Clean Up Hot Gas Streams - C&EN Global Enterprise - ACS Publications

Clean Up Hot Gas Streams. Pilot model slag wool filter cleans 1000° F. open-hearth fumes at 900 cubic feet per minute. Chem. Eng. News , 1957, 35 (20...
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Carbon Determinator


Clean Up Hot Gas Streams

c ^ A COMPLETE CATALYST ACTIVITY TESTING UNIT* The activity, carbon pro­ ducing and gas factors of catalysts are quickly and accurately determined in one run by this new Leco equipment. Operating variables, feed stocks and mixes are rapidly evalu­ ated . . . aids in catalvst quality control . . . t h e ideal equipment for m*w catalyst evaluation. Pump a n d Reactor Unit



•Produced by leco und^r li­ cense from the Stondard O i l Company (Indiana).


The operation of this complete testing unit is fuliy described in t w o technical papers — No. 6 9 7 2 and No. 2531 —which will be sent upon request.

LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CORP. 1520 Hilltop Road, St. Joseph, Michigan

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T-film, α c h e m i c a l l y inert Teflon dispersion, will seal all threaded assemblies and connections in pro­ cess piping and equipment. Used successfully for over four years in the nuclear and chemical process and allied industries. ® DuPont trademark for tetrafluoroethylene resin





M A Y 2 0, 1 9 5 7

Pilot model slag wool filter cleans 1000° F. openhearth fumes at 9 0 0 cubic feet per minute O L A G WOOL FILTERS look promising as

an inexpensive way to clean high temperature gas streams. Although singlepass performance of these filters is low, efficiencies as high as 9 9 % have been obtained with multiple slag layers. Fabric filters are limited to fumes cooled below 500° F . and moving at velocities of 2 feet per minute or less. Slag wool filter systems, however, have been maintained at 100 ft. per min. per sq. ft. with gases up to 1000° F., according to Leslie Silverman of Harvard Air Cleaning Laboratories. These filters are made u p of fine refractory slag fibers, packed for separating submicron aerosols. Work on cleaning hot gases a n d fumes, such as exist in op en-hearth stacks, is conducted for the Iron a n d Steel Institute at t h e Harvard laboratories. Silverman, director of the research, says electrostatic precipitator operate fairly well on open-hearth fumes, but usually they are placed after a waste heat boiler where gas temperatures have been reduced to less than 500° F. This equipment is expensive for steel producers. But the slag wool filtering system, using material available in t h e mills, reduces costs of cleaning fumes to reasonable levels, Silverman declares. • Pilot Tests. Slag wool filters have been field tested in a wet system and tests on a dry system are now under way. In t h e wet test—2 months' operation on a hot metal open-hearth furnace—cleaning efficiency was better than 9 0 % , says Silverman. A 4-foot diameter disk provides the filter area for this test unit. Part of the disk is reserved for make-up and discharge of the fibers. Cleaning capacity runs about 900 cubic feet per minute. Silverman estimates that eight 10-foot disks could clean the fume from a furnace handling 46,000 cubic feet per minute. H e says the disk can be designed to fit into about t h e same space as a stack now requires. Latest development in Silverman's work is filtering dry, doing away with large quantities of water needed in the wet system. Here slag wool is produced at the cleaning unit in a 50pound-per-hour cupola furnace.

In t h e dry system, molten slag is spun or blown into fibers, a n d a dry pad is formed on t h e same disk unit used in the wet system. Excess fibers are collected in a cyclone and returned to the melt. In addition to eliminating the water, the dry system allows control of wool and fiber characteristics. F u m e disposal costs will b e minimized if the dry technique is successful, Silverman says. Collected iron oxide will enter the slag remelt, resulting in an iron-rich recycle mixture with re-use possibilities. A surprise finding in the slag wool filter work, Silverman says, is that the filters will remove both particulate matter and acid gases. This may be an advantage when the filters are applied to other cleaning problems.

Insulating Powders National Bureau of Standards' cryogenic engineering laboratory at Boulder, Colo., has found that heat loss by radiation from Dewar vessels can be reduced by use of evacuated powders. Some powders giving decided improvement over standard, vacuumwalled, low-emissivity Dewar vessels are per lite, diatomaceous earth, and silica aerogel. An added advantage of evacuatedpowder insulated vessels, according to the bureau, is that t h e vessel can have high emissivity walls and much greater gas pressure in the jacket and still b e insulated. The bureau goal is an insulation technique applicable to large equipment.

• Leak detecting system based on a mass spectrometer leak detector is now being produced by Vacuum-Electronic Engineering. System inciudes mass spec, auxiliary p u m p , manifold, valves, gages, and automatic controls. Ε 1 • Disposable ion exchange

unit has

been developed by Permutit for treat­ ment of radioactive water. The unit is 15 i n . in diameter a n d 40 in. high, can be used for cation, anion, or mixed bed deiTiineralization. Ε2

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Where can you use the unique Where can you use the unique

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"^"""lÎELLUFLE.X. 23

I m p o r t a n t additions to Celanese plasticizer production C E L L U F L E X 2>i a n d 2 3 . . . N E W , L O W ' T E M P E R A T U R E E P O X Y PL.ASTICIZERS . . . F I R S T IN A These n e w Celanese epoxy plasticizers impart outstanding low-temperature performance a n d improved stability to poly vinyl chloride a n d other polymers. Celluflex 21 and 23 a r e n o w "on stream," a l o n g w i t h C r e s y l - D i p h e n y l P h o s p h a t e , Tris Chlorethyl Phosphate, DOP, DBP, and four grades of flame-resistant Tricresyl Phosphate. Celanese provides a d e p e n d a b l e "pipeline" for plasticizers meeting your exact requirements. Request bulletins on Celluflex 21 a n d 23, a n d other Celanese plasticizers, for complete details. Celanese Corporation of America, Chemical Division, Dept. 654-E, 180 Madison Avenue, Ν. Υ. 16. In Canada: Canadian Chemical Guy Street, Montreal, P. Q.

Co., Limited. 2035


• Excellent low temperature performance • Low volatility • Low viscosity, and good viscosity stability for plastisols • Outstanding quality • Effective stabilization . . . can replace portion of higher cost conventional stabilizers



Export Sales: Amcel Co., Inc., and Pan Amcel Co.. Inc., 180 Madison Avenue, N e w York 16, Ν. Υ.

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3;.ί±/ Applied Physics

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Radioactivity Measurements Made Faster, Cheaper w i t h Vibrating Reed Electrometer Measurement of radioactivity in radioisotope determinatiozri, reactor control, air" contamination studies, oil well logg-ing, and o t h e r pr-oblems involving pirecise measurement of small currents, voltages and charges, such as precise p H determination and m a s s s p e c t r o m e t r y , c a n now be m a d e faster, s i m p l e r and c h e a p e r by u s i n g the Caiy Model 3 1 Vibrating Reed Electrome1:er. U n u s u a l l y higli sensitivity plus high, zero stability and e a s e of installation and operation are ^responsible for the g r e a t e r speed a n d savings. The Model 31 detects as l i t t l e as 10- 1 76 amperes, and. measures "up to 10' amperes "with, a precision o f 1%. Zero drift is l e s s than 0.2 mV I n 24 riours and less fcrian .02 m V per biour.

The Model 31 can be used in a n y laboratory and does n o t r e q u i r e costly, vibration-free mountings o r other special conditions of installation or operation. F o r additional i n formation on the Model 3 1 , write f o r bulletinCN-24 today. I t gives you d e tails on applications, references, performance, operating principle, specifications, modifications, accessories. •Wilzbach, Brown. Kaplan, Sciencg. 1 1 8 , 522-523 (1953) Wilzbach.Van Dyken. Kaplan. AnâTçjbçiD.,26.880 (1954) Wilzbach. Sykes. Science 1 2 0 . 494-496 (1954).

• A 1-mil h e a t s e a l a b l e polyester film, b y M i n n e s o t a M i n i n g a n d M f g . , has a t e n s i l e s t r e n g t h o f 1 0 , 0 0 0 p . s . i . , M u l l e n b u r s t s t r e n g t h of 3 2 p . s . i . , a n d e l o n g a t i o n at b r e a k of 2 0 0 % , a c c o r d i n g to 3 M t e s t s . P r o p o s e d a p p l i c a t i o n s i n c l u d e p a c k a g i n g oily f o o d s , t r e a t e d f a b r i c s , d r i e d fruits, m a p c o v e r ings, a n d the like. "E 3

Processing • P o l y v i n y l chloride) t a n k liner, m a d e by Fabricated Metals, is electronically welded to form a bag, is suspended inside the tank, and has a fitting to be used as an inlet, outlet, and sight gage opening. Cost of tank and liner, according to Fabricated Metals, is about 2 0 % of stainless or 3 5 % of r u b b e r lined vessels. Ε4 • Impervious




are now furnished by Falls Industries for operating temperatures u p to 650° F., compared with t h e previous 340° F . Impervite disks are avail­ able in 2- to 12-in. diameters for pres­ sures from full v a c u u m t o 100 p.s.i. Others can b e obtained on special order. Ε5


One widespread application in which the Model 3 1 has b-een of particular v a l u e is in determining- C 14 , H 3 , and S 3 5 . WiLzbach aaid his coworkers sit Argonne National L a b o r a t o r y h a v e developed procedures* which simplify these determinations in a wide variety of organic compounds. Samples a r e converted dir e c t l y to a g a s suitable f o r measurem e n t witxi a n ionization chiamber and t h e Model 3 1 . This s i m p l e procedure eliminates trie necessity f o r use of a precipitate, with i t s inaccuracy and time-consuming, tedious _=L2 preparation. Since a s little as 10 curies of radioactivity can. be detected, u s e of expensive "tagged" materials c a n be greatly reduced, often en.ough t o ret u r n the c o s t of t h e instr-ument in a relatively short t i m e .

The Cary Model 31 Vibrating Reed Electrometer is capable of detecting a curient as small as 1 0 X 10-17 amperes originating in a high impedance source Charges as small as 5 X 10-i coulombs and -voltages a s small as .02 mV can t>e measured

CARY MODEL 36 VIBRATING REED AMPLIFIER IMPROVES M A S S SPECTEOMETER PERFORMANCE The C a r y Vibrating Reed Amplifier, Model 36, is being used in a_n increasingnumber o f mass spectrometer installations where high molecular weight analyses makie rapid scanning of mass numbers desirable. Trie Model 36 combines rapid response with night sensitivity. Response is critically damped, with an 0.1 sec. n a t u r a l period (98.6 percent- response i n 0.1 second). Thixs a rang e of 100 mass numbers can b e accurately scanned i n a s little as one minute. Sensitivity ajnd range are such that a.s little \€3ary SPECTROPHOTOMETERS^ VIBRVVTING





C& E N





a s 10-15 amperes and up to 10-U amperes can b e measured to a reproducibility of 0.2 percent without change of range. The stability of the Model 36 is superior too—zero drift is less than 10-!5 amperes. The Model 31 is preferred for mass spectrometer applications where extreme response speed is not required, such a s isotope determinations. Sensitivity of the Model 31 is 10-17 amperes, and like the 36 it has high stability—less than 5 χ 10"17 amperes zero drift.


362 WEST

I 957




1 /


i TD! Detector Mine Safety Appliances has developed this portable kit to detect toluene diisocyanate ( T D I ) and T D I - u r e a vapors at levels of less than 0.1 p.p.m., in air. Sample is d r a w n into impinger containing a n acid solution. T D I or TOI-urea hydrolyzes to an amine, is converted to a diazo amine, and is turned into a rose pink d y e with the addition of three reagents which come with the kit. Ε6


use round-bottom flasks 33,000 ml. capacity. • Glass-metal

of 8500 to Ε 12




Robert C . E w a l d Co., is designed to give positive sealing i n vacuum systems. V a l v e has neoprene gaskets. Ε 13


a n d pestles

have b e e n added to its line of e q u i p ­ ment for spectrographic and chemical analysis b y Robert Marks Co. H a r d ­ ness a n d self-bonding of boron carbide minimize sample contamination from t h e mortars, company says. Ε 17

• Hydraulic p r e s s , b y Philips Electron­ ics, is designed for calibrating dyna­ mometers a n d similar compression tests w i t h forces u p to 30,000 kg. Station­ ary plunger has an area of 40 sq. cm.

• Combustion b o a t s , b y Saxonburg Ceramics, have new formulation for carbon and sulfur determinations o n stainless steel, silicon steel, cast iron, etc. Formulation is said to give greater heat shock resistance and better slag penetration resistance. Έ1 S




Beckman Instruments, has

Crystal Research Laboratories is now offering a low cost ion exchange d e ­ mineralizer for labs needing only mod­ erate amounts of mineral-free water. Unit gives 2 or 3 quarts per hour. Resin turns from blue to b r o w n as it becomes exhausted. Ε 7

• Boron carbide

• Chicago A p p a r a t u s is now offering molecular model sets for studying space relationships in various molecules. C o m p a n y has three sets—69 balls and 5 9 pegs, 170 balls a n d 155 pegs, and 150 balls and 225 pegs. Ε 14

• Paper

φ Lab Demineralizer

design for faster and more reproducible results—low noise paper, different chemicals and techniques, and im­ proved recording scanner and inte­ grator. Ε16




on page


M a y 20, 1 9 5 7

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Every w e e k C&EN's editors survey a l a r g e volume of valuable scîentîfïc, technical, and business information issued in the form of product announcements, booklets, catalogs, d a t a sheets, etc. This material is digested and presented in several departments. For your convenI i e n c e this coupon is provided to facilitate requests for further information on these items as well as on products and services mentioned in i advertisements.

I • AMis-Chalmers has developed a com­ pletely enclosed master kiln control, in which all indicating and recording i n ­ struments a r e mounted inside a pres­ sured cabinet to prevent dust infiltra­ tion. Ε 8 • M i x e r - d i s p e r s e r , by Troy Engine & Machine, b o t h mixes and disperses in one machine. Company uses diamond shaped agitator for mixing a n d a r e ­ volving disperser head to force material into the mulling zone. Ε 9

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I :


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CLIP C O U P O N — F o l d A l o n g This L i n e — F a s t e n (Staple, T a p e , G l u e ) — M A I L

• P o r t a b l e ribbon m i x e r s with work­ ing capacities from 0.34 cu. ft. to 20 c u . ft. are now available from Young Ma­ chinery. Discharge is either from t h e center or t h e end by a slide gate or worm gear operated plug gate. Ε1 0 • Proctor & Schwartz, Inc., n o w has a




line of pilot plant and semiworks spray driers with water evaporation rates from 15 to 2 0 0 lb. per hr. Ell

Readers' Information Service Chemical and Engineering News

Lab W a r e · . ·

430 Park Avenue

• Resin reaction a p p a r a t u s for pilot plants has b e e n p u t into production by Scientific Glass Apparatus. With a new plate design, t h e apparatus c a n

N e w York 22, Ν. Υ.







EQUIPMENT (Continued

from page ΙΟΙ)

Instruments.. · • Surface p y r o m e t e r , by Pacific Trans­ ducer, can check surfaces as small as V 4 in., nas a maximum error of .2%, company says. Pyrometer is avail­ able in three r a n g e s - 5 0 ° to 650° F., 0° to 1600° F . , and 0° t o 2300° F .

HUNDREDS OF PLANTS SOLVE PROBLEM OF SKIN INJURY "Kerodex" Offers Truly'Effective Protection Against Skin Irritants

Ε 19

• Panel m o u n t e d Electrolytic H y g r o m ­ e t e r is now being offered for im­ mediate delivery b y Beckman Instru­ ments. Unit measures water concen­ trations in the 0 to 100O p.p.rn. range in vapor samples, has a maximum error around 5 % , Beckman says. Ε 2D • Phoenix Precision Instrument lias a new photoelectric refractometer for laboratory, pilot plant, o r process con­ trol uses. Unit compares sample with a reference fluid, has a self-nulling opti­ cal servo system needing no electrical feedback from the process. Ε 21 • Denier m e a s u r i n g device, designed by G. F . Bush Associates, measures single fiber or strand linear density by vibrating at constant frequency a variably-weighted fiber. Deniers from 1 to 100 can be measured, t h e com­ pany says. Ε 22

I r r i t a t i o n f r o m epoxy resins a n d a m i n e hardeners, "dope," solvents, c u t t i n g oils, a n d m a n y other highly d a m a g i n g substances is n o longer a p r o b l e m w h e n " K e r o d e x " p r e v e n t s contact w i t h t h e skin. H u n d r e d s of p l a n t s find " K e r o d e x " successful w h e r e other harrier creams fail. " K e r o d e x " ® spreads on easily a n d acts like a glove t h a t is invisible y e t strong a n d flexible. Does not smear. D o e s n o t affect materials h a n d l e d nor i s it affected by them. Available in t w o types. For full i n f o r m a t i o n write to A y erst L a b o r a t o r i e s , 22 E a s t 40th Street, N e w York 16, Ν . Υ. 5^7°

• Pneumatic controller, by Taylor In­ strument, uses multiple bellows and springs acting on a common force p l a t e , can be mounted to a separate manifold located either at the point of measure­ ment or point of control. Instrument measures 6 X 6 X 4 V 2 in. Ε 23 • Thermocouple for measuring tem­ perature of molten metals can now b e obtained from Bristol Co. Thermo­ couple has a metal-ceramic secondary protecting tube, vitrified alumina pri­ mary tube, a n d a platinuna-platmurn 10% rhodium thermocouple. Unit has 8 ft. of armored connecting cable, measures u p to 3100° F. E 24 • Flume m e t e r for measurement of sewage flow has been developed b y Penn Instruments division of BurgessManning Co. Meter uses a float rid­ ing mostly above t h e liquid, w h i c h , ac­ cording to the company, cuts down on blockage from debris being c a u g h t on float. Ε 25 the • Continuous monitor for airborne radioactive particles h a s been devel­ oped by Tracerlab. Air i s d r a w n through a strip of moving filter p a p e r , which removes 9 8 % or more of par­ ticles larger than 0 . 3 micron. A s pa­ per goes past a detector, radiation level is recorded on strip charts. Ε 2ô


stq i η ing a ritibx ida nt; rëinà i n flexi b lea rid colorI ess: fol 16 wing : ρ rolong ed ^U:V^éxpbsuFeV while unprotected samples turn brittle artd yeliqw.; SU G Q N O X - Î 8 , h i g h e r ''In Vmolecuia^ weight^ ''••Sudônjpx':^ thickeYier and stabilizing agent in certain : types of çjrease^ Non volatile,below it^ _._ ; - - - , - . -..--- , ..-., J.(rod^cts;,-svbiect"tp;.iHigh'''.' :.._ _.

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"This, is tri© -twentieth à séries qi advertisements o n our riew.'grouρof„ çhemica Is. took· for the 'hext orie in the June 10th issue of this Journal,



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