204 Andover Street. Aridover, MA 01810. (617) 475-7015 Telex 94-7134. A Subsidiary of Beckman Instruments, Inc. ©SpectraMetrics, Inc., 1981. SpectraM...
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Λ Though hidden in antiquity, dice probably evolved from prehistoric games of knucklebones. The use of dice for games developed first in the Orient, while dice similar to those in use today are depicted on Egyptian monuments and have been found in the ancient ruins of Thebes. Mark Antony was said to have wasted his time in Alexandria by playing dice. In 18th century England great fortunes were won and lost with the single roll of the dice. Today games of chance are still a major in­ fluence within our society. However, decisions regarding analytical instrumentation, although involving a degree of risk, should not be left to chance. When faced with decisions regarding plasma emission instrumentation, consider Spectra-

SpectraMetrics, Inc. 204 Andover Street Aridover, MA 01810 (617) 475-7015 Telex 94-7134 A Subsidiary of Beckman Instruments, Inc. ©SpectraMetrics, Inc., 1981

Metrics, the one company that provides an in­ telligent alternative to risk. The SpectraSpan III-B from SpectraMetrics is the first plasma emission spectrometer offering either DCP or ICP excita­ tion sources. Furthermore, the Multiple Source SpectraSpan System III-B offers both DCP and ICP sources in a configuration which provides for simple switchover from one source to the other. Utilizing the high-resolution échelle spectrometer, the System III-B offers true simultaneous multi-element analysis in either ICP or DCP mode. Many factors come into play while making instrumentation decisions. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE, CALL SPECTRAMETRICS... WHERE YOU HAVE A CHOICE.