photograph of two single scans stored on the face of the cathode-ray tube. Both peaks are indium in 0.1 M KCI with a cathodic cell scan of 0.5 volt st...
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Now, it's rapid 3 electrode polarography •


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Liquid S c i n t i l l a t i o n S y s t e m s .


7128, 16 pages, details technical features and user benefits of five soft-beta particle counters. Additional topics include automatic quench calibration, external standardization by channels ratio, and ambient temperature operation. Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634 601

D y n a m i c IR compensation permits precise h a l f - w a v e potential measurem e n t s w i t h t h e M o d e l S S P - 2 at both fast and slow scan rates. T h i s is t h e latest h i g h - s p e e d , s i n g l e s w e e p p o l a r o g r a p h i c system w i t h i m a g e s t o r a g e f r o m C h e m t r i x . It is t h e only o s c i l l o g r a p h i c p o l a r o g r a p h y system w i t h : 1) D y n a m i c a l l y - c o n t r o l l e d p o t e n t i a l . 2) I m a g e s t o r a g e up to one hour. 3) Cyclic display of bot h cat hod ic and a n o d i c peaks. 4) 0.5, 1, and 2-volt cell s c a n r a n g e s . 5) Cell scan d u r a t i o n s f r o m 0.1 t o 10 seco n d s . 6) S i n g l e s c a n s t r i g g e r e d by d r o p f a l l . 7) First and s e c o n d derivative m o d e s . 8) Display of IT c u r v e s .

Fringe Visibility. This four-page newsletter discusses the enhanced fringe visibility observed when an intracavity étalon is inserted in Model 50K ion laser system. Coherent Radiation Laboratories, 932 E. Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 602


Labware Catalog. New products and six items molded from TPX highlight this 1968 catalog. The sections on chemical resistance and physical and chemical properties of resins now include information on TPX. Nalgene Labware Division, P. O. Box 365, Rochester, Ν. Υ. 14602 603 Fused Silica. This 12-page publica­ tion describes Coming's ultra-low-ex­ pansion fused silica. Detailed charts of the material's thermal, chemical, me­ chanical, optical, and electrical prop­ erties are included. Corning Glass Works, Corning, Ν. Υ. 14830 604

The greater IR drop characteristics of low-concentration electrolytes is illustrated in this photograph of two single scans stored on the face of the cathode-ray tube. Both peaks are Indium in 0.1 M KCI with a cathodic cell scan of 0.5 volt starting at 0.4 volt negative. The peak at right is the response with the two-electrode system showing potential displacement, as compared to the peak at left in which the IR component of the electrolyte is compensated for by the corrective action of the SSP-2 threeelectrode system. Model SSP-2 Three-Electrode Polarographic Analyzer System . . . $2790 Model SSP-1 Two-Electrode Polarographic Analyzer System . . . $2685 Write for your free copy of the new booklet, "Applications of Single-Sweep Polarography with the Storage Oscilloscope." U. S. Sales Prices F.O.B. Factory

CHEMTRIX. INC. Instrumentation for Science

P.O. Box 725

Beaverton, Oregon 97005 (503) 648-1434

Circle No. 101 on Readers' Service Card

Optical Services. This 1968 catalog offers a comprehensive survey of optical instrumentation and provides detailed applications information on the more complex equipment. Ealing Corp., 2230 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02140 605 Spectroscopic and Laboratory Prod­ ucts. Carbon and graphite preformed electrodes, laboratory equipment, rods, and powders are presented in this eightpage illustrated catalog. Met-Bay Inc., 904 Harrison St., Bay City, 'Mich. 48706 606 Laboratory Products. This 15-page annual review presents new products and facts about and new uses for the company's products. Gelman Instru­ ment Co., P. O. Box 1448, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 607

New! N-Point® Indicator Solution speeds Kjeldahl titrations with fewer missed endpoints Titrate quickly to the gray color change, then dropwise to the sharp red N-Point. Direct and accurate every time, no back titrating. Available at your lab supply house. N-Point Indicator Solution Pint $ 4.00 Gallon $24.00 Write for N-Point Kjeldahl procedure for your lab.

Division of The Matheson Company Inc. Norwood, Ohio East Rutherford, N. J. Los Angeles Circle No. 134 on Readers' Service Card VOL 40, NO. 4, APRIL 1968 · 141 A