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Kellogg Engineering T e a m w o r k at W o r k — o n a 3 8 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 lb./yr. ethylene plant in Texa




CHEMICAL PLANTS FROM SCRATCH For many of the world's leading chemical and petrochemical firms, the Kellogg method of executing a capital investment in new plants and plant expansions has proved the sound­ est way to minimize expenditure. This economic route to newchemical plants consists of coordinating and controlling all phases of engineering, procurement, and construction under an internationally inte­ grated management. It is founded on close teamwork among all Kellogg operations at home and abroad . . . and with client engi­ neering staffs. THE

Kellogg's method has improved process and plant engineering . . . saved money in procuring materials and equipment . . . in­ creased labor productivity . . . expedited erection . . . achieved the earliest possible on-stream dates . . . and stayed within pre­ determined costs. The result is the plant which achieves the optimum balance of in­ vestment and operating costs. Working with clients on this basis, Kellogg has been responsible for a variety of chemi­ cal plants throughout the world. In the United States, current projects include: a

M. W. K E L L O G G

380,000,000 lb./yr. ethylene plant in Texas; an 18,000,000 lb./yr. epichlorohydrin plant in New Jersey; a 300 ton/day ammonia plant in Missouri; a 200 ton/day urea plant in Delaware. If you are planning to build new processing facilities in the U.S. or overseas, Kellogg would be glad to show you how its engineer­ ing teamwork could work to your company's advantage. Please address inquiries t o The M. W. Kellogg Company, 711 Third Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.

C O M P A N Y / A Subsidiary of Pullman Incorporated

Offices of other Kellogg companies are in Toronto. London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Caracas, Buenos Aires