Other ADAMS CENTRIFUGES are described in our literature Form 309-R3/EC. Write for a copy. CLAY-ADAMS CQJi. 44 EAST 23rd STREET, HEW. ,- ...
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4?04 SulfjUti and cMaloKfesi,

The Bra un Shell-Design Quartz Tube Combustion Apparatus was developed chiefly (or making sulfur and halogen determinations on petroleum oils and cokes, but it is adaptable to a wide range of organic materials. Many oil refinery laboratories today are employing the quartz tube method with highly favorable results.

BRAUN SHELL-DESIGN QUARTZ TUBE COMBUSTION APPARATUS SPEED — Complete analysis requires only 30 minutes. O n e man can easily operate a double unit. A C C U R A C Y — Accuracy is well within required tolerances for sulfur anc halogen tests in petroleum products. R A N G E — The apparatus is designed for the determination of * total sulfur in any concentration * total sulfur and total chlorine in the presence of each other * chlorine, bromine and iodine E C O N O M Y — Saves time and labor. Permits results to be known quickly when the information is urgently needed. A P P A R A T U S — Designed for long, efficient and trouble-free service. Entire apparatus including the air scrubbing system, is mounted on one substantial base, with all oxygen, air, gas, and vacuum lines built in. Finest materials anc workmanship throughout.

Investigate the possibilities of this apparatus for your laboratory. Address Dept. A-4.

BRAUN CORPORATION !260 East Fifteenth Street < J j » Los Angeles 21, California

ADAMS Safety-Head CENTRIFUGE Improved Model

As Supplied to U. S. Army and Navy

This centrifuge offers important advantages over the conventional units. The tubes are suspended at a fixed 5 2 ° angle — thus faster sedimentation is achieved by the shorter distance particles are required to travel. . .creating mass, and reaching the bottom more quickly. The tubes remain in the angular position and no stirring up of sediment results. CT-1001 A D A M S SENIOR S A F E T Y - H E A D CENTRIFUGE for SIX 15 ml. TUBES. Exclusive of tubes or shields Each $ 5 8 . 5 0 CT-1000 Same as above, but complete with six round bottom brass shields with rubber cushions and three each graduated and ungraduated taper bottom 1 5 ml. glass tubes. Without protective cap or underguard Each $ 6 4 . 5 0 CT-1055 U N D E R G U A R D Each $ 3 . 5 0 CM050 PROTECTIVE C A P Each $ 2 . 5 0 CT-1002 A D A M S S A F E T Y - H E A D CENTRIFUGE for six 15 ml. tubes complete with Safety-Cap(CT-1050)andunderguard(CT-1055). . Each $ 7 0 . 5 0 A b o v e centrifuges have universal motors for 110-volt A . C. or D. C. current. Additional charge of $ 2 . 0 0 is made for 220-volt universal motors. * With underguard N o . CT-1055 with six 15 ml. tubes loaded. 4 2 0 0 R. P. M . on A . C. with same load. M I C R O and S E M I - M I C R O tubes (5 ml. to 0.5 ml.) can be accommodated by purchasing extra shields. N o adapters are required. Other A D A M S CENTRIFUGES are described in our literature Form 309-R3/EC. Write for a copy.

CLAY-ADAMS CO INC. 5000* R. P. M. on D. C.

44 EAST 23rd- STREET^NEW YORK 10,-N. Y >