from Columbia River. Peaks are zinc, lead, antimony and copper, at concentra- tions of less than 100 PPB. Polarography is the modern approach to rapid...
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Polarography is the modern approach to rapid detection of water pollution. With a fast, 1-second scan, you can determine the presence, or absence, of selected contaminants in a water sample and measure their quantitative density within parts per-million. After contaminants are detected, and if more critical measurement is desired, anodic stripping polarography provides parts-per-billion measurement of the contamination. TAP WATER. Polarography of laboratory tap water shows reversible zinc ion and small ion peak. Zinc concentration is 10 PPM.

Polarography permits measurement of almost every element in the periodic table, including such anions as nitrate, nitrite, sulphate and cyanide. Compounds such as acrylonitrite are readily determined by rapid-scan polarography. Investigate for yourself the benefits of pollution detection with polarography. Send today for our free booklet, "POLLUTION AND POLAROGRAPHY."

R I V E R SAMPLE NO. 1. Polarograph s h o w i n g 1 0 : 1 c o n c e n t r a t i o n water sample f r o m Willamette River. Copper, nickel and iron at PPM levels are shown. M o d e l SSP-3A Polarographic System, w i t h digital readout of peak amplitudes. Provides anodic stripping capabilities a n d d e t e c t i o n of elements to parts per billion. FOB Factory Price $ 3835.00

R I V E R SAMPLE NO. 1 - A N O D I C STRIPPING. Anodic stripping polarography, using thin mercury f i l m electrode, shows content of water sample f r o m Columbia River. Peaks are zinc, lead, antimony and copper, at concentrations of less than 100 PPB.

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