Clay-Adam - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 25, 2012 - Clay-Adam. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (7), pp 85A–85A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60200a785. Publication Date: June 1963. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: I...
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EDITOR'S COLUMN bers. In each instruction the last figure indicates a column in which the results are stored. Function generation is achieved by such sentences a s : LOGE OF COL 4, MULT COL 2, ADD TO COL 7 ERROR FUNCTION OF COL 1, MULT BY 1.8735, STORE IN COL 5 TAN OF 1.8 RADIANS, MULT BY COL 3, ADD TO COL 7 T h e following illustrates a t y p i ­ cal problem and the instructions to the computer to solve it. Compute the Einstein functions: - G = - l n ( l -e-*) H = xc- x (l - e - " ) - l C = x 2 e-*(1 - *Γ S = -G + H for Χ = .01 (.01)2. List of OMNITAB Commands LIB 7,10000 IDENTIFICATION HILSENRATH 4-19-62 TITLE 1 EINSTEIN FUNCTIONS GENERATE .01 (.01)2.00 IN COL 1 NEGEXP OF COL 1, STORE IN COL 2 .MULTIPLY COL 2 BY - 1 . STORE IN 3 ADD 1. TO COL 3 STORE IN 3 LOGE OF COL 3, MULT BY - 1 . , ADD INTO 4 RAISE COL 3 TO - 1 . , MULT BY COL 2, ADD 5 -MULTIPLY COL 5 BY COL 1, STORE IN 5 ADD COL 4 TO COL 5 STORE IN COL 6 DIVIDE COL 5 BY COL 2, MULT BY 5, ADD 7 HEAD COL 1/ X HEAD COL 4 / G HEAD COL 5 / H HEAD COL 6/ S HEAD COL 7/CSUBP F I X E D POINT 5 DECIMALS P R I N T 1,4,5,6,7

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This program is the work of Joseph Hilsenrath, P . J. Walsh, and G. G. Ziegler of the N.B.S. M o r e information is available from the N.B.S. Office of Technical I n ­ formation, Washington 25, D . C.

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VOL. 35, NO. 7, JUNE 1963


85 A