Chemistry of metal hydrides. IV. Synthesis of platinum and palladium

and [MX(RSP)S]. +. H. C. Clark and K. R. Dixon. Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario,. London, Canada. Receive...
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Chemistry of Metal Hydrides. IV.' The Synthesis of Platinum and Palladium Cations [MX(CO) (R,P) 2 ] + and [MX(R,P),]+ H. C. Clark and K . R. Dixon Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. Received September 3, 1968 Abstract: The synthesis is described of the new complexes trans-[PdC1(CO)((CzH5)3P)2][BF4], [PdCl((C2H&P)3]-

together with a number of related compounds containing complex cat[B(CsH5)1],and [PtH((C2H5)aP)3][B(CeH5)r] ions of palladium and platinum. The syntheses involve direct or indirect replacement by carbon monoxide or a tertiary phosphine of chloride from complexes [MCIX((CZH~)~P)~], where X = C1 or H. When X = C1, the indirect which have been isolated. The procedure gives first chloride-bridgedcomplexes, such as [Pd2Clz((C2H5)~P)4][BFJ?, with sodium tetraphenylborate gives rrans-[Pt(C~H~)~((CzH~)3P)zl. reaction of cis-[PtC12((CzH6)aP)n]


here is great current interest in four-coordinate complexes of rhodium(1) and iridium(I), notably both for their [RhC1(Ph3P),] and tran~-[IrCl(CO)(Ph~P)~], activity as homogeneous hydrogenation catalysts and for their oxidative addition reactions. Consequently, our recent discovery1 of the cation trans-[PtCl(CO)(EtgP)q]+, isoelectronic with trans-[IrC1(CO)(Ph3P)2], prompted us to examine synthetic routes to other platinum, palladium, and nickel analogs of the iridium and rhodium systems. The syntheses described below are based on replacement by aneutral, n-acceptor ligand such as carbon monoxide or a tertiary phosphine of one halide ion from the readily available complexes [MX2(R3P),]. This can be accomplished in two stages: (i) halide abstraction by boron trifluoride to give isolable, halogen-bridged intermediates, [MzX2(R3P)4][BF4]2; and (ii) cleavage of the bridges by the r-acceptor ligand, or in a single step by the action of the a-acceptor ligand in the presence of sodium tetraphenylborate. The resulting platinum and palladium complex cations, trans-[MX(CO)(R3P)J+ or [MX(R,P),]+, are isoelectronic analogs of trans[IrCl(CO)(Ph3P)2] and [RhCl(Ph3P),]. The reactions are not completely general for M = Pt, Pd; X = C1, Br, or I ; and R = Et or Ph, but a large number of complexes can be prepared, and their chemistry is currently under investigation for comparison with the iridium and rhodium systems. For M = Ni, only preliminary results3b4 are available and details will be reported later. Results and Discussion The reaction of the complexes trans-[PdCle(RgP)e], R = Et or Ph, with boron trjfluoride at 75" gives the di-pchloro-tetrakis(tertiary phosphine)dipalladium(II) tetrafluoroborates, [Pd2C12(R,P)4][BF4],. These reactions are similar to those described p r e v i o ~ s l yfor ~ ~the ~

(1) For Part 111 see H.C. Clark, I


his paper represents a further report of work related the question of the details of one-equivalent oxidation-reduction reactions. A number of studies on (1) (a) Work was performed in the Ames Laboratory, under the auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. (b) Based on the

Ph.D. thesis of D. W. C., Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; (c) NASA graduate trainee, 1967-1968.


related reactions have been published recently.2*a One question of current interest is whether particular electron-transfer reactions proceed by either inner- or (2) D. W. Carlyle and J. H. Espenson, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,90, 2272 (1968), and references cited therein. (3) Recent reviews of this area have appeared: (a) N. Sutin, Ann. Reo. Phys. Chem., 17, 119 (1966); (b) Accounts Chem. Res., 1, 225 (1968); (c) A . G. Sykes, Aduan. Inorg. Chem. Radiochem., 10,153 (1968).

Carlyle, Espenson 1 Reduction of Monosubstituted Fe(ZZZ) Complexes by Eu(II)