'. !!>N i t r a t e , fertilizer, bag's' wks ' ' ' *Λ l Canadian. 33.5^o N ^ b a g s c i point of shpmt V


Pharmaceutical and Dyestuff Intermediates 0.8O 0.85

Flavoring Materials

0.88 0.9O 58. OO

D i a z o t y p e Sensitizers a n d Couplers

t o n 5 7 5 0 T e e b . , b a K s c 1 «,[ · 100Ib Oleate. bbl 'Wks · 5.00 Oxalate, gran.', drums !u" °·23^ P e m a b o r a t e , g r a T , ' bb!.','' C . L ^ ° " 25° " 3 0

Custom Manufacturing

Perchlorate.' kegs *°η 2 1 2 0 0 Persulfate, kegs ,'u ' ' l b ' ° ' 5 0 ~ O • 7 5 Phosphate, dibasic' N F ' γ ' b l ° · 2 5 ^ 0 · 2 8 ^ drums. ' D1" Quaternary 'salts ' (n-alkyl ' t r i - ' 6 ' ° 4° methyl ammonium chlorides) cocoa, dr i r u m s , c.l., wks., Chicago. 0 28 Di C d i m e t h y l a Ti ° ·^ ™ moni u m ehlonde (33% active).. b 0 58 ^ « e t h y l a m m o n i u m chloride mixed jC75% active) lb. I^uryl, d r u m s , c.l., wks.. lb. M y n s t a l , drums, c.l., wks. lb. Jalinityl, drums, c.l.. wks. lb. ^ y a . drums, c.l., wks " " "£* tearyldrunis,c.l.,wl{,.. ' £ C3




lb i i b e r

0 0 0 0 0 0. 1. 1.

S e n t i f o r this n e w B u l l e t i n

listing m a n y of the main

46 35 35 27 22 26 25 25^

products manufactured by Edwal.

?0 ih ^d r u*m-s . . °- · ^ - t+ Lb οθ-lb. .?' Silicofluoride, bbl «]/«= ,?' Stéarate, 2 S % drums \t' n ? " 0 1 3 0 lb Sulfate, b u l k ; h p ; n Î : - f . o ; b ; c a r s · ° - 2 l - ° · 3 1 P ^ ^ a ^ T

t o n 3 2 . 00-37.00

0.41, liquid, 4 0 - 5 0 % , drums', c.l ' w ks ·' b 0. 1 0 ^ Ι-c.l..wks · 0. 1 5 ^ Sulfite purif., dr., 100-200 lb! * i ' l b ' 0 . 4 2-0.44 I h i o c y a n a t e , tech., bbl cl ' wks " -1·· 0 . 15 Thiosulfate, cryst., 25-lb."jârs photography, 25-250 lb. ' 'ικ 0.32-0.36 An.yl acetate, ex-pentane, f.o'b ' Wy a n d o t t e . Mich.. dr cl' and 1. c.l. , f East of Miss. 0.16-0.17 tanks, same basis.. . ]h" 0.15 from fusel oil, tech., d r . , "c.l.'and '





2 Ka

· ° lb ~2- ?

L A B O R A T O R I E S , ΙΛΓ€.

O. 18 «-Butyrate, drums ^ ! ! " " 'lb* 0 . 9 O - l . 00 Cinnamic aldehyde, 400-lb. d r . "lb 1 . OO Formate ., 1 .35 Nitrate, USP, 4-lb. bot -lb. 1.75-1.83 Salicylate. 25-1 b . tins . " jfc 0.82 Valerinate lt)* 2.10


2 8,

NO. 23


5, 1 9 5 0 1971

A n e t h o i - n - B u t y l Stéarate

C H E M I C A L M A R K E T PRICES A n e t h o l , c o m r a . , d r u m s , c.l., w k s . , t - l b . 0.50 N F , 5-lb. b o t lb. 1.10 A n i l i n e , d r . , c.l. a n d l.c.l.. w k s . , t · l b . 0 . 1 5 - 0 . 10 A n i m a l p r o t e i n f a c t o r , see P r o t e i n animal factor A n i m a l s t e r o l , see C h o l e s t e r o l , i r radiated A n i s i c a l d e h y d e , C P , 5-lb. b o t lb. 3 . 00 Salt, d r u m s , wks lb. 0 . 20 a c e t a t e . 25 lb lb. 5.50 A a i s o y l c h l o r i d e , 5 0 0 - l b . d r u m s , J. . l b . 2 . 10 10.000-lb l o t s lb. 2 . 05 A n t i m o n y , metal, Laredo, T e x a s . . . lb. 0.24 H chloride, soin., c b y lb. 0 . 2 9 - 0 . 3 0 Oxide, ceramic o r p i g m e n t s , bags, c.l.. a n d l.c.l., d l v d lb. 0 . 2 1 - > i - 0 . 2 2 - M Potassium tartrate (tartar emetic) tech lb. 0.40 I'SP, powd., d r u m s l b . 0 . 5 1 - 0 . 53 Sulfide, l u m p , 5 0 0 l b . o r more. wks lb. 0.15 P o w d . , 500 lb. o r m o r e lb. 0 . 20 7 0 % , l u m p , 500 lb. or more. wks lb. 0.17^ Powd., 300-mesh lb. 0 . 223-2 T r i c h l o r i d e , a n h y d . , c o m m . , 100l b . p a i l , wks lb. 0.35 L-Arginine m o n o h y d r o c h l o r i d e , 10gram hot gram 0 30 Argols, min. 7 0 % , bags, basis 100% 100 k g . 14. 0 0 - 1 5 . 0 0 Arsenic, metal, lump, 220 l b . drums lb. 0 . 8 0 - 0 . 00 Trioxide (white arsenic), powd. 9 9 % , b b l . , c.l., d l v d lb. 0.05)^ l.c.l lb. 0 . 0 6 « 4 - 0 . 0GM USP, drums lb. 0 . 4 0 - 0 . 4 2 A t r o p i n e , U S P , 5 oz. b o t oz. 13 . 6 5 S u l f a t e , p o w d . , 5 oz. b o t oz. 0 85 A u b é p i n e (see Anisic, a l d e h y d e ) A u r e o m y c i n , 10 2 5 0 - r n g . c a p s u l e s . b o t . 10.00

Β Barbital, drums lb. 4 . 80 Sodium, drums lb. 5 . 00 B a r i u m c a r b o n a t e , precip., bags, wks t o n 72 . 5 0 - 8 0 . 00 C h l o r a t e , kegs, w k s l b . 0. 2 5 ^ - 0 . 31 C h l o r i d e , N F , c r y s t . , d r u m s . . . . lb. 0 . 1 7 - 0 . 18 t e c h . , b a g s , w k s . , c.l. t lb. 0.043^ C h r o m a t e , bags, X lb. 0 . 3 1 ^ - 0 . 3 2 Dioxide ( p e r o x i d e ) , d r . , c.l., wks. lb. 0 . 12 H y d r a t e , crystals, bags l b . 0. 0 9 - 0 . 0 9 ^ Hydroxide, anhyd., bbl., wks lb. 0 . 19 Iodide, b o t lb. 5.12 Nitrate, b b l . , c l lb.. 0.11^ Oxide, ground, d r u m s , wks lb. 0.11 Potassium chromate pigment, c.l. a n d l.c.l., d l v d lb. 0 . 2 0 - 0 . 2 1 S t é a r a t e , c a r t o n s , 2 , 0 0 0 lb. + lb. 0.34 les3 t h a n 2 , 0 0 0 lb lb. 0.35 Sulfate, n a t u r a l ( b a r y t e s ) . N o . 1, b a g s , c.l. a n d l.c.l. X.... t o n 3 5 . 0 5 - 3 6 . S5 B a r y t e s , c r u d e , 9 4 % BaSO-riydroxybemoate (butyl parasept), 100-lb. d r u m s , X lb. 2.30 2.40 Lactate, drums, c.l., f E a s t lb. 0.42^ 0.43>£ Methacrylate, grade M-4, drums, 0.60 Grade P-4, cans lb. 0 . 6 3 - 0 . 6 7 Oleate, refined, drums, c.l., 0.52 wks lb. Peroxide, d i t e r t i a r y , 98-lb. d r u m s 3.00 n e a r e s t r a i l d e l y . p o i n t , c.l lb. Phenylacetate, d r u m s lb. 2 . 0 0 - 2 . 2 5 0.27 Stéarate, d r u m s , c.l., f E a s t lb. 0.28 H


* Nominal. t Freight allowed. X Freight equalized.





Heavy and Fine Chemicals; Natural and Synthetic Resins; Gums, W a x e s , Oils; Pharmaceuticals; Solvents; Dyes, Pigments; for the Chemical and Process Industries

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us for of

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YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT of C h e m i c a l s for Sale c a n c a r r y YOUTH MESSAGE to t h e r e a d ­ e r s of trie l e a d i n g publication i n the c h e m i c a l process in­ d u s t r i e s . Rates on request.

fine organics, inc. 211-i E . 19th Street New York 3, Ν. Υ. Cable Address: MOLCHEM


2^DINITROBENZENESULFENYL CHLORIDE Essential — For Organic .Analysis . . . Research . . . Synthesis. 5 0 g. $ 4 . 8 0 Write, for literature describing its many uses H E X A G O N LABORATORIES 41 6-B W . Los Felix Rd. Glendale 4 Calif.


NUTRITIONAL RESEARCH Write for GBI catalog N o . 677 listing products f o r biochemical, biological, and microbiological procedures.

Catalase, Cryet. Chymotrypsin Chymotrypsinogen Cocarboxylaee Coenzyme I Emulsin Erepsin Hyaluronidaee Lysozyme Pepsin, c r y e t . Ribonuclease Trypsin, c r y s t . Tyrosinase Urease Uricase X a n t h i n e Oxidase


Alkaloids Natural and S y n t h e t i c A m i n o Acids Unnatural A m i n o Acids Biochemicals Heterocyclic C o m p o u n d s Imineg a n d A m i n e » IVIetalorganics Pharmaceuticals Purines a n d Pyrimiclines Rare Organic A c i d s a n d D e r i v a t i v e s Reagents S u g a r s a n d Derivatives V i t a m i n s a n d Derivatives A N D ALL P R E V I O U S L Y LISTED COMPOUNDS

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Lauryl dimethyl dichlorobenzyl am­ monium chloride. Supplied in 10% and 50% concentrations as aqueous solution unci 100% as a viscous water soluble material. The already high phenol eoefliciency of quaternaries is increased in this product because of the chlorines or aromatic component. We also manufacture other quaternary aruxnoriium compounds. ANTl-OXIDANTS OCTYL CRESOL for textile oils and brake fluid. PROPYL· G ALLAT E for edible oils. PHARMACEUTICALS Magnesium camphosulphonate, Mena­ dione, U.S.P. X I I I , MercutrophylUne, U.S.P. XIII, Mercurophylline, Mersalyl and Theophylline Solution, U.S.P. XI11, Methenamineanhydroxnethylenocitrate, N.N.R., Nicotine Salicylate, Resorcin Monoacetate, N.N JR., Sodium Benzylplithalate, Sodium Benzylsuccinate, Sodium Canaphosulfonate, So­ dium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate, SodiujuMorrhuate,N.N.R., Yeast Tanna te. Write for our complete catalog and technical data sheets. Your products are develo]>ed to your specifications.





Ethyl thru octadecyl-chlorides, bromides, iodides; Alpha Brcmopropionic thru stearic, plus branched chains, esters; Trimethylene thru dccamethylene dibromides; Fluororganics; Omega bromnitriles, esters; Rare ketones, amines, acids, nitrites, olefins, aldehydes. Write for List of 400 Stock items. ^ Δ Ρ Ω Μ LABORATORIES, INC. « « Γ % * r « 543 U n i o n Su Brooklyn 15, Ν. Υ.

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Process, M a i n t e n a n c e , A u x i l i a r y

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for bulletin

945 —

UEHLING I N S T R U M E N T CO431 Getty Ave. Patersort, N J .


5, 1 9 5 0


Write for literature. GAHDNEB LABOBATOBY BetliescUt, M a r y l a n d



Process, M a i n t e n a n c e , A u x i l i a r y Equipment, Instruments, a n d Facilities for Plant a n d L a b o r a t o r y in t h e Chemical a n d Process Industries

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YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT of E q u i p m e n t for Sale c a n carry YOUR MESSAGE to t h e read­ ers of t h e l e a d i n g publication in t h e chemical process in­ dustries. Rates on r e q u e s t . CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING N E W S





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304 256 208 156 104 52 26 13 1

Rate per inch $12.50 12.75 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 17.00


by Announcing Catalog N o . 2 describ­ ing a set of 416 bisque models, many of them being organics or synthetics as well as of minerals. Catalog No. 1 A describing 225 crys­ tals still available. Send for catalogs

BURRLEE POTTERY 913 N o . Los Angeles S t . A n a h e i m , Calif. STAINLESS STEEL TANKS

Total Directory inches per year are based on Directory space used in all A C S publications. Agency commission: 1 5 % . Cash discount, 2*% — 1 0 days, net 3 0 days.

Chemical and Engineering News advertising Department 332 W. 42nd St., New York 18, Ν. Υ.

HIGH VACUUM PUMPS, Surplus stainless steel oxysen tanks. Rated for 4O0 psi, nine gallon, 1 2 " dia. χ 2 4 " long, two )4." pipe connections. 19 lbs., $15 ea. FOB. Also, 1 0 4 cu. in. stainless tank 5" dia. χ 8 " long, one Y\" pipe connection, 1 M lbs., $5 ea. FOB. Ireland & V i c e , Box 146C, Auburn. N . Y .

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Model 550-Sv/ith Metric Calibration

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pocket-size manual called "Handof Conversion F a c t o r s " h a s been issued b y Educational Publishers, Inc., 122 North Seventh St., St. Louis 1, Mo. It contains 2,500 conversion factors used b y students majoring in mathematics, chemistry, physics, architecture, and engineering. I t is said t o be rioted for the completeness of its contents for general scientific use; its up-to-date values with calculations carried out to a s many significant figures as the fundamental values listed b y the National Bureau of Standards; a n d its readability of type. It contains 88 pages a n d retails for $1.50.



Conversion Factors

Research & A. Development Corporationbook

Chemical Research — Processes Products—Pilot Plant—Optical and Mechanical Sections Send for Booklet Ν


Philadelphia 4 0 , Pa.


Founded 1922 Philip B. Hawk, Ph.D., President Bernard L. Oser, Ph.D., Director Research - • - Analyses + Consultation Biological, Nutritional, ToxicolosicaI Studies for the Food, Drug and Allied Industries 4 8 - 1 4 33rd Street, Long Island City 1 , Ν. Υ.


DR. CARL TIEDCKE 705 George St.

Teaneck, N . J.

Periodic and Iodic Acids T h e G . Frederick Smith Chemical Co., 867 McKinley Ave., P . O . Box 1611, Columbus, Ohio, has issued a fifth edition, revised, of "Analytical Applications of Periodic Acid and I o d i c Acid a n d Their Salts," b y G. Frederick Smith of the University of Illinois. T h e 108-page booklet features material otherwise widely scattered throughout chemical literature. Additional material over the fourth edition deuis with t h e study of organic compounds. JUNE



