Civil Service Examination - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

Civil Service Examination. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1912, 4 (1), pp 69–69. DOI: 10.1021/ie50037a040. Publication Date: January 1912. ACS Legacy Archive. No...
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The imports of anthracite amounted in 1910t 2 only 8,195 long tons, x alued a t : ~ ~and ~those , of~bit~irninous ~ ~ coal , to 1,4y;,;09 long tons, \slued a t 55,975,~ O I .

For the investigations of the coals of Alaska, with reference to their mining, transportation, s n d utilization, Sj0,oOo

C177IL SERVICE EXAMINATION. OIL IN ALASKA. heen found in Xlasl;:i, aiitl liile tlier imicticnlly n o iiroduction, i t is not iiiil) ,oiogioal Surve?., t h a t c )ages occur on the 7,lve of the .ilaska Peninsula, a n d oji Controller Ray, ,111 close t o tidei\-ater, :inti hence cap:il;lc of cheap development.

’rile L-nited Stxtes Civil Scrvicc Coin:nissioil announces e;;ni:iination on J:inanry 17-18, 1912,to secure eligiiiles for assistant chemist in t h e I3ureaii of C!mnistry, Departlnent u i Agriculture, at salaries ranging h i l i SI, ZOO to $1,600pcr an nun^. 1 lie usual entrancc s.iinry is SI,ZOO, and only in exceptional case> of unusunl qua1ific:itions. including consiclernble valu:~l~lc experience, will a h i r entrance s:>.Iary than S1,2oo he p n i d So assiirance regardin,. Ironlotion i given, b u t during recent years industrioas rncii c i i aver,tgc ~ i l i t y have received during t h e i;i-st live or six :-ears oi scrvicc promotions aggrcgating n t t h e r,ite of nbout 5100 ii year. Qu;iiificcl per.sons arc urxc:l to eiitcr this examination as t h e o;~po;tunities for a]) ntinent are excellent. 01 the t!lirtycislit Ixrsoas ~ ~ 1 1170 e.: tlic assistant chemist erurnin:itiot~ held i n .\;)ril, 191I . the t h e e liigliest on t h e list -,yere alilminted a t SI,‘+o per annum, arid t w e n t y s e v e n others mere tendered aprmintrrient a t S I , ~ Oper O annum. For detailed information interested inquiries are referred to the U . S. Civil Service Commission, &’ashington, D. C.


Tlie International Petroleum Commission will hold its meeting January 16-22, 1912, in I-ienna, with headquarters a t tlic Engineers a n d .Architects Club. This c o n ~ ~ n i s s i owill n be divided into three parts, which \vi11 discuss the generdi and special phases of t h e petroleum ind u s t r y . The first division n-ill take u p the general methods of anal!.sis of crude oil, i-ienzine, petroleum lubricating oils, paraffins a n d other products. The second division will discuss the scientific nomenclature, a n d t h e third will give its attention t o the subject of storage, safety a n d transportation. The entertainment committee has made arrangements for receptions, excursions t o refineries a n d oil wells, etc.

I n t h e gericral estimates for appropriations for the iiscal year 1912.which begins J u l y I , 1912,Secretary uf the Interior, TValter L. Fisher: has rccornniendcd the items for the Bureau of 3Iines: For t h e in\-estigation as t o the causes of mine explosions, methods of niining, esl’ecially in relztion t o t h e safety of miners, t h e appliances best adapted t o prei-ent accidents, the possible improvement of conditions under Ivhich mining olierations are carried on,t h e use of explosives and electricity. the prevention of accidents, a n d other inquiries a n d technologic investigations pertinent t o t h e mining industry, S360,ooo. For t h e investigation, analyzing a n d testing cif t h e coals, lignites, a n d other mineral fuel substances belonging t o or for t h e use of t h e United States, S135,ooo. For t h e investigations into the treatment of ores a n d other mineral substances, with special reference t o t h e prevention of waste in the mining and utilization of important mineral resources, S I O ~ , O O O .


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Dr. F. IT. Frerichs, President of t h e American Institute of Chemical Engineers, has been elected a n honorary member of t h e Chemical Metallurgical a n d Mining Society of South Africa.

BOOK REVIEWS. boek series will welcome the appearance of a new edition of t h e Handboek ten Dienste van de Suikerriet-Cultur en de ReitFABRICATIEDutch original. suikerfabricage op Java. Derde Deel. D.: The scope of the present volume is best stated by Mr, GeerVAN SYIKER CIT SUIKERRIET OP J ~ v . 4 .T n e e d e t!ruk. door H. ligs in his preface “TVhile the purpose of this second edition C. Prinsen Geerligs. Director der Filiale S e :erland von is the same as t h a t of the previous one, certain sections of the het Proefstation \mor de Java Suiker Industrie, 1911,j 1 2 book, such as clarification of juice, boiling, a n d working up of pages. Price, bound f . Edited b y t h e Trnited Sugar massecuite, have been entirely revised in order t o bring the de Bussy. Experiment Station of Java. Amsterdam. J . .H. subject m a t t e r fully u p t o d a t e with t h e growing practice of The first edition of this work b y Mr. Geerligs was reviewed in THIS JOCRSAL, I , 380. T h e irnpdrtance of t h e volume t o t h e making only first sugar a n d of avoiding after-products. The section of t h e book relating t o calculation a n d interpretation cane sugar industry was recognized in all parts of the world; of factory results has also been rewritten in order t o include a n English translation, published b y the International Sugar Journal, appeared in 1909 a n d a Spanish translation in 1910. t h e latest observations of sugar house experience.” Comparing t h e second with the first edition of Vol. 3 of tlic Those who have hecorne familiar with this volume of the hand-