Chemical Methods for the Determination of Vitamin B - Analytical

Aug 11, 2003 - W. D. Cooke , Fred Hazel , and W. M. McNabb. Analytical Chemistry 1949 ... Bernard L. Oser , Daniel Melnick , and Melvin Hochberg. Indu...
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(16) Kuhn, R., and Lederer, E., Naturwissenschaften, 19, 306 (1931). (17) Kuhn, R., Winterstein, A., and Lederer, 2.physiol. Chem., 197, 141 (1931). (18) Lipmaa, Th., Schr. Naturwiss. Ges. Dorpat, 24, 83 (1925). (19) Miller, E. S., Botan. Gaz., 96, 447 (1935). (20) Monteverde, N. A., and Lumbimenko, V. N., Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, 1913, 1007-28. (21) Munsey, V. E., J . Assoc. Oficial Agr. Chem., 20, 459 (1937). (22) Palmer, L. S., dissertation, University of Missouri, 1913. (23) Palmer, L. S., J. Biol. Chem., 113, 89 (1936). (24) Palmer, L. S., and Eckles, C. H., Zbid., 17, 191, 211, 223, 237, 245 (1914). ( 2 5 ) Petering, H. G., Wolman, W., and Hibbard, R. P., IND.ENO. CHEM.,Anal. Ed., 12, 148 (1940). (26) Peterson, W. J., Hughes, J. S., and Freeman, H. F., Zbid., 9, 71 (1937). (27) Peterson, W. J., Hughes, J. S., and Payne, L. F., Kansas Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull. 46 (1939).

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(28) Russell, W. C., Taylor, M. IT., and Chichester, D. F., Plant Physiol., 10,325 (1935). (29) Scherta, F. M., J . Agr. Research, 26, 383 (1923). (30) Scherta, F. M., Plant Physiol., 3, 211 (1928). (31) Shrewsbury, C. L., Kraybill, H. R., and Withrow, R. B., IND. ENQ.CHEY.,Anal. Ed., 10, 253 (1938). (32) Smith, J. H. C., and Smith, O., Plant Physiol., 6, 265 (1933). (33) Strain, H. H., J . Bid. Chem., 105, 523 (1934). (34) Tswett, M., Ber. deut. Botan. Ges., 24, 384 (1906). (35) Vegeazi, G., dissertation, Fribourg, 1916. (30) Willststter, R., and Stoll, A,, “Untersuchungen uber Chlorophyll”, Berlin, Julius Springer, 1913. (37) Zechmeister, L., “Carotenoide”, Berlin, Julius Springer, 1934. (38) Zechmeister, L., and Tuzson, P., Biochem. J., 32, 1305 (1938).

CONTRIBUTION No. 256, Department of Chemistry, Kansaa Agricultural Experiment Station.

Chemical Methods for the Determination of Vitamin B1 DOUGLAS J. HENNESSY Fordham University, New York, N. Y.


HE importance of rapid and accurate methods of analy-

sis for vitamin B1needs no emphasizing. The biological methods have unavoidable limitations t o which the chemical methods are not subject. The nonbiological methods for the determination of vitamin B1are based on the measurement of the concentration of substances produced from the vitamin in standardized procedures. Although the percentage conversion of thiamin into the measured product is fairly constant in the concentration range used in these methods, in no case is the vitamin known to be so converted either completely or exclusively. The methods of Kinnersley and Peters (15, 1 6 ) , of Willstaedt and Barany (40),and of Melnick and Field (20-24,26), the Iastnamed using a reagent proposed by Prebluda and McCollum (28, 29), all depend on the formation of a pigment, presumably formed by the coupling of the vitamin with a diazotized aromatic amine. The measurement, by colorimetric or photometric means, of the amount of pigment produced becomes a measure of the amount of vitamin B,. The aromatic amines employed in these methods by these investigators are sulfanilic acid, 2,4-dichloroaniline, and p-aminoacetophenone, respectively. Recently, Emmett, Peacock, and Brown (4)have simplified the Melnick and Field procedure in its application to certain materials having a fairly high otency. A method of vitamin Ifl assay based on a type of reaction and measurement different from those described above is pro osed by Jansen (14). Thiamin is oxidized in alkaline medium g y ferricyanide and thus converted into thiochrome. When irradiated by light in the near ultraviolet region of the spectrum, this substance shows a stron blue-violet fluorescence, the intensity of which is proportionar to the concentration of the thiochrome. This, in turn, is proportional to the amount of thiamin from which it was formed by oxidation. Extraction of the thiochrome from the oxidation medium by isobutanol increases the intensity of the thiochrome fluorescence, while a t the same time the aqueous layer retains most of the interfering materials. A blank determination for the measurement of preformed nonspecific fluorescence is conducted with the omission of the ferricyanide. Adsorption on Franconite with subsequent elution and oxidation is suggested for urine. This general procedure has been used with or without modification by many investigators. The more important earlier references are given by Hennessy and Cerecedo (IO). Many later publications have a peared, some describing modification of the method in its detaiE or application to different materials. The

method has been applied to the analysis of blood by Jansen (13), Widenbauer ( 3 6 ) , Widenbauer el al. (ST), and Ritsert (31, 32). Thiamin has been determined in urine by several investigators (3, 6, 11, 18, 26, 30,33, 35, 38). More general application of the method is described by Hennessy and Cerecedo ( l o ) , Wiegand (& Bertagni I), (2), and Flavier and Genevois (7). Some investigators are critical of the procedure as employed with various modifications by others. In particular, Wan and Harris (35), Hills ( 1 1 ) , Mallinckrodt-Haupt ( 1 9 ) , Otto a n 2 Ruhmekorb (27), Huhn ( l a ) , Baucke ( I ) , and Gahlen (8) have suggested deficiencies, usually as a prelude to offering some alternative. The first problem in any of the chemical methods is to obtain the vitamin in solution, and this in many cases requires an extraction procedure. Whether or not complete extraction may be expected with all types of materials is not definitely known. Refluxing and heating in a boiling water bath with 0.1 N sulfuric acid have been practical means of extraction. A single extraction suffices, especially if the ratio of the volume of extracting liquid to the weight of sample is maintained as high as is feasible in the light of the minimum concentration of thiamin required in the aliquot of extract to be used in the subsequent step of the assay procedure. A ratio greater than 50 cc. of extracting liquid per gram of sample is generally not necessary, while if this ratio be less than 15 to 1, a lowered extraction efficiency may result. Incubation of the residues of a properly conducted extraction with various digestive enzymes has not shown any significant quantities of vitamin B1 remaining therein. General agreement of the results of chemical assays of extracts with the results of biological assays of the corresponding samples would indicate that the extraction is as efficient as the process taking place in the digestive tract of the animal. I n the literature (4, 10) this is shown to be the case with many materials. When B chemical and biological assay of a sample of some material agree with each other, this agreement may be expected t o persist for other samples of the same material. The occurrence of thiamin, in some sources, in the form of its phosphoric esters necessitates a n enzymatic hydrolysis, which usually follows immediately after the extraction. Takadiastase, mylase, clarase, diastase-Merck, kidney phos-

April 15, 1941


pliatase, and yeast phosphatase have been used to bring about this hydrolysis. The first four of these, being diastatic enzymes, are particularly suitable for use in the preparation of extracts of starchy materials. Takadiastase has been most widely employed. Maintenance by a buffer of the p H a t the optimum for the phosphatase activity is essential during the entire incubation period if the hydrolysis is to be completed within the allotted time. The need for the conversion of the thiamin esters into thiamin may be found in the consideration of their different behavior in the purification step, or in the solvent extraction step, both of which are used in the two types of chemical methods. I n fact, thiamin in the form of its phosphoric esters may be completely lost in these steps. Any chemical method of analysis of a substance occurring in its source in 1 to 2000 parts per 10,000,000, unless it be highly specific, must allow considerable purification without losses before the actual colorimetric or fluorometric procedure is begun. The most successful single step which can bring about the desired purification is that proposed by Hennessy and Cerecedo (9) for use with the thiochrome method. Melnick and Field (24) used a similar step in their colorimetric method. I t consists of passing the impure extract which contains the vitamin through a column of the synthetic zeolite, Decalso. The vitamin is retained on the zeolite, from which it can later be removed by treatment of the zeolite column with potassium chloride solution. This process is not essential for the thiochrome procedure when materials of fairly high potency are being assayed. The variable and incomplete recoveries, the high blanks, and the need for varying the ferricyanide concentration in the thiochrome method, described by the European investigators who used Franconite or similar clays for purification, are not experienced when the baseexchanging zeolite is employed. Melnick and Field report that the use of clay is not satisfactory as a method of purification in their procedure. Ritsert and Wang and Harris have omitted the use of Franconite in determining vitamin B1 in urine by the thiochrome method, &s they believe that the benefits accruing from the use of the adsorption step are outweighed by the disadvantages. An analysis of the sensitivity of the colorimetric and the fluorometric methods shows that the advantage lies with the latter, particularly in the assay of low-potency materials. The amount of thiamin in the aliquot, which is used to produce the pigment i n the colorimetric methods, should be more than 5 micrograms, the preferable range being 20 to 100 micrograms. For the fluorometric thiochrome procedure, the aliquot need contain only 0.1 microgram with the preferred range between 0.5 and 2.5 micrograms of thiamin. For general practicability, it is essential that a fluorometer, if used, be of sufficient sensitivity to provide a galvanometer deflection of at least five scale divisions for 0.1 microgram of thiamin chloride. The Pfaltz & Bauer fluorophotometer (26)meets this requirement. The usual type of colorimetric or photometric instruments may be used as the means of measurement of the pigment produced in the Melnick and Field procedure. It is only necessary that they be adaptable to a 2-cc. volume. The reproducibility of the methods is of the same order. In a series of determinations, one may expect an average deviation of less than 5 per cent. Of the colorimetric procedures, that of Melnick and Field has had its specificity best established, although the exact chemical basis of this specificity is not agreed upon by Prebluda and McCollum (29) and Melnick and Field (20). The chemical composition and structure of the pigment are not known. A well-established fact, which as yet has no explanation, is the effect of phenol and alcohol on the reaction between thiamin and the Prebluda-McCollum reagent. Melnick and Field add these materials to the reaction mixture in order to increase sensitivity, stabilize the vitamin, eliminate variation in apparent recovery, eliminate the effect of trace


sensitizers, and permit the use of a single standard. The reaction is allowed to proceed overnight to give maximum color production. There is a possibility of a shorter reaction time, since a high percentage of the final color intensity is produced in less than 0.5 hour. The results obtained by Melnick and Field and by Emmett and co-workers on materials of relatively high potency have shown good agreement with the results of biological assay. The Melnick and Field procedure for the assay of urine (23) has given results in substantial agreement with the results of the thiochrome assay on the same samples. The results of the thiochrome method were on the average 15 per cent higher than those of the Melnick and Field procedure on six samples of urine ranging in potency from 50 to 1300 micrograms per 24-hour sample ( 5 ) . This is reassuring, since the two procedures are based on entirely different reactions. The less sensitive colorimetric procedure requires a 4- to 8-hour sample (75 to 300 cc.), while the fluorometric method needs only 10 to 20 cc. of urine. With the larger quantity of urine used in the colorimetric procedure, removal of salts by a benzyl alcohol treatment is needed to ensure nearly complete recovery of thiamin a t the zeolite purification stage ($3).

Thiochrome Rlethod The specificity of the thiochrome method is based on extensive comparison with the results of bioassay on a variety of materials of the entire range of potency ( I O ) . The chemical basis is well known, since the chemical structure of thiochrome has been established (I7 , 3 4 ) . The oxidation of thiamin in alkaline ferricyanide solution does not seem to result in the production of an equivalent amount of thiochrome, but whether this is due to the establishment of an equilibrium in the oxidation process or to side reactions is not definitely known. Nevertheless, under the conditions of the method, when interfering materials are efficiently removed, the production of thiochrome proceeds uniformly. The phosphoric esters of thiamin, when oxidized, form what are probably the phosphoric esters of thiochrome. Measured in the aqueous alkaline oxidation medium, the fluorescent intensities of the three thiochromes are in the ratio 12 to 15 to 19 on an equivalent basis in the order of increasing phosphoric acid content. This precludes any direct measurement of mixtures of the esters by fluurometry on the aqueous phase following isobutanol extraction of thiochrome. I n the thiochrome method, a blank determination is made for the measurement of preformed, nonspecific fluorescence by omitting the potassium ferricyanide. I n most cases, the zeolite purification eliminates or reduces to insignificance the materials responsible for this fluorescence. There is the possibility that these materials, if present, may be partly destroyed when the potassium ferricyanide is used for the oxidation of thiamin to thiochrome. The difference between the readings obtained with and without oxidation would be erroneously low in this case. This consideration is of importance only if the nonoxidized reading be larger for the sample than for the standard thiamin chloride by an amount of 10 per cent or more of the difference between the oxidized and nonoxidized readings for the sample. In such cases the same nonspecific fluorescence which is destroyed by the ferricyanide also largely disappear3 merely on standing for 5 minutes with alkali and isobutanol ( 5 ) . The thiochrome method is being used routinely in this country with considerable success and satisfaction in many industrial, clinical, and university laboratories. The procedure now in general use is essentially that of Hennessy and Cerecedo (IO) with subsequent changes reported by Hennessy a t the Baltimore, Boston, and Detroit meetings of the



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AMERICANCHEMICAL SOCIETY.The main purpose of these changes has been t o develop a more suitable routine procedure.

the galvanometer deflection per microgram of thiamin chloride. The quinine sulfate fluorescence should be determined immediately before that of the unknown.

PREPARATION OF EXTRACTS.The extraction is now accomplished in a single treatment of the sample with 0.1 N sulfuric acid. The pH of 4.0 to 4.5 required for the enzymatic hydrolysis and for the base exchange is attained by the addition of 0.1 volume of 1.2 M sodium acetate solution to the extraction mixture.

The thiochrome method with the modifications described above has been applied to almost all the samples whose assay was reported by Hennessy and Cerecedo (10). The results are the same, but are obtained with less effort and in a shorter time. Other materials of all types have been assayed, the results being, with few exceptions, in good agreement with the results of biological assay. Between eight and twenty samples may be assayed in duplicate in a single day by the thiochrome method.

Summary Accurate and rapid chemical methods are available for the determination of vitamin B1. The Prebluda-McCollum reagent used in the manner prescribed by Melnick and Field is practical for such determinations on materials of moderate and high potency. The thiochrome method, having considerably greater sensitivity than the colorimetric methods, may also be used for the assay of materials of low potency. The use of the synthetic zeolite, Decalso, as a preliminary step in both procedures effectively eliminates interfering materials. Recent modifications of the thiochrome method have made it suitable for routine analysis. '

Literature Cited

FIGURE 1. SEPARATORYCENTRIFUGEAND ExCHANGE TUBES METHODI. All preparations, including the standard thiamin chloride, should be in 20 to 25 per cent potassium chloride solution at the oxidation step, to keep the volume of isobutanol constant in the extraction. It has been found advantageous to mix the ferricyanide and alkali before adding them to the sample. A separatory-centrifu e tube (obtainable from E. Machlett & Son, New York, N. Y.7 h a s been devised (Figure 1, right), so that oxidation, extraction, separation, and clarification may be carried out in this sin le vessel with uniform timing throughout. The shaking time !or the isobutanol extraction seems best a t 1.5 minutes, followed by centrifuging at 500 r. . m. for 0.75 minute. METHOD11. Exchange Tube. The tules for the exchange (Figure 1, left) are 15 X 0.7 cm. with a 25-cc. reservoir at the upper and a 3.0 X 0.03 cm. ca illary at the lower end. A 6- to 7-cm. column of Decalso is h e h in the tube by a small plug of glass wool at the lower end. T h e Exchange. The base exchange is conducted at room temperature, using 60- to SO-mesh Decalso prepared in bulk by stirring or shaking with four 10-volume portions of 3 per cent acetic acid for 10 minutes each. Between the second and third acid washing a 15-minute treatment with 5 volumes of 25 per cent potassium chloride solution is introduced. Thorough washing with water finishes the preparation of the Decalso. The eluting mixture is 25 per cent potassium chloride in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid. Complete removal of thiamin from the zeolite is accomplished by passing 21 cc. of this mixture at room temperature at a rate not exceeding 0.9 cc. per minute. This allows for four 5-cc. aliquots. As many as sixteen of these tubes may be run in parallel and eight samples carried through this step in duplicate in 70 minutes. Although the Decalso may be used repeatedly, it is safer practice to use a fresh charge for each sample. METHOD111. Enzymatic Hydrolysis. The enzymatic hydrolysis is brought about in 2 hours at 50' C. using 0.5 per cent takadiastaae at pH 4.0 to 4.5. This hydrolysis, if carried out on extraction mixtures, is done before any separation of the still insoluble portions is attempted. Fluormetry. The use of quinine sulfate is to be preferred to the use of the rear photocell of the fluorophotometer for setting

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