CHEMICALS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Nov 6, 2010 - ... degradation and show outstanding compatibility with PNC at high concentrations. And they show no evidence of bleed even after prolon...
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CHEMICALS New Plasticizer by Becco The stabilizing properties of epoxy fatty acid esters and the plasticizing properties of phthalates have been com­ bined in a new series of epoxy plastieizers—alkyl epox\ h e \ a h \ drnphthalates —de\ eloped by Becco Chemical Divi­ sion of Food Machinery and Chemical, Buffalo, Ν. Y. Suggested applications are in vinyl resin formulations and products such as hose, toys, flooring, packaging materi­ als, film, and foam. The new plasticizers are claimed to protect polyvinyl chloride resins against heat and light degradation and show outstanding compatibility with PYC at high concentrations. And they show no evidence of bleed even after prolonged exposure to either ultraviolet or dif­ fused light, says F M C . The epoxyhexahydrophthalate esters are made by expoxidizing unsaturated tetrahydrophthalic acid esters with pre­ formed peracetic acid, or by in situ techniques using hydrogen peroxide. F M C has used tetrahydrophthalate es­ ters made from «-butyl, n-hexyl, isooetyl, and n-decyl alcohols and tetrahy­ drophthalic anhydride. C1

• Teflon 7 TFE-fluorocarbon

resin is

now available in commercial quantities from Du Pont, Wilmington, Del. The powder is granulated to ultra-fine par­ ticle size, can make void-free moldings and very thin electrical tape for wire wrapping, according to the company. C 2

• Kobond carrier starch, by National Starch Products, New York, is for use in the corrugating industry. The pre­ cooked starch is added to cold water and mixed. The entire batch, carrier a n d raw starch, is made in a single process which can reduce plant opera­ tion time by 5 0 ' '