Chemistry and the Tariff Commission - Industrial & Engineering

Chemistry and the Tariff Commission. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1917, 9 (1), pp 3–4. DOI: 10.1021/ie50085a002. Publication Date: January 1917. Note: In lieu ...
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Jan., 1917


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AX INvlTA'llox

This publication is the property of the members of the American Chemical Society. T h a t it has t h e good-will o i tlie membership i s unquestionnl~le. Abund .nt testimony t o this effect exists iii t h e office files a t d in the memory o i tlie Editor. T h e responsibility ior future growth and usefulness, lio pinccil upon one person, and that person without editorial experience. Twu saving ieatiirrs niiikc u p , in part a t least, for this lack oi espcmicncc: no cerebral crusts have yct fornieil, and the heart is alw~iysappreciative of irienrlly suggestion and construct.ive criticism. It is hoped. !.herefore, t l h t all who m:iy I) will not hesitate t o communicate thcir i< iuture development oi this pu1,Iicntioii frank criticism of anything coiin ed with i t s make-

n dmrliiiny

>I A I%'ti,iinnisuhL i a n n m , American Cl~r!niiillSorirls

up and operatiom Assurance is liercby xiven that each such suggestion or criticism will rrccive sincere and careful consideration. Some hni-e already been made which c a n be counted on t o m a k e their inliuence €or betterment felt as t h e months go by. 21


May we speak just a bit confideiitinlly? All right, here i t is. One of tlie chief motives whicli led us to accept the editorship was the earnest hope t h a t in some as yet undefined and still limy way we might gradually serve more and more as n coiirdin:it,ing influence or agency in lliese helter-slzclier, everybodyon-the-jump, vibrant days of individualistic effort in the rapid expansior of Ainerican chemical industries, especially among such as utilize coal-tar distillates


as raw material. T h a t there is need of conrdination n o onc questions; t h a t any exists n o one avers. We all I