Chemistry seminar for high school students

intent, activities, and effectiveness of the weekend encounter. Intuitively those of us at the college level-the faculty and college students from the...
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Chemistry Seminar for High School Students An academically oriented Chemistry Seminar for high school students and their teachers was sponsored by the Chemistry Department, Cumherland College. Participation of the students in the Seminar was determined by selectingfrom each cooperating high school the three high scores on a Cumherland developed test for high school chemistry students. The teachers in the high schools zdministered the tests and sent in recommendations for their students. The students and their teachers were individually invited to attend the seminar by letter from the Chemistry Department Head. Lodging and meals were furnished by the college. The intent of the program was one of challenge and exposure t o the academic stimulation and simple fun available in college life. As a catalyst t o generate the interaction between students, teachers, industrial representatives and college faculty, a nationally-known chemistry educator was featured in B keynote address. Dr. Marjorie Gardner, Professor of Chemistry and Science Education, University of Maryland, opened the meetings with a discussion of trends in chemical education-mini-courses, relevance, local eeologicd experiments-as well as the University of Maryland developed IAC (Interdisciplinary Approach to Chemistry). The keynote speaker met with the teachers t o more specifically discuss mutual problems and opportunities in chemical education. Seminar discussion groups for the students were lead by professional chemists and other resource personnel from chemical industries. Publishing companies cooperated by sending representstives and hook displays. An exposure t o college life, spending the night in college dormitories, and the throughtful exchange of ideas was geared t o encouraging these academically-superior students to attend the college of their choice and to, with competent awareness, take s responsible position in the questioning and shaping of decisions that aremade in our day. (Note: presidential voting age is now 18 years.) By the enthusiasm and interest with which the program was received, by the questions asked and comments made, it was demonstrated that tacademicdly superior, science-oriented high school students are interested in dealing with their questions within an academic framework. A more thoronghevalut~tionof the program is in process whereby, utilizing the wisdom of hindsight, the participants are being requested t o react t o and make suggestions regarding the intent, activities, and effectiveness of the weekend encounter. Intuitively those of us a t the college level-the faculty and college students from the chemistry department who were closely involved in the actual planning and carrying out of the weekend's activities-feel we have benefited from this closer interaction with high school students and their teachem. An unexpected benefit received by the college's chemistry department was the close-knit cooperation and esprit de corps developed by faculty and students working together and visibly dependent upon each other for the cmrying out of a common goal. We invite comments, questions and suggestions regarding the proposal of academic seminars for high school students. ANNM. HOFFELDER CUMBERL~ND COLLEGE 40769 WILLIAMSBURG, KENTUCKY

Volume 49, Number 10, October 1972


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