Chemistry of the solid state

(7) "Classificiltion and theory of solid reactions" by Jacobs ... Morton C. Smith, Staff Member and Alternate Group Leader, ... lurgical engineering c...
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Edited by W. E. Garner, Professor, University of Blistd. Am. demic Press, Inc., New York, 1955. viii 417 pp. 132 figs. 24 tables. 15 X 24 nn. $8.80.


RECENTLY, great advances have been made in the understanding of the solid state. This hook is a brief presentation of much of this development. The 15 chapters are written by physical chemists or people familiar with chemistry dealing with materials within the province of both physics and chemistry, but as the editor points out, the book is written for the physical chemist. The first seven chapters present fundamental aap proaches to the solid state. They are: (1) "Chemistry of crystal dislocations" by F. C. Frank. (2) "Lattice defects in ionic crystals'' by F. S. Stone. (3) "Action of light onsolids" by P. W. M. Jacobs andF. C. Tompkins. (4) "Surfaces of solids" bv Jacobs and Tomokins. (5) "Semi conductivity and magneto chemistry of the solid state" by T. J. Gray. (6) "Theory of crystal nucleation from vapor, liquid and solid systems" by W. J. Dunning. (7) "Classificiltion and theory of solid reactions" by Jacobs and Tompkins. I n the last eight chapters are gathered the systems to which the principles are applied. These are: (8) "Iiinetics of endothermic solid reactions" by W. E. Garner. (9) "Kinetics of exothermic solid reactions" by W. E. Garner and- I,. -. I,. Rireumshnw~ -~. ~ ~ ~ ~ (10) "Deoomposition of organic solids" by C. E. Bawn. (11) "Explosions and detonation in solids" by A. R. Ubbelohde. (12) "Solid-solid reactions" by 8. J. E. Welch. (13) "Photographic process" by J. W. Mitchell. (14) "Oxidation of metals" bv T. B. Grimlev. (15) "Electronic factor in clkmisorption and eatdysis" by F. S. Stone. Those who have not been following developments in the solid state will probably be surprised a t the strides reported in thie field. Semiconductors have become the raw material out of which transitors and solar batteries are made. T o understand such applications, one must master the underlying principles. This book will he a help in such an endeavor. The book lacks the coherence a single author would have given it, but is almost uniformly interesting throughout. References to the original literature lead one to arguments frequently omitted. All those interested in the solid state will want to read this useful, serious book.





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Morton C. Smith, Staff Member and Alternate Group Leader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California. 417 pp. Many figs. Harper &Brothers, New York. 1956. xii 16 X 24 cm. $6.




Morton C. Smith, Staff Member and Alternate Group Leader, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California. Harper &Brothers, New York, 1956. ix 338 pp. Many figs. 16 X 24 cm. $6.


THESE two companion volumes are described aa "useful referand basic texta for ence volumes for metallurgical engineers the two semester course in physical metallurgy in the metallurgical engineering course." Out of 554,W0 industrial scientists and engineers covered in


Readers will note that the page designatia which will be used for indezing lhese Book Reviews is A3OB. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, JULY, 1956 M b :

