Closing the Polyethylene Gap - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Publication Date: August 27, 1956 ... of polyethylene grades with properties whdeh may be closely tailored to specific types of end use applications (...
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CHEMICALS Closing Γ «* Polyethylene Gap Spencer Chemical's hugh density polyethylenes from high pressure process extend range of properties A SERIES of high density resins devel­ oped at its Orange, Tex., w o r k s makes Spencer Chemical the first U. S. poly­ ethylene producer to offer High density resins in commercial quantities. T h e culmination of an intensive develop­ mental program by the company, t h e new resins, made in the high-pressure type plant, (capacity 45 million pounds per year) promise to b r i d g e the g a p between the conventional a n d the l o w pressure polyethylenes, expanding t h e scope of usefulness for t h e new PolyEth Hi-D Series. Thus t h e plastics trade will have a variety of polyethylene grades with properties whdeh may b e closely tailored to specific trypes of e n d use applications (C&EN, Aug. 2 0 , page 4009). The density of the n e ^ Poly-Etfci Hi-D is in the range from 0.935 t o 0.940, indicating an increased linearity/ of the molecule. Conventional poly­ ethylene resins have densities of a p ­ proximately 0.920 and belrxw; low p r e s ­ sure polyethylene densities are in th-e range from 0.93 to 0.96. The density of the new resin assurers

higher heat resistance than in conven­ tional polyethylenes, company says. T h u s articles made from Poly-Eth Hi-D are able to withstand boiling water tem­ peratures without deformation. IThe new resin also exhibits improved rigidity and tensile properties. This will increase the dimensional stability of m o l d e d products and will permit, in soirae cases, a reduction in wall thick­ ness without a corresponding loss in strength. The increased rigidity (more than two and one-half times stifler than conventional resins) suits it for such applications as in toys, housewares, and otli- quire an extra application step afterr An organic phosphate, 2-carboϊ- bleaching. C 7r methoxy - 1 - methylvmyldimethylphosphate, the compound has as one of its s chief advantages its rapid dissipation. ι. • Vinyl stabilizer offered by Ferro,, Residue drops to 1 p.p.m. in 24 hours, 5, Ferro 2 0 3 Stabilizer, is said to give highι permitting its use up to from one to ο clarity, good heat and fight stability, three days before harvest. resistance to water absorption, elirninaPhosdrin acts across the board, kill­ L- tion of odor to vinyl plastics. C 8I 4198

• Fatty alcohol, Adoi 42, offered by Archer-Daniels-Midland is a straightchain, unsaturated, monohydric fatty alcohol derived from animal fats. It consists primarily of cetyl, stearyl, and oleyl. Adol 4 2 is waxy-white product at room temperature, soft to the touch. It is uniform, color-stable, noncorrosive, and can be readily sulfated and emulsi­ fied, company says. C9

φ Slicing the Ice Chem Industrial's n e w form of Melt ice and snow melting compound handies and spreads without caking or solidifying within the container. Improvement permits use of Melt in virtually any type of spreader under ad­ verse weather conditions, says company. When sprinkled lightly over frozen surfaces, ice and snow are dis­ solved without leaving a residue or harming vegetation, rubber, asphalt, or concrete. C 11