Publication Date: March 14, 1988. Copyright © 1988 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. Cite this:Chem. Eng. News 1988, 66, ...
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UN INTERNATIONAL : * & £ * D/ffiC70/?y, f 9«8 " An invaluable resource from the American Chemical Society.

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Here it is—all the information you need about chemical research and researchers at universities around the world, gathered into one volume. Chemical Research Faculties: An International Directory contains a wealth of facts on more than 11,500 faculty members and 1922 departments in 107 countries. And it's a book no academic institution or chemically oriented business can afford to be without. Designed to provide the same type of information on an international scale that the ACS Directory of Graduate Research gives for U.S. and Canadian schools, Chemical Research Faculties: An International Directory includes listings for chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry, and toxicology. It offers informative statistical tables on graduate programs worldwide. Organizes data on 72 chemical and chemical engineering societies in 54 nations. And is I

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cross-referenced three ways—by faculty, institution, and research subject—for easy use. The 1988 edition has been expanded by a full third—and includes listings for toxicology departments and chemical engineering societies.

Indispensable for industry and academia alike. If you're involved in chemical research, Chemical Research Faculties: An International Directory can keep you abreast of the latest developments in your area of specialization. If you advise graduate students, it can help you steer them toward the programs they're seeking. And if you're in a business even remotely related to chemical research, just one of the thousands of leads this book contains could pay for the purchase price many times over. Why notfillout the attached order form right now? Or call 800/227-5558 and charge your VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Diners Club/Carte Blanche. And let Chemical Research Faculties: An International Directory open up a whole new world of professional possibilities.

Departmental Information includes address and phone number, name of department head, advanced degrees offered, and principal areas of research.

Faculty Information includes name, year of birth, title, degrees (with years and institutions), areas of specialization, current research, and recent publications.

Chemical Society Information lists address, principal officer, publications, purpose, organizational structure, and number of members.

Guide to Chemical Research Institutions lists all countries, universities, and departments in order of appearance, providing an overview of each section.

Four Organizational Sections break down listings into chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry, and toxicology.

Faculty Index helps you keep up with colleagues' moves and learn more about others in your area of specialization.

Statistical Tables provide for each country the number of master's and doctoral degrees conferred in 1985 and 1986 as well as the number of full-time faculty, post-doctoral appointments, and students enrolled in advanced degree programs.



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Institutional Index provides a merged alphabetical listing that lets you find institutions known by name but not location.

Index of Research Subjects helps you locate universities, departments, and individuals doing research related to your own.