CHEMISTRY to the STUDY of EPILEPSY*. IRVINE McQUARRIE. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minnesota. Tke fact, that a large percentage of epileptic...
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SOME CONTRIBUTIONS of BIOCHEMISTRY to the STUDY of EPILEPSY* IRVINE McQUARRIE University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Minnesota

Tke fact, that a large percentage of epileptic patients brane p e r m d i t y (alkalosis, superhydration, anoxia, do nut show structural changes in the central nerwous excitation, hyperlecithinemia) are those recognized as system suficient to account for their bizarre symploms, favoring the occurrence of epileptic seizures; whereas has led investigators to seek for the cause of the disease in those which are thought to decrease permeability (nardisturbances of brain cell physiology. That some ab- cosis, acidosis, dehydration, ketosis, hypercholesterinemia) normality in the metabolism of the brain actually occurs favor their cessation. Recent biochemical studies on the i s suggested by the fact that conwulsiollr wsually cease mineral and water b a l a n c ~in relation to the occurrence during a prolonged period of fasting or when the victim of of epileptic conmlsious are tentatively interpreted as indithe disease is given a ketogenic diet or is placed on any cating the existence of an inherent defect in the physioregimen which produces a dejicit in the body water. As logical mechanism for regulating the semi-permeability a general rule, the factors which tend to increase cell mem- of the brain-cell membranes.

PILEPSY is the designation xiven by physicians to a chronic convulsive disorder which hm afflicted a small proportion of the human population in every part of the world since the dawn of written history. The current use of the tenn, which from its Greek derivation means "seizure," makes it a loosely inclusive diagnosis for a group of symptomatically similar conditions, the underlying causes of which are unknown. The one common symptom, which has led to the grouping together of these bizarre disorders, is the sudden occurrence of paroxysms or fits in which consciousness is temporarily lost. These paroxysms vary in severity from momentary lapses of consciousness without muscular spasms (petit mal) to violent generalized convulsions which may last for a minute or two only but leave the victim in a dazed or sleeping condition for several hours afterward (grand mal). In mildly epileptic patients seizures may not occur oftener than once in several years, whereas in extremely severe cases they may occur a t the rate of several per hour unless intensive treatment is carried out. As a result of growth in our knowledge regarding causative factors, several distinct disease entities have already been excluded from this category. Perhaps the best example of this scientific culling process was that in which the serious convulsive disease, infantile tctany or spasmophilia (at one time labeled "infantile epilepsy"), was separated from the other paroxysmal disorders. When the cause of the convulsions in this disease was discovered by Howland and Mamott (1) to be a disturbance in the calcium and phosphorus economy of the body, secondary to a lack of vitamin D in the diet, it could no longer be desimated as e~ilevsv, - -.

* Review given before the Minnesota section of the American Chemical Society at Carlton College. September, 1932.

because no such abnormality of the metabolism is demonstrable in the case of the "zenuine" coileotic. Administration of soluble calcium salts gives temporary relief from its symptoms and addition of vitamin D to the diet (or exposure of the body to ultra-violet radiation) results in permanent cure of infantile tetany, whereas these measures are entirely ineffective in the case of true epilepsy. That the cause of epilepsy, like that of cancer, presents an unusually complex problem is indicated by the fact that attempts have been made to solve it by the application of every known disease mechanism, but so far without complete success. Its tremendous importance from both the economic and social standpoints is proved by the fact that there are over 500,000 epileptics in the United States alone ( 2 ) . That it does not diet the mentally inferior only is attested by the list of great historical figures who are said to have had the disease. Among those mentioned by Talbot (3) ate, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington, Peter the Great, Charles V, Mohammet, Balzac, Lord Byron, Schiiler, Pascal, Handel, Mendelssohn, Mozart, and Paganini. However, it must be recognized that these are exceptional cases because the majority of persons sufferingfrom the disorder sooner or later show evidence of mental retardation or deterioration. The early history of epilepsy is an epitome of man's pathetically futile attempts to explain and control his bodily afflictionsin the light of his meager knowledge of natural phenomena. Up to the time of the reed physician, Hippocrates, "Father of Medicine," (460370 B.C.), it was referred to as the "sacred disease." In order to save face, the doctors of the time, who were obviously quite unable to cope with the problem of treatment, fabricated the theory that the disease was


. .

sent by the gods and, therefore, should not be expected to respond to therapeutic measures instituted by man. In many different lands the disease has been (and in some quarters still is) attributed to demoniacal possession or to loss of the soul and the most weird remedies that the superstitious mind is capable of devising have been employed in attempts to control it. Of the ancient writers. Hippocrates (4) alone held a view in any way comparable with our present-day conceptions regarding the nature of the disorder. In a plea for recognition of his own conviction, that epilepsy is not a "sacred" disease but, like any other disorder of the body, has a natural cause, this illustrious physician concluded his argument with the statement that, ". . . . ..whoever is acquainted with such a change in men and can render a man humid and dry, hot and cold by regimen could also cure this disease without minding purifications, spells and all other illiberal practices of a like kind." How prophetic this statement was of our present point of view will become apparent from the latter part of the present paper. Excepting the period just referred to in connection with the writings of Hippocrates, there has been but one other time, prior to the present, when discernible progress has been made toward a solution of the problem. That was the period between 1855 and 1885, during which Laycock (5) introduced bromide salts as an improved form of treatment and Kussmaul and Tenner (6),Jackson (7),Gowers (8),and others through their clinical and experimental studies eliminated certain erroneous theories and defined the problem of causation more clearly. The contribution of the latter workers was to show that the chronic convulsive tendency characteristic of the disease is not due primarily to any gross structural change in some particular part of the brain as had been held previously. They agreed that the old scars sometimes found in the brains of such patients after death are the results and not the causes of the repeated convulsions. They contended that there must be a subtle, inherent disturbance in the brain cell physiology or chemistry to account for the persistent tendency of the epileptic to have convulsive seizures. Since the leading neuropathologists (9), (10) of today are essentially in agreement with this view, the problem of discovering the underlying cause of the disorder appears to be one requiring solution by means of refined physiological and chemical technic similar in a general way to that successfully employed in the study of infantile tetany. It is the purpose of the present paper to give a brief review of recent investigations following this approach to the problem. METABOLIC AND CHEMICAL STUDIES

Of the various factors responsible for the recent revival of interest in the study of epilepsy from the biochemical point of view, the most potent was the discovery that a high percentage of severely epileptic patients cease to have convulsions when subjected to fasting (11) or when required to subsist on a diet having certain effects on the body metabolism similar to those

of fasting (12). Obviously, the change in body state induced by this type of regimen tends to correct some obscure abnormality in the brain physiology of the epileptic subject. Therefore, information regarding the nature .of any functional or structural alterations produced by fasting or by the use of a ketogenic diet should be of service in the final solution of the riddle. The four demonstrated effects of fasting (and of a ketogenic diet) which will be considered in the following pages are: (1) development of a state of ketosis, (2) decrease in the alkali reserve of the body, (3) increase in the concentration of lipids in the blood, and (4) reduction in the amount of water stored in the body. Ketosis and Its Effects By ketosis is meant an abnormal accumulation of ketone bodies (acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, and acetone) in the blood and tissues of the body. This state develops and these substances appear in the urine in excessive amounts when an insu5cient quantity of carbohydrate is burned When there is less than one molecule of glucose to two molecules of the higher fatty acids in the metabolic mixture supplied to the tissues of the body, the higher fatty acids are not completely oxidized to COXand HTO. That is, under such conditions the normal process of beta-oxidation does not proceed beyond the 4-carbon-atom stage, thus giving rise to excessive amounts of the ketone bodies. Fasting or diets low in carbohydrate and protein give rise to ketosis within a few days because the meager stores of readily available carbohydrate in the body are soon exhausted. It has been shown in the case of epilepsy that there is an inverse relationship between the degree of ketosis, as produced by fasting or by a ketogenic diet, and the occurrence of convulsive seizures (13). (See Chart 1.) In the case of the severely epileptic patient, who served as subject for the experiment presented on Chart 1, it is obvious that there was a marked diurnal variation in the intensity of ketosis and that convulsions did not occur a t the time of day when ketosis was most marked. On a more strongly ketogenic diet this patient had been free from seizures for one week prior to the three-day period represented in the chart. Convulsions occurred only after the diet had been made less strongly ketogenic by a small addition of carbohydrate, and then only in the morning hours, when the concentration of ketones in the body was a t its lowest point for the day. Whether the mildly anesthetic effect of the ketone bodies or one of the other effects of the ketogenic regimen was responsible for the non-occurrence of convulsions a t the height of ketosis is not apparent from the data presented on the chart. Acid-Base Balance That epilepsy might be due in part to erratic functioning of the body's mechanism for regulating the acidbase equilibrium of its fluid matrix was first suggested by workers in Copenhagen (14) and later by others in America (15). It is well known that a condition of alka-

C H ~ T1.-Tm





Gradually diminishing ketosis. [McQuarrie and Keith (13)]

losis increases nervous irritability, thus favoring the occurrence of convulsions; whereas, the opposite condition, acidosis, has the reverse effect. The fact that procedures (such as fasting, use of a ketogenic diet, and the administration of acid-forming salts) which cause a gradual reduction in the alkali reserve of the body tend to prevent epileptic seizures likewise favors this view. In the three following charts data are presented from experiments which were designed to determine the relative significance of ketosis per se and of the acidbase factor under controlled conditions (16). Chart 2 shows the effects of administering large amounts of carbohydrate to a severely epileptic child who had been on a strict ketogenic diet with resulting

freedom from seizures for 10 days. It is seen that the excess of acetone bodies in the blood was rather promptly abolished and that the COz content and the pH rose well above the normal limits of 65 volumes per cent. and 7.45, respectively, before seizures occurred. Obviously, this was not a crucial experiment because i t does not tell us whether the latter were due to alkalosis or to withdrawal of the sedative effect of the acetone bodies. Chart 3 presents a similar experiment hut with administration of sodium bicarbonate instead of glucose. Recurrence of seizures followed the development of alkalosis in spite of an increase in the concentration of acetone bodies in the blood. This was tentatively in-



pH* (coU

mg. per 400'C.

10 8

b 4





[McQuarrie and Keith (16)]


PATIENT [McQuarrieand Keith (16)]

terpreted as indicating that the hydrogen-ion concentration of the body fluids is more important than the concentration of acetone bodies per se in the prevention of convulsions. The effects of fasting and of various dietary regimens on the occurrence of seizures, on the pH of the blood and on the acetone bodies and the total titratable acidity of the urine were determined in the case of one patient in a succession of adequately controlled experiments covering a period of 42 days. (See Chart 4.) It is obvious that this 12-year-old epileptic girl, who was known to have a number of convulsions daily when not under special treatment, was free from them while fasting or while on a ketogenic diet with an acid

arises in the mind of one contemplating inquiry into the nature of the disease from the chemical point of view is, "In what respect, if any, does the composition of the brains of epileptic and non-epileptic subjects differ?" Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered a t the present time because the chemical composition of the human brain has not as yet been completely determined even for the normal subject. It is well known that brain tissue is characteristically rich in the various lipid substances such as lecithin, cephalin, cerebrosides, and cholesterol. Even for these important compounds, however, adequate comparative analyses of brains from normal and epileptic subjects of similar ages are not as yet available. A project is now under way in our





"S'iindicates the seizures. [McQuame and Keith (16)l

ash but had recurrences whenever the diet was broken (7th and 14th days). It is clearly demonstrated, too, that the same ketogenic diet was made ineffective in preventing seizures, when it was made to have an alkaline ash (period 111). A special, non-ketogenic diet with a strongly acid ash failed to prevent seizures (period V). Throughout the study, the blood pH tended to be elevated during periods with frequent seizures but normal or slightly subnormal during periods of freedom from seizures. These examples tend to support the contention that a state of potential or mild alkalosis may be an important factor in the causation of epileptic seizures.

The Brain and Blood Li@ Since epilepsy is manifestly a disease involving the central nervous system, one of the first questions that

laboratory which has for its object the quantitative analysis of epileptic and non-epileptic brains of various ages for their water, mineral, and protein, as well as their lipid, content. That some abnormality in the chemical structure of the brain may be found to be a significant factor in the relative ease with which convulsions occur in the epileptic subject is suggested by the fact that the cholesterol content of the brain of normal persons is much higher and the water content much lower during adult life than during infancy, the period when susceptibility to convulsions is greatest (17). On the other hand, if we may judge from the few analyses available, the lecithin content of the brain normally shows but little change between infancy and adult life (18).

With the hope of obtaining indirect information regarding the status of the lipids in the brain during life,

limited studies of the blood lipids have been attempted by a number of investigators. The plasma cholesterol, for instance, has been claimed by various authors to be characteristically low in epilepsy (19) but this has been denied by others (20). The phospholipids of the blood have received very little attention. Because lecithin and cholesterol are recognized as physiological antagonists in their several rBles in the life processes of all cells (21), (22), they should be studied simultaneously. It is tentatively assumed that any alteration in their quantitative relationships in the blood is indicative of a disturbance in their relationship within the fixed tissucs (brain). The following data from rcceut studics (23) indicate that the lipid economy of the body is actually disturbed in relation to epileptic seizures. Normals


tion with convulsive seizures. It was evident in a series of eight patients, from whom serial blood samples were obtained throughout the day, that the lecithincholesterol ratio was highest in those samples taken nearest to the time of seizures and lowest in those most remote from seizures. The figures presented in Table 1 TABLE 1

nr m ~ s mL m n s AND OCCOIIIBNCB OF V n m m DlarhRV ICBOIXWS (SBVBBB EPILBPPY) (From McQuarrie, Blarr, and Husted) SWCCCC~.~ Lccifhia Ck*scon."L,iorr Rcginr~nr Polly lwol Cholcrfnol (XIO ad lib.) Acids 2," 702~ ax 1 ... . . . .2s -.

C o s a a ~ ~ r r osarwem ri Camoss




ordinary Mired






Several daily









None far 7 days





2 hours before and 1 hour after sample

After 5 dam on F..14Q;C..S;P.,36g. 313 (alkaline mh) After 6 days on P., 383 170; C.. 0: P., 55 g. (ketogenic) 460 After 3 days on F.. 110: C, 0; P .




16 during 5 days




None for 5dam be-




After 11 days on P., 149: C., 9; P., 36 g. (add ash) Temporary high carbohdrate intake

fore an8 3 days after 1 hour before and 1 bow after sample

illustrate the variations found in the lecithin, cholesterol, total fatty acids, and the lecithin-cholesterol ratio in the case of a child with extremely severe epilepsy. All but the first three of the blood samples recorded in the table were obtained in connection witb the extended study on the acid-base balance represented in Chart 4. I t is apparent that the lecithin tended to rise and the cholesterol to fall during the convulsive periods and that the reverse change occurred during periods of freedom from seizures.

Water and Mineral balance^ It has long been known that the brains of epileptics F n r r Y ACID CONTENT OP TAB BLOODPLASMA IN 32 "NOR&4L" dying as a result of frequently repeated convulsions nm, 100 E ~ I L E ~S TW I C~ C T S (status epilepticus) are abnormally "wet," that is, they The histograms are so arranged that the perpendicular black C-T



contain an excess of water, This fact, together witb the observation that water constitutes the major fraction of the body substance lost during starvation (24), suggested the possibility of a close relationship between the net water balance of the body and the occurrence of Chart 5 shows the results from a comparative sta- convulsions, particularly in those patients who are tistical study of the cholesterol, lecithin, and total fatty freed from seizures by fasting. Clinical experiments acids of the blood plasma in 100 cases of mild epilepsy specially designed to test this possibility showed that and 32 normal subjects. It will be seen that the ten- a deficit in the body water, no matter how produced, dency for this group of epileptics, most of whose sei- does favor the cessation of seizures, while a positive zures wereunder control, was toward subnormal lecithin, water balance tends to cause their recurrence (25), normal cholesterol and elevated total fatty acid. A (26). Simultaneous studies on the water and mineral second study on a smaller series of extremely severe exchanges under well-controlled conditions have deepileptics, who were a t the time having frequent sei- monstrated that the mineral balance is equally imzures, showed the lecithin as well as the cholesterol to portant (27), (28), (29). This was to be expected beremain within normal limits in all but a few instances. cause of the intimate relationship known to exist beHowever, a de6nite tendency was observed for the tween the water and mineral economy of the body. lecithin to increase relative to the cholesterol in comec- The results of representative experiments on the water

line in both the normal and epileptic series passes through the mean value for each constituent in the ~lasrnaof normal snbjects. The white square indicates the mean value for each constituent. [McQuamie, Bloor, and Husted]






* Indicates

a Iarge enema. [McQuarrie (Z6)I

and mineral exchanges are presented in the following graphic charts, which are largely self-explanatory, The close relationship between the water balance of the body and the occurrence of seizures is strikingly shown in Chart 6. The subject of this particular study was a six-year-old boy who had between 30 and 35 severe convulsions daily for one week before being subjected to rigid restriction of his total water intake. It is apparent from the chart that the number of seizures decreased during the first two days until he finally had none for a period of 18 hours. Because his body temperature a t the end of this time had risen to the fever level as a result of dehydration, he was given a large amount of drinking water. Following this rehydration of the tissues, convulsions again occurred with alarming frequency (43 in 26 hours). On resumption of the low-water regimen, however, they ceased completely within 12 hours. Except for one convulsion, which followed rectal administration of extra water in the form of an enema, there were no more attacks for eight days. At the end of this time they recurred following a too abrupt increase in the water allowance. When the total water exchange was finally readjusted a t a level which was just sufficient to meet the patient's minimum requirements for physiological activity, he showed striking improvement in his mental state and remained free from seizures for 28 days before being discharged from the hospital.

The relationship of convulsions to the mineral as well as the water balance is illustrated by the data from a prolonged study presented on Charts 7,8, and 9. The experimental subject, an Italian girl, 12 years of age, was selected for this study because of the great severity of her convulsive tendency. When not under intensive treatment, she was known to have from two to fifteen convulsions daily. The two purposes of this particular investigation were, first, t o ascertain whether certain means of producing a negative water balance, other than water restriction or a ketogenic regimen, would also result in cessation of seizures, and secondly, t o observe any variations that might occur in the mineral exchange in relationship to seizures. With the patient on a constant, non-ketogenic diet containing a daily total of 1700 grams of water, various procedures were employed for producing either a deficit or a storage of water in the body. These special procedures are indicated as headings on the charts. The sources of water intake and the proportions lost by the various paths of output are shown in Chart 7. Chart 8 shows the average per diem net water balance for the different periods in relationship to occurrence of convulsions. It is obvious that a negative water balance above a certain magnitude, whether resulting from urea diuresis or MgSO, catharsis, prevented seizures; whereas, sudden restoration of the water lost during such periods resulted in their recurrence. Fol-

m Drinking war.r R + . d wahr 4 nC& mn water orr*auon w p r e J o r d Wkmr from T w a s


urrnr E S Wd.r oi Sfmi C I Warm 0 , h,rn*l' ioaa mo WDIer q Je-bblrrs9.rIlo u*rr Drisxt.6 MhTirr"' I uofir of

C A ~ 7.-EFIIECTS T O P VARIOUS AGENLSON THE TOTAL WATEREXCHANGE OR n i BODY ~ The dict was: coostatbt throughout the entire study. IMcQmrric. Uanchester, and llurtedl

lowing the ingestion of extra water after a ten-day period i f dehyU&tion, the patient had 25 severe-convulsions within 36 hours. Further convulsions were then prevented in spite of continued storage of water by administration of massive doses of luminal (phenylethylbarhituric acid). Toward the close of the luminal period, however, spontaneous diuresis began and lasted for two and one-half days after withdrawal of the drug. No seizures occurred during this post-luminal control period. However, thirty hours after the reestablish-

CHART 8.-RELATIONSHIP OR NET WATERBALANCE TO OCCURRENCE OR SEIZURES The inset during the period of phenobarbital administration shows the daily net balance instead of the average for the entire period. See Chart 7.

[McQuame. Manchester, and Husted]

ment of a positive water balance by administration of the antidiuretic hormone from the pituitary gland (pitressin P.D.), the patient again had convulsions (15 within 12 hours). Finally, during the two-day period of diuresis which followed discontinuance of the antidiuretic agent, no seizures occurred. The most significant variations observed in the mineral excretion during the entire period of study are recorded on Chart 9. This shows the intake and the excretion of sodium, chlorine, and potassium, as well as the net water balance, in relationship to convnlsions. The features of greatest interest, as regard the mineral exchange, pertain to variations in the excretion of Na and K. During periods of negative water balance and freedom from seizures, the excretion of Na in the urine exceeded that of K although the intake of the latter element was greater. At such times there was a negative balance of C1 as well as of Na and K. During periods of positive water balance, when seizures occurred with great frequency, the K excretion predominated. Although the diet, water, and drugs given each day were administered in equal amounts a t 6-hour intervals, excretion of water and minerals was always much greater during the 12 hours of the day than during a corresponding period a t night. Smce in man Na greatly predominates over K in those body fluids outside of the cells (lymph and blood plasma) and the amount of K far exceeds that of Na within the cells, it is said that the protoplasmic membrane separating the contents of the cell from the surrounding medium is semipermeable. While under ordinary conditions the C1 ion apparently passes freely through such living cell membranes. Na ions can enter the cells and K can leave them only with great difficulty. Regulatory forces are continuously active in preserving the constancy of the electrolyte concentration of both extracellular and intracellular fluids, which tend to remain in equilibrium with each other. It has been shown (24) that changes in the water and the base content of the animal body tend to parallel one another




Sodium o Chlwiie








I h=





very precisely. Storage of water entails retention of base and retention of base causes a proportionate storage of water. Excessive excretion or storage of intracellular water involves corresponding loss or storage of K, while changes involving the extracellular fluids are accompanied chiefly by loss or retention of equivalent amounts of Na. In the light of this knowledge, it is apparent from Chart 9 tbat the water lost during periods of induced diuresis was largely extracellular in origin, as indicated by the greater output of Na. The mineral and water loss resulting from use of the ketogenic diet has been shown to be of the same type. The extra K excreted during periods of water storage undoubtedly came chiefly from the body cells. What proportion of it was lost from brain tissue, which has an unusually high K content, cannot be said. The facts that this loss probably represents an abnormal "leakage" of intra53 r



Vmous CONDITIONS [McQuame(30)]





cellular K and that the experimental patient was one suffering from a profound disorder of the nervous system are presumptive evidence in favor of such an origin. Since the increase in K excretion during the waterstorage periods preceded the onset of convulsions, i t is apparent tbat this phenomenon cannot be explained simply as an outpouring of base to neutralize the lactic and carbonic adds accumulating as a result of convulsions. An alternative interpretation is that the capacity of the cells to retain K was diminished when extra water was taken up. The next step in the investigation was to determine whether or not seizures could be induced in mildly epileptic patients between their regular attacks by artificially establishing a positive water balance. Since one of the chief physiological mechanisms for maintaining the constancy of the osmotic pressure in the extracellular fluids of the body is the excretion by the kid-




neys of any extra water ingested, water drinking alone does not result in the establishment of a positive balance. However, there are two harmless methods available for causing temporary retention of extra water, even in the case of a normal person. The first of these is to administer a comparatively large volume of water containing NaCl in a concentration similar to that of the blood plasma. The second is to give extra drinking water without added salt hut with simultaneous administration of the antidiuretic hormone from the pituitary gland, which prevents the rapid excretion of water by the kidneys. While no seizures followed establishment of a strongly ~ositivefluid balance bv use of the first method. it has found that they &uld be induced regularly. in epileptic children, hut never in non-epileptic control subjects, by the second method. I t is obvious that any knowledge regarding the underlying physiological mechanism of seizures induced in the epileptic patient in this manner might aid in the identication of his characteristic structural or functional defect. The chief differencebetween the physiological effects of the first and second methods of producing a positive water balance must be due to the fact that the extracellular fluids of the body are not significantly changed by the retained saline solution but are greatly diluted by the water stored during the period of sustained antidiuresis. The vasopressor action of the pituitary extract has been satisfactorily ruled out as the factor of chief importance. The experiment presented on Chart 10 was planned to test further the dilution hypothesis (30). In this a normal and a mildly epileptic subject were placed on similar, low-mineral diets and bigh-water intake while being given the antidiuretic extract subcutaneously at regular intervals. It is seen that the non-epileptic subject had no convulsion in spite of storage of two and one-half kilograms of water, whereas the epileptic had one after gaining but one and one-half kilograms in weight. After complete recovery from the first test, the epileptic was resubmitted to it with no change in the procedure except for addition to the regimen of just sufiicient NaCl to prevent dilution by the retained water. It is apparent that this modification prevented occurrence of seizures even though the amount of water stored was 60 per cent. greater during the second than during the first test. One tentative conclusion that may be drawn from this experiment is that the brain cells of the epileptic are characteristically oversensitive to dilution of the extracellular fluids.

The Effect of Reduced Oxygen Tension in the Blood I t has been shown experimentally that convulsions can be induced in normal animals by interference with the arterial blood supply to the brain, which has been interpreted as an effect of reduced supply of 01 to the brain cells (31), (9). Reduction of 0% tension in the atmosphere breathed by an epileptic patient has been shown by Lennox and Cobb to favor the occurrence of seizures (9). The latter authors believe that oxygen

lack in the brain cells is the most likely cause of epileptic convulsions. That such seizures may be due to the increased permeability of the brain cells produced by anoxia is suggested further on. COMMENT

This abbreviated r6sumt? of recent studies on epilepsy, illustrated (for the sake of convenience) by samples of data from the clinical experiments of the writer and his co-workers, indicates the importance of the hiochemical approach to the involved questions of pathogenesis and treatment of this bizarre disorder. Although the varied data presented are admittedly inadequate for a final solution of the underlying problem of etiology, they require a common interpretation which, while highly tentative, may serve as a working hypothesis. I t has long been recognized that a wide variety of dissimilar factors may contribute to the occurrence of epileptic convulsions, but it has been necessary to postulate the existence of some unknown constitutional abnormality to explain why persons with epilepsy have seizures under such conditions and others do not. Since there is no constant or characteristic anatomical disease process to account for this increased convulsive tendency, we are forced to regard it as a manifestation of some inherent defect in the functional capacity of the, brain cells. Of the various physiological mechanisms, which might conceivably be at fault, that responsible for the semipermeability of the brain cell membrane appears to be the most likely in the light of the results presented above. While some obscure abnormality in the cell colloids, such as that suggested hy Bancroft and Richter (32), might answer certain of the requirements practically as well, the former possibility has a greater amount of presumptive evidence in its favor. For instance, all of the conditions which tend to induce seizures, such as alkalosis, nervous excitation, mechanical injury and anoxia, are also known to increase cell membrane permeability; whereas, factors favoring a state of freedom from seizures, such as narcosis, sedation, acidosis, and dehydration, are those recognized as decreasing permeability. Additional evidence in support of this view is presented in the present review. The abnormal "leakage" of K from the cells during periods of rehydration or superhydration in the experiment referred to in Chart 9 sugests a defective cell membrane. The apparent failure of the hrain cells to function normally, when the extracellular body fluids were forcibly diluted, as shown in Chart 10, might be explained on the basis of a distnrbance in membrane permeability or abnormal behavior of the brain cell colloids. If the assumption is made that the blood reflects alterations in the fixed cells of the brain, the various shifts in the plasma lipids, shown in Table 1,would favor the view also. Available data indicate that cholesterol and its esters, acting as hydrophobe colloids, tend to decrease the permeability of cell membranes to water

and electrolvtes, while leathin, as a hvdrophile colloid, tends increase the ease with wgch these substances enter or leave the cell (22). That variations in the relative proportions of and lecithin in the blood may influence the excitability of the nervous system is indicated by various facts. For instance, injection of cholesterol directly into the blood stream produces profound narcosis, while administration of lecithin with a narcotic agent shortens the period of narcosis. If lecithin is administered with a convulsive drug, the dose of the latter required to cause convulsions is greatly reduced. I t is conceivable that these different effects are related to resulting alterations in the brain cell membranes. Since the metabolic effects of the ketogenic regimen are all of the type which tend to decrease cell membrane permeability, may it not be that this is the modus ofierandi by which fasting exerts its beneficial influence on the epileptic patient? Much experimental work remains to be done to answer this and other questions pertaining to the physico-chemical pathology of epilepsy.



(1) HOWLAND, J. AND MARRIOIT, W. M., Q w t . J. Med.. 11,289 (1917). (2) DAVENPORT, C. B., Arch. Neurol. & Pqckiaf., 9,554 (1923). F.B., :Treatment of epilepsy," The Macmillan Co., (3) TALBOT, New York C~ty,1930. (4) ADAMS,F., "The genuine works of Hipp-tes," Wm. Wood & Co., New York City, 1886. (5) See TALB~T, ref. (3).

(6) K U F ~ F , A.


TENNER.A,, See Lennox and Cohb,

ret. (Y). J, H., west R2ingL,ti, Asylum cpor(s, 3, 315 (1873). (8) GOWERS.W. R., "E~ilepsyand other convulsive diseases," J. & A. Churchill, London. 1881. (9) L E ~ ~ w. , , G. AND C ~ E E .s., &fed&&, 7, 105 (1928). (10) HOLMES,E.J., Brit. Med. J., 2,260 (1929).


; 1(13) : ~McQu-E, ~~~~.~:;$$;~;,1~$lf~,7~~:&21), I. KEITH,H. M., Am. 5. Dis. CkiLi., AND

34, 1013 (1927). (14) BI~GAARD. A.. JARLOY.E., A.


ncn ,,nro, il""\ . i . I U , .


NOBVIG, J., Kos+itdstid..

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