CHICAGO APPARATUS COMPANY | Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 16, 2012 - CHICAGO APPARATUS COMPANY. Cite This:Anal. Chem.195931974A. Publication Date (Print):September 1, 1959. Publication History...
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THERMAL ^ 1 9 ANAUVS>S S . N C E 1 9








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AUTHORITATIVE Near Infrared Spectra for your Beckman DK Published By Anderson Physical Laboratory • • • • • •

Range 0.7 to 3.2 microns Highest purity materials High resolution; excellent legibility Recorded on a Beckman DK-2 Quality reviewed by a panel of expert spectroscopists Indexed twice yearly

Exploitation of the fertile near infrared region, made accessible by the Beckman DK Spectrophotometers, must be based upon reliable reference data. The Anderson near infrared spectra, recorded under carefully controlled conditions on a DK-2 spec­ trophotometer and reviewed before publication by a panel of expert spectroscopists, provide a wealth of data which serve both as standards for comparison with unknowns and as raw material for the compilation of rules for the determination of structure. Over 800 spectra of diverse organic compounds have been recorded and additional curves are appearing at the rate of 100 per month. Write us for descriptive literature and sample curves.


NEW BOOKS Fine Particle Measurement. Clyde Orr, Jr., and J. M. Dallavalle. xiv + 353 pages. The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, Ν. Υ. 1959. S10.50. This is the first single volume to present a detailed discussion of impor­ tant techniques used currently for measurement of size, surface, and pore volume. It treats both theory and ap­ plication of the measurements which are of vast importance since finely di­ vided material has so many uses in industries such as glass, rubber, ce­ ramics, and petroleum, and is also im­ portant to meteorologists and soil sci­ entists. It consists of ten chapters, besides appendix and bibliography. Their sub­ jects are significance of measurements; particle size determinations by mi­ croscopy, sedimentation, inertial tech­ niques, radiation, and transmission; surface area from permeametry; meas­ urement of surface area by gas adsorp­ tion; measurement of surface area by liquid-phase sorption and other meth­ ods, and pore size and distribution. "Universal" Air Pollutant Analyzer.

D. F. Adams, H. J. Dana, and R. K. Koppe. 37 pages. Community Air Pollution Program, 4767 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati 26, Ohio. 1957. No cost. This paper bound publication de­ scribes two atmospheric pollutant an­ alyzers for producing dosimeter or continuously integrated records. These were assembled within a single metal enclosure and tested near Mead, Wash­ ington, and Waneta, British Columbia, and found to be satisfactory, one for sulfur dioxide using Starch-Iodine Blue indicator, and the other for hydrogen fluoride using Zirconium-Eriochrome Cyanine R as reagent. The report brings out the fact that no single in­ strument is appropriate for all pollut­ ants and that for each one a special instrument is probably required. There are eight chapters and a listing of lit­ erature cited. There are chapters for description of apparatus, sample chang­ ing sequence, reagents, performance, and achievements. Absorption Spectrophotometry.




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F. Lothian. 2nd ed. viii + 246 pages. The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, Ν. Υ. 1958. $10.75.