CHEMICAL MARKET PRICES - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - CHEMICAL MARKET PRICES. Chem. Eng. News , 1952, 30 (41), pp 4327– ... Download Citation · Email a Colleague · Add to ACS ChemWorx ...
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October 1 3 — C a d m i u m - F u s t i c Extract This section replaces p a g e s 3 7 7 9 - 8 3 of September 8 issue

CHEMICAL MARKET PRICES T h e following list of prices for chemicals a n d r a w materials is a n exclusive feature


C H E M I C A L AND E N G I N E E R I N G N E W S a n d

is c o m p i l e d

b y its


staff from quotations s u p p l i e d directly a n d individually by m a n u f a c t u r e r s a n d wholesalers. W h i l e every effort is m a d e to present a correct up-to-the-minute price list, m a n y items a r e subject to c h a n g e after the issue h a s g o n e to press. T h e r e a d e r is u r g e d also to w a t c h for price changes on p a g e 4 3 2 5 ; i n c l u d e d therein a r c revisions that cannot b e immediately effected in t h e m a i n listing. Prices vary according to q u a n t i t y a n d packing specifications. Cadmium, metal, sticks, and anodes lb. 2 . 0 0 - 2 . 15 Bromide, cryst., glass jars, 75lb lb. 3 . 0 0 - 3 . 0 5 Chloride, pur., cryst., 400-lb. and 25-lb. drum lb. 2.G5-2.75 Iodide, fiber drums, 25 lb. or more f lb. 5 . 5 6 - 6 . 7 5 Oxide, c.l., wks lb. 2. 15 Stéarate, ton lots lb. 1 . 42 Sulfate, tech., 200-lb. drum lb. 2.00 Caffeine, U S P , hyflrous, 2 5 - a n d 125-lb. fiber drums lb. 3.30 3 . 4 5 Alkaloid, anhydrous, powd., 100lb. fiber drums lb. 3 . 50 25 lb lb. 3.65 Citrated, U S P , powd., 25 100 lb lb. 2.35 2 . 4 7 Hydrobromide, dried, powd., 25lb. glass j a r lb. 7.72 7.97 Calamine, USP, powd., 150- and 25-lb. fiber drum lb. 0 34 0.41 Calciferol (Vitamin D 2 ), U S P , 40 million I.U. per gram, 100 grains gram 1 . 00 1 kilo kilo 000 00 Calcium acetate, bags, dlvd 100 lb. 3 . 0 0 - 4 . 0 0 Arsenate, drums, c.l. a n d I.e.I. waiehouse, wks lb. 0. 10-0. 11 Benzoate, 100-lb. drums X lb. 0.85 Bromide, N F , powd., 100-lb. lots. lb. 0 . 65 Carbide, quarter, nut, egg, lump, c.l., dlvd., 100-lb. d r u m 100 lb. 6.05 Ex-warehouse 100 lb. 7 . 20 Rice, 14 N D , drums, c.l., dlvd. 100 lb. 6.40 Ex-warehouse 100 lb. 7. 55 Cake 100 lb. 7.70 Stand, c.l. drums, wks ton 134.40 Carbonate, precip., U S P , light, 100-lb. drums ton 5 5 . 0 0 - 5 8 00 Heavy. 100-lb. drums ton 59.00 Chloride, pur., anhyd., gran lb. 0 . 2 5 0 . 3 2 Flake, 7 7 - 8 0 % , bags, c.l. % ton 25 00 I.e.I. (400-lb. dr. $5 more).ton 4 0 . 0 0 - 6 5 . 0 0 Tech.. anhyd., 4 mesh lb. 0. 19 0 . 2 5 Chromated, 7 7 - 8 0 % . 100-lb. bags (400-lb. d r u m s $5 more), c.l., f ton 27.00 Solid, 7 3 - 7 5 % , 650-1 b. drums c.l. % ton 23.50 Powd.. 7 7 - 8 0 % , 100-lb. bags (350-lb. drums $5 more), c.l.ton 31 .00 Liq., 4 2 ' ^ 4 5 % , tanks, basis 4 0 % , wks. % ton 10.50 42 V2 4 5 % . chromate treated, tanks, 4 0 % , wks. J. . . . t o n 11.50 Chromate. bags. X lb. 0 . 2 9 ^ - 0 . 3 0 Creosotate, 50-lb. tins, % lb. 1 .75 Cyanide, drums, dlvd ton 62. 50 Formate, 80-lb. bags, 40,000-lb. c.l. and l.e.l., wks lb. 0.04?,£ 0.05 Gluconate, USP, powd., drums, 2000 lb.. X lb. 0 . 5 5 H USP, gran., drums. 25 2000 lb. lb. 0 . 6 0 0 71 Special, intravenous, soin., 252000 lb lb. 0.C2MÎ Glycerophosphate. N F , 100-lb. fiber drums, X lb. 2 15 Guaiaeolsulfonat", 100-lb. d r . . . . l b . 3 . 10 Hypochlorite (fused alkali), 100 lb. drums, dlvd., 100-1000 41b 100 lb. 25. 25-29. 85 45-lb. caws, 9 or 12 cans per case, 1 5 4 cases . . . . . . . . case 21 .00 22 75 Hypophosphite. 50-lb. lots dr lb. 0 . 9 0 0 93 Iodide. 25-lb. jars, X lb. 4.32 5-lb. bot lb. 4.47 Lactate. USP. fir., c.l. and l.c.l.. . l b . 0 . 4 0 - 0 . 4 7 Mandelate, USP, drums, w b . . . lb. 2 10 2 25 Molybdate. lb., contained M o . . lb. 1 05


3 0,


Calcium naphthenate, 4 % liq., drums, Î '" lb. 0.25H 5 % liq., drums lb. 0 . 3 1 V2 Nitrate, tech., cryst., 1,750-lb. and 350-lb. lots lb. 0 . 13-0. 14 D-Pantothenate, jars gram O.07 H D.L., jars gram 0.03 Peroxide, fiber drums, wks lb. 0 . 8 0 - 0 . 8 5 Phenosulfonate, (Sulfocarbolate), drums. 25 875 lb., X lb. 0 . 7 0 0 . 7 3 Phosphate, dibasic, U S P , bags, c.l 100 lb. 7.10 l.c.l 100 lb. 7 . 6 0 - 7 . 9 5 Feed grade, bags, wks ton 92.50 Resinate, precip., 5 . 2 3 % Ca, dr., wks., t lb. 0.27££ Salicylate, 100-lb. drums. X lb. 1 . 85 Silicate, hydrated, bags, c.l., 0.06 T h e listing of chemicals carried in • this section is changed weekly t o provide a monthly cycle of price changes as follows:

First week A c e t a l d e h y d e - Β utyr a l d e h y d e Second w e e k Cadmium—Fustic E x t r a c t Third week

Gelatin—Oxyquinoline Fourth week Paraffin-Zirconium Sulfate In those months in which a f i f t h issue is published the Chemical Market Prices section is devoted t o special groups of products; for example agricultural chemicals were listed in C&EN for March 3 1 . The June 30 issue carried a revised listing of the prices for synthetic resins. The Sept. 29 issue presented insecticides and other agricultural chemicals, while Dec. 29 w i l l be devoted t o synthetic resins. Stéarate, tech., bulky, A, boxes, N. Y., and free to New England, c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0 . 3 5 - 0 . 3 6 Impalpable powd., A, c.l., I.e.1.1b. 0 . 3 7 - 0 . 3 9 Precip., cartons, c.l., wks lb. 0.35 l.c.l.. wks lb. 0.36 Sulfite, drums, 100-1.750 lb., t . . . l b . 0 . 1 8 0 . 2 1 Thioeyanate. pur., liq., 5 5 - 0 0 % , 2,100-lb. lots in cbys lb. 0.64 Calomel, see Mercurous chloride Camphene, tanks, wks l b . 0. 1394 0 1 6ft c.l.. 400-lb. drums lb. 0 . 183-0. 193 l.c.l.. 400-lb. drums l b . 0. 188 0. 21 15 Camphor, USP, powd., 100-lb. bbl., New York, under 1000 l b . . . l b . 0.62 1000-2000 lb lb. 0.61 2000 lb. or more lb. 0 60 Tablets, USP, 50-lb. c t n . . under 1000 lb lb. 0.95 1000 2000 lb lb. 0 94 2000 lb. or mere lb. 0 93 Natural, powd., imported lb. 0 50 0 55 Tech.. 150-lb. bbl., 10 !>'·'. or more lb. 0. 55 ?-$ Leaser quantities, bbl lb. 0 56 0 . 5 7 Capryl benzvl sebacate, tankn, wks.* II». 0.01 H c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0 93}{ 0 94M Caramel coloring. XI·', 55-«al. drums, l.c.l., wks gnl. 1.05 1.20 • Baker*' and confectioners' «rail»·. l.c.l.. wk* «al. 0 . 9 5 »y

4 1 » . O C T O B E R

13, 1 9 5 2

Carmel coloring.ex — warehouse (both grades aliovc a-dd 15c gal.) Carbazole, Çiô^XJ^ci, steel drums, ton-lots. . . . . . . . lb. 1 . 55 Carbinol, b u t y l , drums, l.c.l., wks.. .lb. 0.78 MethylisolDutyl, drums, nearest rail del'y point, c.l. and l.c.l. lb. 0 .I514 0 . 1 6 tanks, same basis lb. 0.13}^ Carbon, activate· £ Cyclohexanol, tech., 55-gal. drums, c.L and l.c.l.. wks lb. 0.37%~0.38U tanks lb. 0.3634 Cyclohexanone, drums, c.L, wks. Belle, W. Va., min. transportation allowed lb. 0.26 H Cyclohexylamine, dr., c.L and l.c.l., wks lb. 0.41 3^-0.42 3^

NO. 41 » » OCTOBER

13, 1 9 5 2

Cyelolu'xyl butyrate, dr., wks lb. 2.00 f'yelopentanol, 5-lb. lots lb. 14 .30 Cyclopentanone, bot., 5-lb. l o t s . . .lb. 9iK) 5-gal. cby lb. 7.70 Oxime, m.p. 57° 100 gram 14 30 Cyclopropane, USP, for anesthesia, Style AA, cylinder, 40 gal. ($5 deposit, ret.) gal. 0.38 B, 100 gal. ($6, ret.) gal. 0.37 p-Cymene, drums, wks gal. 2.50-3 O0 L-Cysteine hydrochloride, practical grade and CP, 1-kilo bot kilo 50.00 75 0 0

2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), fiber drums, c.L and l.c.L, wks., X lb. 0. 61-0. «37 DDD (2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) 1,1-dichloroethane) tech., fine grd., fiber drums, c.L, trucks, and less, wks lb. 0.60-0*51 DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) tech., powd., bags, c.L and l.c.L, point of shipment lb. 0.32-0. 3 5 Decahydronaphthalene, dr., dlvd.. .lb. 0.50 n-Decyl amine acetate, dist., 1-9 drums, wks lb. 1.50 Tech., 1-9 drum lots, wks lb. 1.25 Defluorinated phosphate, see Phos­ phate Degras, common, bbl lb. 0. 11-0. 12 Neutal, ffa, under 2 % . bbl lb. 0.30 H Desulfurized lb. 0.14 H Dextrin, corn, British, gum, packed in paper bags, c.I 100 lb. 9.10 Canary, bags, c.I 100 lb. 8.84 White, bags, c.I 100 lb. 8.08 Potato, domestic, paper bags. .lb. 0.10 3^-0. H Dextrose, CP, med., powd., 0.18-M USP. gran., 200-lb drum lb. 0ΛΤΗ Diacetone alcohol, see Alcohol Diacetyl, flavoring, bot lb. 4.05» Dianisidine, m.p. 137-138°, 1.90» Diatoixiaceous earth, dom., bags, c.L, eastn. porta ton 52.00-55. 00 l.c.L, ex-warehouse ton 85.00) Purified, bags. c.L, eastn. porta. . ton 65.00 Mexican, white, bags, c.L, eastn. ports ton 60.00 Dibenzyl sebacate, drums, c.L, wks. lb. 0.9224 p-Dibromobenzene, bags lb. 0.55 1,3 - Dibromo - 5.5 - dimethylhydantoin. 10 1b. lots lb. 7.ÔO Dibutoxyethyl sebacate, drums, c.L wks lb. 0.55 H Dibutylmaleate dr., c.L. l.c.L, wks.. lb. 0. 50-0-51 Phthalate, dr., c.I. and l.c.l., dlvd. East lb. 0.37££-0.3SM tanks lb. 0.34 Sebacate, tech., drums, c.L, l.c.l., wks lb. 0 863^-0.87H Tartrate, drums, wke., f lb. 0.72 Dibutylamine, drums, c.L a n d l.c.l., t lb. 0 . 5 4 ^ - 0 . 5 5 ^ tanks, f lb. 0.53 Dicapryl adipate, tanks, wks.* lb. 0.41 Phthalate, drums, c.L, l.c.l., dlvd. lb. 0 . 3 6 ^ - 0 . 3 8 ^ Sebacate, tech., drums, c.I., wks. lb. 0 . 6 8 ^ - 0 . 6 9 M Dichloroaniline, drums, t lb. 0.75-0 .83 Dichlorobenzaldebyde, 2,4 a n d 3.4, 500-lb. drums lb. 1 33 p-Dichlorobenzene, drums, c.I., and l.c.L. wke., E.of Rockies, t · -lb 0. 1 4 ^ - 0 . 1 T ^ o-Dichlorobenzene, c.L and l.c.l. t (West of Rockies. 0.0124* higher) lb. O . U K - O . l ^ M tanks, t lb. 0.0O« Dichloropentanes, réf., tank cars, Wyandotte, Mich lb. 0.0-4M c l . and l.c.l. drums lb. 0.05-0.0^3^ Dichlorophenol, drums, X lb. 0.2*934 Dicoumarol, drums, wks 100 lb. 24.00 Dicyandiamide, bags, wks lb. 0.1524-0 .10 Dicyclohexylamine drums, 0.46-0.4*6^ Dicyclohexylphthalate, c.L, l.c.l. lb. lb. O.60-O .61 Diethanolamine, dr., c.L, a n d l.c.L, dlvd. East lb. O.29K-0.3OM tanks, dlvd. East lb. 0.2734 Diethylcarbonate, drurus, c.I lb. 0.4 Q% tanks, wka lb. 0.4.5 Maleate. dr., c.I., l.c.l. t lb. 0.50~0*.51 tanks lb. 0,4 SH Malonate, 55-gal. drums, wke.. . .lb. 0.77 Oxalate, drums, c.L, and l.c.l lb. 0.4(M>.41 Phthalate, dr., c.L, l.c.l., dlvd. lb. 0.3U£-0.32}£


CHEMICAL MARKET PRICES Diethyl phthalate, tanks Sulfate, drums, c.l., l.c.l.,

lb. 0 29H wks. lb. 0. 18%-0 19% tanks, wks lb. 0.17 Diethylamine, drums, c.l., l.c.l., fEast lb. 0 . 54 %-0.55 % tanks, dlvd East lb. 0.52K Diethvlarninoethanol. drums, c.l. and l.f.l.. dlvd lb. 0 . 6 7 ^ - 0 . 6 8 H tanks dlvd lb. 0.65% Diethylethanolamine. tanks % lb. 0.65% c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0 0 7 ^ - 0 . 6 8 . ^ Di-2-ethyl butyl phthalate. tanks and 50 drums, dlvd East lb. 0. 34-0 35% Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, tanks and 50 drums, dlvd. East . . . l b 0.37-0.38% adipate, tank», and 50 dr lb. 0.44%-0.45% Diethylene glycol, tanks and c.l., fEast lb. 0. 1 8 ^ - 0 . 2 0 K Diethyl ether, drums, c 1 , w k s . . . lb. 0 46 V£ Mono-butyl ether, tanks and c.l., wks lb. 0.27-0.28% Mono-butyl ether acetate drums, c.l .and l.c.l., wks lb. 0.30-0.30 34 Monoethyl ether, tanks and c.l., wks lb. 0.19-0.20% Monoethyl ether acetate, drums, c.l. and l.c.l., wks lb 0.26%"-0.27% Monomethyl ether, tanks and c.l., wka lb. 0 . 2 3 ^ - 0 . 2 4 % Diethylene glycol mono-oleate (diglycol oleate). light 1 c.l lb. 0. 28H Diethylenetriamine, tanks and carlots, dlvd.. East lb. 0.41 y2-0 . 43 Diethyl etilbestrol. 1-10 kilos, kilo 115.00-135.00 DigitaHn, amorph., 16-oz. bot oz. 25.00 Diglycol laurate, l.c.l.. drums lb. 0 35 M Stéarate, bbl., l.c.l lb. 0.26H Dihexyl adipate, drums, c 1., w k s . . . lb. 0.34% Phthalate, drums, cl., t lb. 0.34% Sebacate, drums, c.l., l.c.l., wks. lb. 0 . 7 6 ^ - 0 . 77H Dihydrostreptomycin, nee Streptomycin σ-Dihydroxybenzene (Catechol) CP drums. 100-lb. lots, wks lb. 2 . 0 0 - 2 . 1 7 ^ Dihydroxydiphenyl sulfone, drums. t, 100-1000 lb lb. 0.90-1.10 Di-iodotyrosine kilo 60.00 Di-isobutyl ketone, tanks and carlots t lb. 0.16-0.17% Di-isobutylene. druris, c.l.. and l.c.l. t lb O.09%-0.10 tanks, t lh. 0.07 H Di isooctyl phthalate, drums, c.l. and l.c.l.. dlvd. East lb. 0.38%-0.39% Sebacate, drums, c.l., l.c.l., wks. lb. 0.64%-0.65% Adipate, c.l. and 1 c.l , dlvd . lb. 0.43%-0.44% ΌΊ isopropyl ketone, drums, Uelle. W. Va., l.c.l lb. 0.12H Oimethoxy ethane, inhibited, 5-gal. drums lb. 4.29 Di(2-Methoxy ethyl) phthalate. c.l. and l.c.l., dlvd lb 0.41%-0.42% Oimethoxy phthalate, c.l. and l.c.l., dlvd lb 0.39%~0.40% Dirnethylamine. tank care, wks t - l b . 0.33 c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0 37-0.3714 iDimethylanthranilate, 50-lb. cans. . lb. 5. 80 iDimethyl ether. 150 lb. net cyls.. c.l., Belle, W Va lb. 0.20 Formamide, 55-jçal. drums, wks.. Texas lb. 0 37 Hydroquinone 100-lb. lots lb 2.25 Maleate, drums, l.c.l , wks lb. 0.60 Phthalate. dr.. c.l. and l.c 1., dlvd. lb. 0.29%-0.30% tanks lb. 0 27^-0-28 Sebacate, drums, c.l., and l.c.l., wks lb. 1.31 %-l . 32% tanks, wks lb. 1 .30 Sulfate. 55-gal. drums, ret., c.l. and l.c.l.. wks lb 0. 15-0. 16 (Dimethylanilinc. dr.. c.l., l.c 1. f lb. 0.26-0.27 Dimethylol urea, 100-lb. bags, l.c.l., wks lb. 0 . lhVÀ tanks, wks lb. 0. 15 2,4-DinitroaniHnc, drums, t lb. 0.57 «m-Dinitrobenzenc, bbl., f lb. 0.20-0.22 2,1-Dinitrocblorobenzene, c.l., and l.c l.,t lb. 0.15%-0 15% 2,3-Dinitrophenol, bbl lb. 0 34 2,4-Dinitr >tolueno drums, t lb. 0. 10 refined, drums, t lh. 0.21 Dinonylnaphthaleno. c.l., and l.c 1 , wka lb. 0.13-0.14 tanks, wks lb. 0.12 Dioctyl phthalate. drums, c.l and l.c.l , 4 East lb 0.38%-0.39%


Diethyl Phthalqte-Ethyl morphine Hydrochloride Dioctyl phthalate. tanks, dlvd. . . . lb. 0.37 Sebacate, drums, c.l., l.c.l., wks. lb. 0.74%-0.75% Di-o-tolylguanidine. drums, ton-lots, min. trann. allowed lb. 0.54 50-lb. std package lb. 0. 55 1,4-Dioxane. dr., c.l.. l.c )., 0.28%-0 29% tanks lb. 0.27 Dipentaerythritol. fib. dr. or 50-lb. bags, 30.000-lb. lots lb. 0.34 2,000-10,000-lb. lots lb. 0.36 200-lb. fiber drum lb. 0.37 Dipentene, destruct. dist., 55-gal. drums, (extra) c.l. and l.c.l., wks gal 0. 49-0 50 tanks, wks gal. 0.44 14 Ex-Warehouse, New York, 55gal. drums, (extra), l.c.l gal. 0.68 Diphenyl, bbl., c.l , wks lb. 0.15 l.c.l.. wks lb. 0. 16-0.20 Oxide, perfume, 30-lb. cans lb. 0. 70 Diphenylamine, bbl., c.l., l.c.l lb. 0. 28-0.30 Diphenylgnanidine, drums, ton lots lb. 0.44 14 less than ton lots lb. 0. 45 H Dipropyleno glycol, c.l. and l.c.l., t. East lb. 0.16%-0.17% tanks lb. 0.15 Di propylene-glycol methylether, drums, c.l., f lb. 0. 19% Di-feri-amyl phenol, Wyandotte, Mich., c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0.30%-0. 33% tanks lb. 0. 28% (ΌΊ-secondary, same basis, same prices) Di-feri-butyl-m-cresol, drums, c.l. and l.c.l., wks lb. 0.31-0.32 tanks, wks lb. 0. 30 Di-ferf-butylhydroquinone, 75 and 150-lb. drums, Kingsport, Tenn. .lb. 1.15 Di-/eri-butyl-peroxide, 98-lb. drums, l.c.l.. nearest rail del'y point. . . .lb. 2.00 Di-/er£-butyl-p-cresol, drums, c.l. and l.c.l., wks., Î lb. 0.91-0.95 Divi-divi, 45% tannin, c.l., ex-dock, Atlantic ports ton 70.00-72.00 Divinylbcnzene, 20-25%, tank cars, t lb. 0.19 Drums. 400 lb., c.l., and l.c.l.. . .lb. 0.20-0.21 40-50%, drums, c.l.. and l.c.l., 1.00-1.15 55%. drums, l.c.l., X lb. 1.30 π-Dodecyl amine acetate, dist., c.l. and truckloads wks lb. 0. 67 Tech lb. 0.49 Dodecyltoluone, c.l., drums, wks.. .lb. 0.14 tanks, wks lb. 0.13 Dragon's blood, reeds, cases lb. 1 . 40-1. 45 mass, cases lb. 1 . 25—1.30

Egg albumen, see albumen Egg yolk, dried, dom., bbl lb. 1 . 09-1.11 Emetine hydrochloride, USP, powd. 25-oz. containers oz. 40.00 Ephredrine, hydrochloride, synth. 100-oz. tin oz. 0.75 Sulphate, crystals, 100-oz. tins..oz. 0.72 powd., 100-oz. tins oz. 0. 73 Alkaloid, anhydrous bot., 100 oz oz. 0.92 Synthetic, hydrous, hot., 100 oz oz. 0.92 Epichlorohydrin, drums, c.l., and l.c.l., nearest rail del'y point lb. 0.38%-0.39!^ tanks lb. 0.37 Epinephrine, synth, USP, bot gram O.43-0. 64 Epsom salts, see Magnesium sulfate Ergosterol, un-irradiated, cryst.. . kilo 150 00 Irradiated, see Viosterol oz. 11. 25 Eserino salicylate, USP, 4-oz. lots. .oz. 33.00 Ergot, NF, cans lb. 3 . Oj-3. 85 Ethanolamine, mono-, drums, c.l., and l.c.l., f, East lb. 0.29%-0.30% tanks, t, East lb. 0.13 Ether, η-butyl, tanks and c.l., wks.. lb. 0 . 3 2 ^ - 0 . 3 4 Dichloroiaopropyl, c.l. and l.c.l., dlvd. East lb. 0.13 H-0.14 H Dichloroethyl, purif., dr., c.l., and l.c.l., wks lb. 0.14-0.15 H tanks lb. 0.13 Ethyl, tanks, dlvd. East lh. 0.13% c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0.15%-0 16% Anesthesia, USP, hospitals, cans lh. 0.89 Purified (for fat extraction) 30-lb. drums. 60-lb. lots. . . lb. 0.33

Ether, ethyl, 30-lb. lots lb. 0.34 Solvent, cone, 30-lb. drums, dlvd. East lb. 0. 15% tanks, dlvd lb. 0. 13% Isopropyl, réf., drums, c.l., and l.c.l., dlvd. East lb. 0.06%-0.0936 tanks, dlvd. or t lb. 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 0 7 ^ Nitrous, see Ethyl nitrate Petroleum, CP, b.p. 30-65°, 295lb. drum (extra and ret., SI2). .lb. 0. 18 Ethyl acetate, synth., 85 88% tank cars, dlvd lb. 0. 11 390-lb. drums, c.l. and l.c.l., dlvd lb. 0 . 1 2 % - 0 . 1 3 ! ^ 95-98%, tanks and c.l.. f-.-lb. 0.11%-0.13 99%, tank cars, dlvd lb. 0.11 H Drums, c.l. and l.c.l lb. 0.13%-0.14 Acetoacetate, drums, c.l., l.c.l. t lb. 0.55-0.56Vi Acrylate, monomer, tanks, f. . . .lb. 0.48 c.l. and l.c.l., f lb. 0.49-0.49H Anthranilate lb. 6.00-6.35 Benzoate, 475-lb. drums lb. 0.74 Bromide, tech., 98% drums lb. 0.43-0.47 Butyrate, drums, wks lb. 0. 80 25-lb. cans lb. 0.90 Carbamate, USP, drums lb. 1. 50 Chloride, technical, tanks lb. 0. 10 USP, cylinders, bbl lb. 0.22-0.24 Chloroformate, 40-ib. cby lb. 0.45 24-lb. cby lb. 0.55 10-lb. cby lb. 1.00 Cinnamate, 25-lb. cans lb. . 2.40 Cyanoacetate, 4.500-lb., dr lb. * 1.20 450-lb. drum lb. 1.25 /3-Ethoxypropionate, drums, 0.72 Formate, drums, t lb. 0. 60 Gallate, purif., 100-lb. drum. . . .lb. 3.90-4.40 Iodide, 75-lb. cby. and 10-lb. 3.50-4.13 Lactate, drums, c.l., wks lb. 0.47 H Magnesium bromide, in ethyl ether, 55 and 5 gal lb. 0.98-1.48 In butylether kilo 9.00 Magnesium chloride, 450-lb lb. 0.92 Mercaptan, purif., drums, wks., 10.000-lb lb. 0.55 Methacrylate, drums, wks lb. 0.50 cans, wks lb. 0.53-0.57 Nerolin, 100-lb. drum lb. 2.25 50-lb. drum lb. 2.30 Nitrite, concn., bot., 100 lb lb. 2.75 Oenanthate, drums and 5-lb. 1.00-1.50 Oleate, drums, l.c.l., wks.* lb. 0.53 Oxalate, dr., c.l. and l.c.l.. 0.41%-0.42% Phenylacetate, tech., 450-lb. 0.90 Silicate, drums, wks lb. 0.72 See also Tetraethyl ortho-silicate Sodium oxalacetate, 175-lb. bbl., l.c.l., wks lb. 0. 75% Kthylarnine, mono-, 70%, based on contained amine, drums, c.l., and l.c.l., dlvd. East lb. 0.32-0.33 tanks, f lb. 0.30% Ethyl-a-naphthylamine, bbl lb. 0.88 Ethylaniline, mono-, dr. c.l., l.c.l. t-lb. 0.50-0.51 Ethylbenzene drums, c.l. and 0.14-0.15 tanks lb. 0.13 Ethyl cellulose, bags, 5,000 lb., wks. midland Mich., t East lb. 0.65 less than 5.000 lb., wks lb. 0. 67 Ethylene chlorohydrin, anhyd., tanks and c.l., wks lb. 0 . 0 2 ^ - 0 . 2 2 Cyanohydrin, drums, wks lb. 0.43-0.44 Dichloride, drums, c.l. and l.c.l. wks.. dlvd. East lb. 0.11%-0.12% tanks, dlvd. East lb. 0.10 Oxide, cylinders, c.l., wks lb. 0.26-0.27 tanks, dlvd. East lb. 0. 19 Ethylene diamine, 76%, (based on contained amine) tanks, dlvd. East lb. 0.47 Ethylene glycol, drums, c.l. and l.c.l., fEast lb. 0.18%-0.19$i tanks, t East lb. 0.17 Diethylether, drums, l.c.l., wks.. .lb 0.55 Monobutylether, drums, c.l., and l.c.l., wks., f East lb. 0.225-0.235 tanks, wks., t East lb. 0.21 Monoethylethtr (Cellosolve) drums, ul., and 1 cl., wks., f East lb 0.20-0.21 tank», wks., f East lb 0.18H acetate, drums, o.I., l.c.l lb. 0. 19-0.20 Monornethy ether, drums, c.l., and l.c.l. wks lb. 0.22-0.22H tanks, wka lb. 0.21 Monomethylether acetate, dmme, c.l., and l.c.l., wks lb. 0.28%-0.29% tanks, wks lb. 0.27 Ethylrnorphino hydrochloride, bot. oz. 11. 85




E t h y l - o - T o l u i d i n e - F u s t i c Extract Ethyl-o-toludine, bbl Ethylvanillin, 5-25 lb., cans less than 5 lb Eucalyptol.USP, 60-lb. drums Eugenol, USP, 25-lb. cane

lb. 0 . 80 lb. 6 .80 lb. 6 . 9 0 - 7 . 3 5 lb 1 . 5 5 - 2 . 0 0 lb. 2. 95

F F a t t y acid, animal, doub. dist., drum?, c.l., dlvd.. Chicago lb. 0.10M Coconut, doub., dist., drums, c.l., dlvd lb. 0. 1 9 - O . 2 0 H Corn oil. doub dist., drums, c.l., dlvd lb. 0.11 Κ Cottonseed, doub.. dist., drums. c.l, dlvd lb. 0.1134 Palm, doub. dist., c.l., dlvd.. . .lb. 0 . 1 1 ^ - 0 . 1 5 M Soybean, doub., diet., drums, c.l., dlvd lb. 0Λ2Η-ΟΛ2Η Feldspar, pottery grade, c.l ton 20.00-22.00 GJassmakers, bulk, wks ton 11.75—12.50 Enamel, wks ton 2 0 . 0 0 - 2 2 . 0 0 N. C , 200-mesh, c.l ton 18.50 semi-gran ton 1 7 . 5 0 Ferric acetate, soin. U S P I X , cby. . . lb. 0.16 demijohns lb. 0.17 liquor, 2 8 % , bbl., c.l., wks lb. 0.09 Ammonium citrate, gran., d r lb 0 . 5 5 - 0 . 5 8 Oxalate lb. 0 . 2 5 H - O 2 8 H Chloride, tech., anhydrous drums, c.l.. wks., 1 . . 100 lb. 6.25 l.c.l., wks 100 lb. 7.50 Cryst., tech., bbl., wks.. . . 100 lb. 5 . 2 5 - 6 . 2 5 l.c.l., bbl., wks 100 lb. 5 . 7 5 - 8 . 25 U b P lump, bbl lb. 0 . 0 7 ^ - 0 . 0 9 Soin., 42° Be. 100% basis, tanks, wkf 100 lb. 2.95 Citrate, gran., drums lb Ο 7 7 - 0 . 8 2 Glycerophosphate, N F , powd.. . . lb. 4.55 Hypophosphite. drums lb 2.80 Iodide, bot lb- 3 . 6 6 - 3 . 7 3 Naphthenate, liquid, 6 % Fe, drums, t lb. 0.23^ Nitrate, cryst., 25-lb. glass j a r . . . . lb. 0.74 Oxalate, grain., drums lb. 0 . 8 5 - 0 . 8 7 Potassium oxalate, fine gran., drums lb. 0 . 3 0 ^ - 0 . 3 3 H Phosphate, soluble. N F , gran.. cases lb. 0 . 6 4 - 0 . 6 9 Insoluble lb. 0 . 3 9 - 0 . 4 5 Pyrophosphate, soluble. N F V I I . gran., drums lb. 0 . 7 8 - 0 . 8 1 Resinate, p r e c i p . , 6 ^ % F e . d r . . . .lb. 0.26}£ Stéarate, drums, c.l lb. 0.37 ton lots lb. 0.38 less than ton lots lb. 0.39 Sulfate, anhydroup, bags, c.l., a n d l.c.l., wks ton 30.00-31 .00 Tallate, 6 % Fe lb. 0.18 Ferrous sulfate, U S P , exsic, 100-lb. and 25-lb. drum lb. 0 . 2 1 - 0 . 2 6 Chloride, 100- and 400-lb. drum, wks lb. 0 . 0 3 H - 0 0 5 Sulfide, tech., lump. 500-lb. dr lb. 0.09 Film, scrap, colored, 1.00Π lb. cases East wks lb. 0.15 Water-white cases, wk« !b. 0.20 Fluorspar, metallurgical grade, 7 0 % C a F j content, dom. mines net ton 4 1 . 0 0 - 4 3 . 0 0 Acid grade, 9 7 % n e t ton 48.50-50 00 Imported met, grade, d u t y paid net ton* 37.00 Formaldehyde, N F , drums, c.l. a n d l.c.l lb. 0 . 0 6 ^ - 0 . 0 6 ^ tanks, t lb. 0.042 Methanol-free, tanks, wks lb. 0.395 Soin., tanks lb. 0.42 Formamide, l.c.l., Belle, W. Va. drums lb. 0.12 tanks, same basis lb. 0.10^ Fuller's earth, f.o b. Georgia or Florida, 30-60 mesh ton 38.50 Furfural, tank cars, Cedar Rapids, l a . and Memphis, Tenn lb. 0.108 520-lb. drums a n d c.l.. Cedar Rapids lb 0 . 1 3 - 0 . 1 5 9. 45 and 00-lb. cans. Cedar Rapids lb. 0.22 Fusel oil, réf., dr., c.l., l.c.l... lb 0 . 1 6 ^ - 0 . 1 7 ^ tanks lb 0.15 Fustic extract, cryst.. No. 1 bbl., l.c.l lb. 0 47 H No. 2, bbl., l.c.l lb. 0.45H No. 3, bbl., l.c.l lb. 0.43 H * Nominal. t Freight allowed. t Freight equalized. V O L U M E

3 0,

AGAIN WE STRESS THE TERM "TAILOR-MADE"... Because — Ν F M f a b r i c s c o u p l e d w i t h o u r c u t t i n g a n d sewing t e c h n i q u e s result i n m a d e - u p covers o f l o w cost a n d h i g h q u a l i t y

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4 1