Accuracy on. pH is +0,01pHunits. Accuracy on millivolts is ±1.0 mV. Input impedance greater than 1010 ohms. Connectors: BNC, U.S. STANDARD,. BANANA...
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Type 80 was developed at Oregon State University and has been in constant use there for the past two years.

What the students see.

$695. What the professor sees.

Giant digital pH-pIon meter The new C h e m t r i x G I A N T Digital pH Meter is designed w i t h the classroom in m i n d . Giant 12 centimeter (4.5 inch) numbers having a viewing distance in excess o f 50 meters (1 50 feet) are o n the viewing side. The W O R K I N G side o f the meter contains a conventional Digital p H - p l o n Meter. Thus, the numbers seen by the student are the same as those seen by the professor. The T y p e 80 is f u l l y solid-state w i t h 7-segment L E D displays. pH range is 0 to Ί 4 . 0 0 pH units and m i l l i v o l t range is f r o m + 1 9 9 9 t o —1999 w i t h autop o l a r i t y . Temperature compensation is adjustable f r o m 0 ° C t o 1 0 0 ° C . A slope adjustment allows one t o exactly match the characteristics o f the electrode in use t o the meter. A n o u t p u t is available f o r connection t o a chart recorder. Accuracy on pH is ±0.01 pH units. Accuracy on m i l l i v o l t s is ±1.0 m V . I n p u t impedance greater than 1 0 1 0 ohms. Connectors: BNC, U.S. S T A N D A R D , B A N A N A J A C K S . Size: 4 6 cm W χ 20 cm Η χ 20 cm D ( 1 8 " χ 8 " χ 8 " ) . Weight: 4.5 Kg (10 lbs.). Power: 1 1 0 / 2 2 0 volts (specify), 50-60 Hz.

CHEMTRIX, INC. 163 S.W. Freeman Ave. Hillsboro.Oregon 97123 · Phone 503/648-0762 CIRCLE 3 3 O N READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,

V O L . 4 9 , N O . 7, JUNE



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