Chrompack USA Inc. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 31, 2012 - Chrompack U.S.A. Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1979, 51 (6), pp 588A–588A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50042a740. Publication Date: May 1979. ACS Legacy ...
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separation in organic media; S. Dennison, Clay separation by flotation; R. B. Grieves, Separation of inorganic an­ ions (primarily oxyanions) of indus­ trial significance from dilute, multisalt aqueous solutions by foam fraction­ ation and by charged membrane ultra­ filtration. Aug. 16. N. Catsimpoolas, Separa­ tion of cells by density gradient elec­ trophoresis; A. R. Cooper, Purification and fractionation of soluble polymers by ultrafiltration; W. E. Greiner, Mul­ tistage countercurrent crystallization. Aug. 17. R. P. Andres, The free jet deceleration process, a new method for separating gas molecules or aerosol particles of disparate mass; J. L. Atwood, Liquid clathrates.

Fisher Award Winner




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Douglas Stewart Russell, head of the analytical chemistry section of the Division of Chemistry of the National Research Council in Ottawa, Canada, has been named winner of the Fisher Scientific Lecture Award for 1979. He will present his award lecture on trace analysis at the 62nd Chemical Confer­ ence and Exhibition in Vancouver, June 3-6,1979. Mr. Russe! ι was born in Georgetown, Ontario, in 1916, and graduated in chemistry from the Uni­ versity of Toronto. He started his ca­ reer with Welland Chemical Works and then served as research officer in radiochemistry for an atomic energy project. He joined NRC in 1946 and became head of the analytical section in 1952. He served on the editorial board of Chemistry in Canada, on the executive committee of the CIC Ana­ lytical Chemistry Division, and was national president in 1969 of the Ca­ nadian Spectroscopic Society. The Fisher Award, sponsored by Fisher Scientific Co., Ltd., is accompa­ nied by a scroll and an honorarium of $1000. It is awarded to a scientist liv­ ing in Canada who has made a distin­ guished contribution in analytical chemistry while working in Canada.