Chemistry with inorganic qualitative analysis (Moeller, Therald

with Inorganic Qualitative Analysis, Third Edition (Bailar, Jr., John C.; Moeller, Therald; Kleiberg, Jacob; Guss, Cyrus O.; Castellion, Mary E.; ...
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"Foundations of Chemical Analysis" by

0.Budevsky is one of the volumes in the Ellis Horwood Series in Analytical Chemistry published by Halsted Press,which is a British division of John Wiley and Suns. This series contains approximately 30 volumes in analytical chemistry authored by prominent analytical chemists from mostly Eastern European universities. The editors from the University of Aberdeen are Dr. Mary R. Masson and Dr. Robert A. Chalmers, the latter a regional editor of Mikroehimrrn A d o and editor-in-chief of Tolonto. This volume contains fifteen chapters which treat the principles of wet analytical chemistry with a thermodynamic orientation. The chapten include the classical tnpia, such as equilibria, aeid-base theory, volumetric and gravimetrie analysis, non-aqueous, emnplexometrie, and redox titratiuns. The only instrumental technique discussed is potentiometric titrations. Since the text is very equilibrium oriented, there is an abundance of graphical presentations for titrimetric and the various types of eauilihrium reactions discussed. This

these presentations in as great an extent as does this text. In the chapter dealing with the equilibria of complex formation, there is a discussion concerning the effect of the presence of side reactions on the major complex

include qualitative analysis, this book is a large and high quality comprehensive general textbook. It is a rich resourcenot only for the mainline topics we have come to expect in general textbooks but also in terms of historical asides, descriptive chemistry, extensive tables, useful diagrams, and literary gems. Nearly all the small errors that I had noticed in the non-qua1 version have been corrected. There is somueh that is good about the book that one hesitates to be picky about such common, but unwarranted, errors such as imorine ste~wise dissociation of comoleves ioo. 870.532.'9411. . . . the. omission ~ ~ of redox reactions in d i w m i w i,f irrewrshil~tyID. 4561, the ruggwtion l n n r a reacrion chat har a large K will go readily (p. 946),the suggestion that collisions are not necessary in first-order reactions (p. 4311,and (moreamatter of opinion) the use of normality as a concentration unit. The sections dealing with qualitative analvsis dealine with both anions and cations

forming reactions, with the introduction of' the side reaction coefficient (a). In addition, the significance of the conditional formation constant is also explained and illustrated. These latter two examples are not usually found in undergraduate analytical chemistry textbooks. This text is written a t the advanced undergraduate level compared to other North American quantitative analysis books. There is a minimal number ofwoiked problems in the chapters and there are no pmhlams or exercises at the end of each chapter. The only bibliographic citations mentioned are listed a t the end of the book and number five references. There is an adequate listing of constants in the appendix. It appears that the text is a compilation of a very refined grouping of lecture materials for an advanced undergraduate course in analytical chemistry. The book is not didactic to the extent that is expected by most North American analytical chemistry instructors, for the reasons discussed above. This hook does have great. use for a senior, undergraduate level, or first-year level graduate course in classical analytical chemistry. SELMAN A. BERGER Cily Uni~erSityof New York John Jay College of Criminal Justice New Yotk. NY 10019

Foundatlons of Chemlcal Analysis 0.Budevsky, Faculty of Pharmacy. Academy of Medicine, Sofia. Bulgaria. Ellis Horwood Ltd.. Halsted Press. Chichester, England. 1979. iv 372 pp. 24 X 15.4 cm. $55.00.


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version even if my lab program did not use qual, because the descriptive information is useful for discussions of chemical applieations. In addition, the authors have improved on the chapters dealing with equilibria in aqueous solutions. R. W. RAMET~E Carleton College Northfield. MN 55057

Chemistry with Inorganic Qualitative Analysis Therald Moeller, Academic Press, New York. 1980. vii 1086 pp. Figs. and tables. 27 X 22 cm. $19.95.



Like its alternative version that does not


(Continued on page A1141

Reviewed in this Issue Reviewer

0.Budevsky. Foundations of Chemical Analysis

Selman A. Berger

Therald Moeller, Chemistry with Inorganic Qualitative Analysis

R. W. R a m e n e

A. Carrington, and A. D. McLachlan, Introduction t o Magnetic Resonance

G. Fredric Reynolds

Darshan Ranganathan and Subramania Ranganathan. Challenging Problems in Organic Reaction Mechanisms

R. Karl Dieter

Athel Cornish-Bowden. Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics

E. A. Boeker

R. A. Bailey, H. M. Clarke, J. P. Ferris. S. Krause a n d R. L. Strong, Chemistry of

C. L. Chakrabarti and R. J. Teskey

t h e Environment DanielM. Marmion. Handbook

of U S . Colorants for Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics

Harold T. McKone

Glenn H Brown and Jerome J. Wolken, Liquid Crystals and Biological Structures

Edward T. Samulski

Franklin D. Saeva, editor, Liquid Crystals: The Fourth State of Matter

David W. Oxtoby

Alfred A. Schilt, Perchloric Acid and Perchlorates

Luther E. Erickson

Peter Sykes, Reaction Pathways

of Carbolic Acid Derivatives

Alton J. Banks

Volume 58

Number 3

March 1981
