CHICAGO APPARATUS COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 16, 2012 - CHICAGO APPARATUS COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (4), pp 18A–18A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60124a720. Publication Date: March 1957...
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James A . Rogers, Jr.

Hugh F. Beeghly

John A. Brabson

Harry W . von Loesecke

Technology in Hoboken, N . J., he joined Fritzschc Brothers as research chemist in the company's Clifton factory. His field of interest involves identification and structural determination of essential oil components and related products by infrared and ultraviolet absorption and gas chromatographic methods. H e belongs to the ACS, Society for Applied Spectroscopy, and Coblentz Society.

"outstanding service to chemistry in Pittsburgh during 1949." He has been extremely active in his local section of the ACS since 1940. Other professional groups with which he has worked include AIChE, ASTM, Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Diffraction Society, and the Society for Chemical Industry.

Ferrous Metallurgy

John A. Brabson is a member of the ACS Analytical Division, as well as treasurer, section chairman, and councilor for the Wilson Dam Section. He was born in Limestone, Tenn., and received his B.S. in chemistry from the university of that state. Since taking his degree in 1936, he has been working for the Tennessee Valley Authority as chemist at various levels. At present, he is supervisor of analytical chemistry, specializing in inorganic analysis and

Hugh F. Beeghly has made numerous contributions to the field of analytical chemistry since joining the Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. upon graduation from West Virginia University (B.S. '36). He is now research associate with the company, has published approximately 20 papers, and holds two patents. He was the recipient of a special merit award of the Pittsburgh Junior Chamber of Commerce for


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push-button operation drift free outlets for recorder and


therniocompensator Easier, faster, more accurate and reproducible routine pH measurements arc now possible with this new instrument. A unique stand-by circuit warm-up time. An internal voltage compensator smooths out line voltage fluctuations. A mirror backed meter scale eliminates parallax. All these features and more give you automatic accuracy in pH readings. Many other extras are included: push-button millivolt readings for Karl Fischer or redox titrations, extended millivolt readings —700, 0, -[-700 or 0-1400 with displaced zero, outlets onr rear panel for a standard potentiometer recorder, for a polarizing current in " dead-stop:' titrations, and for an automatic, therniocompensator. Catalog ,Vo. 30540, price $275.00

Developed by Dr. J. B. Brown, Director of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology and Professor of Physiological Chemistry of the Ohio State University in the course of his work on fatty acids.',7 Inverted suction filtration is particularly useful in the separation of fatty acids and similar compounds by means of low temperature crystallization. The technique can be adapted to many other procedures in organic chemistry. In use a funnel with filter paper attached is lowered as illustrated above into a beaker containing precipitate and liquid. The supernatant liquid is removed by suction, leaving the precipitate to be washed and collected. The technique is fully described in the references cited and in the descriptive bulletin which is available upon request. (1}

J. B. Brown end Doris K. Kalb, Applications of Low Temperature Crystallization in the Separation of

Fatty Acids and Their Compounds. Progress in the



Fats, Vol. 3 (1955)

pp 57-94


Press, London. (2)

J. B. Brown, Fractional

1955 Vol.

CHICAGO APPARATUS COMPANY 1735 North Ashland Avenue subsidiary companies:

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Brown Inverted Funnel




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Solvent Crystallization, Journal

Circle No. 18 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page S3 A