chymotrypsin sensitized by the inhibitor N-acetyl-3-nitrotyrosine

Apr 4, 1970 - with methyl iodide it yielded chiefly the C-methylation product IIIc.4,5 On quenching with aqueous NH4C1 the dianion afforded the ...
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mp 134-136', which was hydrolyzed to the all-ciseffect on the oxidation potential. The 0.27-V difference diketone IV,4 mp 78-80'. With acetic anhydride and in oxidation potential between l a and naphthohydrosodium acetate, IV afforded the diacetate Va,4 mp 114quinone corresponds to 12.4 kcal/mol, while the 0.31-V 115', while with NaH, followed by acetic acid, IV difference between I and Vb corresponds to 14.2 kcal/ was converted to the hydroquinone Vb, mp 163-166". mol. The data on the dianions correspond to a 16 Compound Vb could be oxidized with N 2 0 4 to the kcal/mol difference in the AGO for oxidation of Ia corresponding quinone, 2,3-(cis-3,4-dimethylcycloand of naphthohydroquinone dianions. buteno)-l,4-naphthoquinone,mp 99-100". Obviously the irreversible dimerization of IIa affects these data, although the direction is such as to underWith NaH in tetrahydrofuran, IIIa was converted estimate the antiaromaticity effect in IIa. Furtherto the dienolate, but on quenching in H,O this promore, small strain6 and substituent effects must also duced a hydroquinone Ib which rapidly formed a be playing some role in the comparison of Ia with dimer.4 Accordingly, the photoadduct IIIb4,5 from Vb. However, it seems clear that the bulk of the naphthoquinone and diphenylacetylene was prepared, increased difficulty in oxidizing Ia is due to the antiand converted to the dark green dienolate ion with aromaticity of the cyclobutadiene ring in IIa. Such NaH in tetrahydrofuran (or KO-t-Bu in dimethyl sulfantiaromaticity should raise the energy of Ia as well oxide). With acetic anhydride this solution afforded a as IIa, although to a lesser extent, so our measurement 95% yield of the diacetate4 of Ia, mp 237-238", while reflects only a portion of the destabilization in a cyclowith methyl iodide it yielded chiefly the C-methylation butadiene ring (as did our previous in which a product IIIc. 4 ~ 5 On quenching with aqueous NH4CIthe 15 kcal/mol antiaromatic effect was seen from partial dianion afforded the hydroquinone Ia,4 which slowly cyclobutadiene character). Thus the full antiaromatic went to three dimer^,^ mp 217-218", mp 239-241", destabilization of cyclobutadiene probably involves conand mp 229-231", in 78% overall yield, together with siderably more than the 12-16 kcal/mol of our present ca. 20% recovered IIIb. measurement . The hydroquinone Ia (1 mg) was quickly dissolved in 10 ml of ethanol and 10 ml of aqueous 0.2 N acetate (6) Cy. the small Mills-Nixon effect in the quinone redox potentials studied by R. T. Arnold and H. E. Zaugg, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,63, buffer, pH 5.6. D c polarography with a dropping 1317 (1941). mercury electrode shows a two-electron oxidation wave Ronald Breslow, Robert Grubbs, Shun-Ichi Murahashi at E l / , 0.163 V (sce). By contrast, under the same Department of Chemistry, Columbia University conditions naphthohydroquinone has Ell2 -0.113 V, New Y o r k , New York 10027 while Vb has El,, - 0.153 V. The diffusion current for Received April 4, 1970 Ia decreased ca. 20 in 30 min presumably because of dimerization; however, initially the diffusion current corresponded to 75% of that expected for Ia, and Photooxidation of a-Chymotrypsin Sensitized by the the dimers and diketone IIIb were shown not to be Inhibitor N-Acetyl-34trotyrosine responsible for the electrochemistry at 0.163 V. The product IIa is even more unstable than Ia. IIa Sir : can be generated independently by treatment of IIId,4 Dye-sensitized photooxidation of proteins has been mp 173-175 ', the photoadduct of diphenylacetylene shown to be a valuable tool either for probing the and 2-~hloronaphthoquinone, with NaH in tetrahydrofuran, but it yields only a dimer,4 or a 1 : 1 a d d ~ c t , ~ degree of exposure of the photooxidizable amino acid residueslt2 or for mapping the location of specific mp 289-291°, if the elimination is performed in the residues in predetermined regions of protein molepresence of diphenylisobenzofuran. The rapid dicules. 3-5 The latter procedure involves the irradiation merization of IIa makes the oxidation of Ia slightly of proteins containing a linked sensitizer, so that only irreversible electrochemically. the amino acid side chains adjacent to the sensitizer can In order to confirm our assignment of potentials, be modified. In this paper we describe a modification we have also prepared the dianion of Ia from IIIb of this procedure which should enlarge the scope of the and NaH as described above, and examined its elecmethod and specifically direct the photooxidative trochemistry in purified anhydrous dimethylformamide attack toward the active site of enzymes. with 0.1 M n-Bu4N+C104- as electrolyte. A threeThis goal is achieved by using a reversible inhibitor electrode-controlled potential instrument was used, of the given enzyme as the sensitizer. Although the with a platinum spiral anode, a dropping mercury complexed inhibitor is in equilibrium with unbound cathode, and a calomel reference electrode isolated molecules, the concentration of the sensitizer in the by a fine-porosity sintered disk. Under these condicatalytic region is comparatively very high; consetions the dianion of Ia showed two one-electron oxidaquently, the photooxidation rate of the susceptible tion waves, at -0.86 and -0.40 V (max). Naphthoresidues located in this region should be by far greater hydroquinone dianion had oxidation waves at - 1.32 than that of the other susceptible residues which have and -0.63 V (max), and naphthoquinone showed rea smaller probability of interacting with the free induction waves at -0.65 and - 1.42 v. The diffusion current due to the dianion of Ia diminished with time (1) W. J. Ray and D. E. Koshland, J . Biol. Chem., 237, 2493 (1962). by irreversible destruction of the compound. (2) G. Jori, G. Galiazzo, A. M. Tamburro, and E. Scoffone, ibid., in press. Thus both Ia and its dianion are more difficult (3) M. Rippa and S . Pontremoli, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 133, 112 to oxidize than is naphthohydroquinone or its dianion. (1969). ( 4 ) E. Scoffone, G. Galiazzo, and G. Jori, Biochem. Biophys. Res. By contrast, the cyclobutene analog Vb is more easily Commun., 38, 16 (1970). oxidized than naphthohydroquinone, since the slight ( 5 ) G. Jori, G. Gennari, G. Galiazzo, and E. Scoffone, FEBS (Fed. strain effect6 does not quite cancel the small substituent Eur. Biochem. Soc.) Lett., 6, 267 (1970). Journal o f t h e American Chemical Society / 92:I3 / July I , 1970


hibitor molecules. A careful kinetic control of the reaction should thus allow one to preferentially modify the active site residues. As a first approach, we studied the photooxidation of a-chymotrypsin (EC by N-acetyl3-nitrotyrosine. We found that this compound, in slightly alkaline solutions, mediates the photooxidation of the cysteinyl, methionyl, histidyl, tyrosyl, and tryptophyl residues; moreover, when present in the molar ratio 2 : 1, it shows competitive inhibition of the hydrolysis of Bz-Tyr-OEt6 by a-chymotrypsin with ki = 1.03 mM.7 In a typical experiment, 1 pmol of a-chymotrypsin, added with 2 pmol of N-acetyl-3-nitrotyrosine in 100 ml of 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.8, was exposed to the light of a 1000-W high-pressure mercury lamp. The irradiation apparatus was the same as previously described.* After 5-min irradiation at 20", the inhibitor and buffer were removed by gel filtration on a column of Sephadex G-25 equilibrated with 0.1 M acetic acid. Chromatographic analysis8 of the recovered protein showed that over 90 % of the irradiated sample was eluted as one peak. The product from the peak was isolated; it was devoid of lytic activity toward Bz-Tyr-OEt and cont,dned one photooxidized methionyl and histidyl residue per protein molecule (see Table I). Table I. Amino Acid Analyses of CY-Chymotrypsin" ~



Amino acid




Histidine Tyrosine Tryptophanb Methioninec Methionine sulfoxidec

2 4 8 2 0

2.0 3.8 7.8 1.8 0.0

0.8 3.8 7.8 1 .o 0.9

a The amino acid content was evaluated on a Carlo Erba 3A27 amino acid analyzer after hydrolysis for 22 hr at 110" in 6 N HCl within evacuated sealed vials. The table includes only the amino acids potentially susceptible of photooxidation. 4 No change was detected in the content of the other residues. The values in the table denote number of residues per molecule. F,Determined on the intact protein by the spectrophotometric method of T. W. Goodwin and R. A. Morton, Biochem. J., 40, 268 (1946). c Determined on the Carlo Erba analyzer after alkaline hydrolysis. 4

In order to identify the photooxidized histidine, a-chymotrypsin was treated with TPCK as described by Schoellman and Shaw. Whereas the unirradiated protein gave a clear reaction incorporating 0.9 mol of TPCK per mole of protein, the photooxidized sample appeared to give no reaction at all. Now, Schoellman and Shaw state that in native a-chymotrypsin TPCK specifically reacts with the imidazole ring of histidine-57. Therefore, our data may suggest that histidine-57 is the uniquely photooxidized histidine. The conclusion that methionine- 192 and histidine-57 are located at the active site of a-chymotrypsin is supported by the X-ray structure of the enzyme12 as well as by several previous studies.'3 On the other hand, it is remarkable that no tryptophan was photooxidized under our conditions. Actually, chemical m~dification'~ and kineticIs studies suggested that one tryptophyl residue is close to the active site of a-chymotrypsin. However, Galley and StryerL6 found no phosphorescence quenching by tryptophan after labeling of the active serine residue with a potential triplet donor. Our results corroborate the conclusion, drawn by these authors, that no tryptophan is involved in the catalytic region of the enzyme. This is also suggested by the X-ray structure. It is hoped that similar reliable data are obtained by irradiation of other complexes between inhibitors and enzymes, the tertiary structure of whose active sites has been elucidated by independent approaches. Consequently, the photooxidative method described could be used to map the topography of enzymic active sites. Since a large variety of inhibitors is usually available for any given enzyme, it may be possible to further refine this procedure by mapping the spatial orientation of the photooxidizable residues through the use of sensitizers of different steric or chemical structure, bulkiness, and polarity. Studies concerning such applications are in progress in our laboratory. Acknowledgment. This work was financially supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (11) G.Schoellman and E.Shaw. Biochemistry, 2,252(1963). t12j B. W.Matthews, P. B. Sigler, R. Henderson, and D. M. Blow, Nature (London), 214,652 (1967). (13) B. L. Vallee and J. F. Riordan, Annu. Reo. Biochem., 38, 733 (1 969). (14) G. H . Dixon, and H. Schacter, Can. J . Biochem., 42,695 (1964). (15) M.L.Bender, J . V. Killheffer, and F. J . KBzdy, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 86,5331 (1964). (16) W.C.Galley and L. Stryer, Proc. Nut. Acad. Sci. U.S.,60, 108 (1968).

The modified methionine was identified by allowing the irradiated protein to react with cyanogen b r ~ m i d e . ~ Amino end-group analysis of the reaction product according to Sanger and Tuppy lo revealed the presence of 1.77 mol of DNP-isoleucine (accounting for the Giorgio Gennari, Giulio Jori Guido Galiazzo, Ernesto Scoffone isoleucine following methionine-1 80 and the N-terminal Institute of Organic Chemistry, Uniuersity of Padoua isoleucine of the A chain of a-chymotrypsin) per mole Padua, Italy of protein; on the contrary, no trace was detected of Received February 27, I970 DNP-glycine, which follows methionine-192 in the amino acid sequence. Since CNBr does not attack the methionine sulfoxide residue^,^ it appears that Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Contact Shifts of Some methionine- 192 is the selectively modified methionine. Binuclear Iron(II1) Phenanthroline Complexes

(6) Abbreviations used: Bz-Tyr-OEt, N-benzoyltyrosine ethyl ester; TPCK,L-1 -tosylamido-2-phenylethylchloromethyl ketone. (7) The concentration of chymotrypsin was evaluated spectrophotometrically on the basis of E being 5 X lo4 M - ~cm-l at 282 nm.

The enzymic activity against Bz-Tyr-OEt was assayed according to Hummel (B. C. W. Hummel, Can. J . Biochem. Physiol., 37, 1393 (1959)). Inhibition studies were carried out at pH 7.8 (0.08 M Tris buffer) using 0.5 m M Bz-Tyr-OEt. (8) C.H. W. Hirs, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 77,5743 (1955). (9) E. Gross and B. Witkop, J . Bid. Chem., 237, 1856 (1962). (10) F.Sanger and H . Tuppy, Biochem. J . , 49,463 (1951).

Sir :

Contact shift studies of high-spin iron(lI1) complexes have in general been sparse owing to the fact that extremely broad signals are observed. However, there is a group of oxo-bridged binuclear iron(II1) (1) D . R. Eaton,J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 87,3097(1965).

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