Chemische Elementaranalyse mit kleinsten Proben (Tolg, Gunther)

the cogent and direr1 emphnsin on the re- sponsibility of the instmotor and on the viewpoint that "There is only one troe measnre of an inst,ructar's ...
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book reviews some lime. Of mosi irnpartatm for all is t h e cogent and direr1 emphnsin on the responsibility of the instmotor and on the viewpoint t h a t "There is only one troe measnre of an inst,ructar's quality; are ihc trainees learning what they are supposed to learn?"

R. c. ANDERSON IJniversit" of Arkansas Pavettevillc, 72701 Acid Bore Physiology in Medicine. Self lnrtrvction Program

srhaol facrdlies have primary responsibili1,y for tenrhing ihe hiarhemistry co,~mes. Chemists w o ~ d dfind the medical orientstion of this hook too p r m o ~ u r e d . Far the iutended audience huwever, this is a very good I e s r ~ ~ i uaid. g The allp~.oarhis at. all times clear aud logical. The book is well ill~mtt.atedand tho diagrams aud figrtles a1.e app~.oprinl,eto the topic a t hand. The large size and good rlt~ality of the p n , d ~ i c t i w and binding stand in shalp cautrsst to the modest An errata sheet acnmqnnied the vulnme; hopefully these rowections will be ill.carporated in later printing*.


Kobo.t W . W i n l m , Kneed Engel and Ralph I i D d , Columhia University; programmed hy ilirhard P. Berkson. London Co., Clevelaod, Ohio; Radiometer A/S Copenhagen, 1867. viii 290pp. Illns. 22 X 20 cm. $3.85. This programmed snpplemont is " p ~ b lisherl and dii;tribilted at. cost as an odileetionnl service lo the medical profession" by n company which is a n important mn~mfactnrer of pH meilsi~ring equipment. The book is designed primarily fol. medical specialists who desire an ititegrakd picture of aeid-base physiology a3 a backgl.ow,d for t,hdl.clinienl activities. As such iL ha.; only a. v w y limited to chemisls. Sbudonls i t ) a biachemisly couws with R. heavy physiolngicnl bias might. find i t useful, hnt snch n conrso would bc eommou only where medical


Chemirche Elementaranalyre kleinsten Proben


Glinlher Tdlg, I\lains, (>y. Verlag Chemie, Wei~lheim/Bergstrasse, W e d Germally, 1!167. vii 220 pp. Photographs and diagrams. 14 X 21 cm. 1)hl 32 (=UR).


T h e technique of maki~lgqumtiialive ultimate analyses with small samples was developed entirely within this cenlory. 11, begall with the wwk of Pregl and was continued aud dcvclrqxxl especitdly by Belcher. The pl.csenl v o l ~ ~ mdcnls e with the presellt-day slate of this a r l and the author stl.esses ils mcf~~ltless not on1.v to tho chemist hnl also Lc, the biologist, biochemist, medical iuvesligairn., and those

intercsled in ihe comprmition of nntwal prodncls. I t is psrticnlarly nscfnl when L K I nmrc than tiny amounts of (,he sample RI.C available. Of course there w e I