Chemistry and Our Changing World (Sherman, Alan; Sherman

Chemistry and Our Changing World (Sherman, Alan; Sherman, Sharon J.) M. Lynn James. J. Chem. Educ. , 1984, 61 (2), p A67. DOI: 10.1021/ed061pA67.1...
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Chemistry a n d Our Changing World Alan Sherrnan and Sharon J. Sherman. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Engiewwd Cliffs, NJ. 1983. xxiii 568 pp. Figs. and tables. 18 X 24 cm.


Written for a one-semester or twa-quarter course for nonscience majors, this~text provides an interesting addition to those alreadv available for this .. erouo of students. I t d o h a maamably good p h o f intnduc inp thr n o n 4 v c r ~ t u d r n 10rhcmistry,nnd t rhr.wh o mult~rude(81 i n t e r A n g rxnmplcs it illustrates how chemistry relates to the everyday world. Simple, easy t o read, conversational style language is used along with numerous black and white cartoons, figures, photaeraohs. and tables. The aualitv . . of these is ~ e n ~ r a lgood l g and, for the most port, they add signif~cantlyto the text Koeh rhnprpr hrgim r i t h a list o i lr.arnm:: god* and cnds with a chapter summary and aset of self-test exercises based upon the learninggoals. Numerous worked-out examples are given throughout the book. Supplements a t the end of the book include a elassan and aooendices on lmiic rn~thcnuitics.rhe m e t & ~ r p ~and o~ msnwrement, rapsndrd n~rmmclaturerulrq plus a srt UI inlp