CHEMTRIX, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 22, 2012 - Chem. , 1968, 40 (6), pp 82A–82A ... Publication Date: May 1968 .... For the FBI investigators of David Lynch's Twin Peaks television...
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POLAROGRAPHY . . . digital readout of peak height measurements

NEW BOOKS These two volumes ($3 each) present the proceedings of the symposium that was held at the University of Texas, Austin, March 27 to 29, 1967. A Computer Method for the Automatic Reduction of Spectroscopic Data. E. F. Ditzel, L. E. Giddings, Jr. Naval Research Lab., Washington, D. C. Order AD-665-281. 86 pages. This publication describes a computer program to be used with an associated spectral comparator for automatically reducing spectroscopic data.

The new Type 310 Readout Amplifier adds accuracy, speed, and convenience to Polarography with Chemtrix SingleSweep Polarographic Analyzer Systems. Reference and measurement points are adjustable over the entire polarogram by means of ten-turn precision potentiometers, and each appears as an intensified spot on the trace. In most other aspects, the Type 310 is similar to the Chemtrix Type 300 Polarographic Amplifier Unit. The Chemtrix Model SSP-3 Single-Sweep Polarographic Analyzer System combines the new Type 310 Readout Amplifier with the Type 205 Three-Electrode Time-Base and the Type 564 Storage Oscilloscope. In addition to digital readout of peak-height measurements, the Model SSP-3 has these unique features: 1. Oscillographic Polarography with single-sweep polarograms stored on the face of the cathode-ray tube. 2. Dynamic IR compensation for high-resistance electrolytes. 3. Scan velocities from 0.5 V/sec to 20 V/sec. 4. Scan potential ranges of 0.5 V, 1 V, and 2 V. 5. Start potential adjustable from — 2 V through zero to + 2 V. 6. Cyclic display of both cathodic and anodic peaks. 7. Single scans triggered by drop fall. 8. Active derivative mode for peak separation. 9. Display of IT curves.

An Apparatus for the Measurement of the Mossbauer Effect in Thin Films. G. L. Haury, E. Rutner. Air Force Materials Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Order AD-664 048. 67 pages. 1967. Identification and Characterization of Electrochemical Reaction Products by X-Ray Diffraction. J. Burbank. Naval Research Lab., Washington, D. C. Order AD-364 945. 25 pages. 1967. In this publication, the surfaces of polycrystalline solids are examined by reflection diffractometry ; the described cell was designed for simultaneous x-ray and electrochemical studies; the BergBarrett topographic technique is demonstrated. The Application of Liquid Crystals for Thermographic Testing of Bonded Structures. S. E. Cohen. Lockheed-Georgia Co., Marietta, Ga. Order N67-S5747. SO pages. 1967. Absorption Spectrum of Iron in the Vacuum Ultraviolet 2 9 5 0 - 1 5 8 8 Â .

D. W. Weeks, E. A. Simpson. Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass. Order N67-S7787. S3 pages. 1967. Polarogram above illustrates measurement of cathodic peak of Cadmium ion in 1N K C I . Current in microamps between intensified spot at left (ref­ erence point) and intensified spot on peak (meas­ urement point) is read out digitally by the Type 310 Polarographic Amplifier. MODEL SSP-3 Polarographic Analyzer System $3190.00 TYPE 310 Readout Amplifier, available separately. .$1195.00 Other Chemtrix Polarographlc Instruments: MODEL SSP-1 Single-Sweep Polarographic System $2685.00 MODEL SSP-2 Three-Electrode Polarographic System. . .$2790.00 U.S. Sales Prices f.o.b. factory

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82 A


An Approximate Method for Determining Absorption Coefficients.

M. W. Finkel. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Order N6736889. SO pages. 1967. Development of Fast Neutron Activation Analysis for Liquid Loop Systems. D. E. Wood. Kaman Corp., Colorado Springs, Colo. Order TID24029. 37 pages. 1967. The Determination of Oxygen in Sodium by the Amalgamation Method. J. M. Scarborough, P. G. DeVries, North American Aviation, Inc., Order NAA-SR-12250. 20 pages. 1967.

Quantitative Measure of Photochemically Reactive Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Enamels and Thinners.

G. G. Esposito, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Order AD-663 813. 20 pages. 1967. This publication describes a gas chromatographic procedure for the determination of toluene, ethyl benzene, and total aromatics in enamels and thinners. X-Ray Diffraction Data on Liquid Benzene at 25° C. J. A. O'Malley. Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pa.; A. H. Narten, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Order ORNL-4I66. 28 pages. 1967. Presented in this publication are both the raw data and the intensity and radial distribution functions derived from them in tabulated form. NMR Spectral Atlas of Aromatic Nitro Compounds. T. A. E. Richter et al., Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N. J. Order AD-663 8Ο4. 139 pages. 1967. This publication presents the high resolution proton magnetic resonance spectra of 124 polysubstituted aromatic mono-, di-, tri-, and tetranitro com­ pounds, scanned at 60 MHz. Application of Liquid-Layer SolidS a m p l e S p a r k Technique t o Spect r o c h e m i c a l A n a l y s i s Using C o n ­ v e n t i o n a l S p a r k Source. R. M.

Barnes, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Order N68-10497. 15 pages. 1967. The following publications are avail­ able from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Of­ fice, Washington, D. C. 20402. Activation Analysis: Cockcroft-Walton Generator Nuclear Reactor, LINAC July 1966 Through June 1967. James R. DeVoe, Editor. Order NBS Technical Note 428. 90 pages. 1967. 55 cents. X-Ray Wavelengths and X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels. J. A. Bearden. Johns Hopkins University. Order NSRDAS-NBS 14. 66 pages. 1967. 40 cents. The new determination of x-ray wavelength and atomic energy levels in this publication provides highly accur­ ate data based on selected primary standards and methods of computation. The compilations were first published in Reviews of Modern Physics, January 1967.