CO2 Capture by Cement Raw Meal - Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications)

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CO2 Capture by Cement Raw Meal Sharat K. Pathi,† Weigang Lin,† Jytte B. Illerup,*,† Kim Dam-Johansen,† and Klaus Hjuler‡ †

Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Building 229, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark ‡ FLSmidth A/S, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark ABSTRACT: The cement industry is one of the major sources of CO2 emissions and is likely to contribute to further increases in the near future. The carbonate looping process has the potential to capture CO2 emissions from the cement industry, in which raw meal for cement production could be used as the sorbent. Cyclic experiments were carried out in a TGA apparatus using industrial cement raw meal and synthetic raw meal as sorbents, with limestone as the reference. The results show that the CO2 capture capacities of the cement raw meal and the synthetic raw meal are comparable to those of pure limestone. The CO2 capture capacity of limestone in the raw meal is lower than for pure limestone. The difference in the CO2 capture capacity decreases with an increase in cycle number. The calcination conditions and composition are major factors that influence the CO2 capture capacity of limestone. At 850 °C in N2, the capacity of synthetic raw meal was similar to that of pure limestone, whereas at 950 °C in N2 and in a CO2-rich atmosphere there was a significant difference. The SEM and BET analyses indicate that sintering is the main reason for the lower capture capacity of the limestone in the raw meal. The main components of the raw meal used along with the limestone have different effects on the CO2 capture capacity of the limestone. Al2O3 has the most negative effect, followed by Fe2O3, whereas SiO2 showed no effect. These interactions can be observed as a correlation between the measured surface area and the CO2 capture capacity. The XRD results indicated an increase in crystallite size and the formation of new phases due to the reaction between the main components of the raw meal and the limestone, which also has an effect on the CO2 capture capacity. The formation of dicalcium silicate was also observed by XRD analysis in the calcined synthetic raw meal. The effect of calcination conditions and compositions on the CO2 capture capacity as a function of cycle number is described by a correlation equation. This equation is used to determine the decay constant (k) and residual CO2 capture capacity (Xr). This shows that raw meal could be used as a sorbent for the easy integration of the carbonate looping process into the cement pyro process for reducing CO2 emissions from the cement production process.

greater than 900 °C. The carbonate looping process (CLP) for CO2 capture from power plants has been studied extensively.5−15 It is shown that the CO2 capture capacity of the sorbent decreases with an increase in cycle number,16,17 which means that the spent sorbent material has to be replaced with fresh material in order to maintain a high CO2 capture efficiency. This is one of the main challenges in the application of the carbonate looping process in power plants. However, this may not be a serious problem for cement plants because spent sorbent (i.e., calcined limestone) can be used as the feed in clinker production. Thus, this process is especially suitable for the cement industry because the key raw material could be used as a sorbent with the possibility of producing electricity for internal use. The cement raw meal may be used directly as a sorbent for the carbonate looping process applied to the cement production process because the major component in cement raw meal is limestone, which is approximately 70 w/w% together with SiO2 (S), Al2O3 (A), and Fe2O3 (F).18,19 Cement notation is used to represent raw meal components and clinker phases. The calcined raw meal might serve as both a sorbent for CO2 capture and as a raw material in clinker production. An energy and cost analysis for integrating an oxyfuel calciner in

INTRODUCTION Cement production is an energy-intensive process with high CO2 emissions. It has been estimated that around 5% of the total anthropogenic CO2 emissions is from the cement industry.1 The energy demand comes from the calcination of limestone and the formation of the clinker. The cement industry is growing steadily, and this growth is expected to accelerate over the coming decades. Major growth is foreseen in economically growing countries2 (i.e., China, India, etc.). At the same time, the cement industry is facing challenges of sustainable development. One of them is to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted because 1 kg of clinker (cl) produced releases almost 1 kg of CO2.1 One of the options with a significant impact on carbon emission reduction is the use of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies.3 In CCS, carbon dioxide can be captured by precombustion, oxyfuel combustion, or postcombustion. The carbonate looping process has the potential to capture CO2 from flue gas with a low energy penalty compared to that of other CO2 capture processes because high-quality energy may be extracted and electricity may be produced from the heat of the absorption process. In the carbonate looping process, CO2 in the flue gas is captured according to the reversible reaction CaO + CO2 ⇌ CaCO3 at a thermodynamically favorable temperature. The carbonated sorbent is recycled to a regenerator,4 in which the sorbent is calcined in a CO2-rich atmosphere at a temperature © 2013 American Chemical Society

Received: June 7, 2013 Revised: August 19, 2013 Published: August 19, 2013 5397 | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 5397−5406

Energy & Fuels


Table 1. Composition of the Limestone and Industrial Raw Meal Used in the Cyclic Experiments Given in w/w% w/w%









Faxe Bryozo raw meal

43.6 35.63

55.1 43.06

0.45 13.94

0.1 3.6

0.08 2.49

0.03 0.13

0.43 0.93





0.01 0.22

Figure 1. Sample weight % of Faxe Bryozo limestone from the cyclic experiment in the thermogravimetric analyzer. Calcination: 84% CO2, 950 °C. Recarbonation: 14.7% CO2 in N2, 650 °C.

cement production was studied by Rodriguez et al.,20 and they concluded that high CO2 capture efficiency was feasible at a relatively low energy penalty. Results from a simple process simulation model showed that the high CO2 capture capacity of calcined limestone in the cement raw meal will reduce the energy demand of the calciner.21 Telschow studied the effect of temperature on clinker phase formation, indicating the formation of silicates and aluminates of calcium at 900 °C but in minor fractions.18 It is widely accepted that the formation of dicalcium silicate (C2S) might start at temperatures as low as 700 °C.19 The temperature in the calciner of the carbonate looping process must be higher than 900 °C as a result of the high CO2 concentration; therefore, it is possible that part of the clinkering reaction may commence in the calciner. Therefore, under carbonate looping conditions there might be interactions between lime and the other components in forming calcium silicates or other intermediate clinker phases; however, their effect on the CO2 capture capacity is not known. Dean et al.22 discussed the possible synergy between the carbonate looping process and clinker formation. The synergy effect was observed on the fraction of the tricalcium silicate C3S phase in the final clinker produced from spent limestone used as the sorbent in the carbonate looping process compared to fresh limestone. However, to our knowledge no information on the CO2 capture capacity of the raw meal is reported, except in our previous study.23 The results of our study showed that the CO2 capture capacity was influenced by the type of clay and limestone. The CO2 capture capacity of different clay and limestone mixtures was lower than that of limestone when cycle tests were performed under realistic conditions. The observed effect on the CO2 capture capacity may be partially due to sintering and partially due to the solid−solid interactions between limestone and clay. However, the complexity of these interactions makes it difficult to understand the decay mechanism, so systematic studies are necessary to understand the mechanism of the CO2 capture capacity of limestone in the raw meal. In the present work, cyclic experiments were carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer to investigate the influence of the main components in the raw meal (i.e., silica, alumina, or iron oxide) on the CO2 capture capacity of limestone.


Materials. Faxe Bryozo limestone obtained from Faxe Kalk A/S, with a particle size of 0.09−0.25 mm, was used as the sorbent material. Silica was obtained from quartz sand, with a particle size similar to that of limestone. Al2O3 (purity 99.9%) and Fe2O3 (purity 99.9%), with particle sizes of 95 w/w% is CaCO3) unlike the complex material (raw meal) considered in this study. The main observation from the CO2 capture capacities as a function of cycle numbers was a fast decay in the initial cycles followed by slow decay, reaching an asymptotic value that is independent of the cycle number. To formulate this trend in the decay of CO2 capture for application to the process simulation studies, it is important to consider two parameters: (1) the degree of decay and (2) the final CO2 capture capacity. The correlation proposed by Grasa and Abanades30 is used to quantify the degree of decay and residual CO2 capture capacity shown by the following equation:

Figure 14. CO2 capture capacity after the first cycle in the TGA apparatus as a function of the measured BET surface area for the mixtures under realistic calcination conditions: 950 °C, 84 vol. % CO2.

Table 4. CaO Crystallite Size Estimated by the XRD Technique under Realistic Calcination Conditions CaO crystallite size, nm

XN =


CaO + SiO2

CaO + Fe2O3 + SiO2

CaO + Al2O3 + SiO2







1 1 1 − Xr

+ kN

+ Xr (5)

The decay constant (k) and residual capture capacity (Xr) were determined from curve fitting. The results of this fitting exercise are compiled in Table 5. The correlation between the experimental and predicted CO2 capture capacities is good (R2 = 0.98).

Decay in CO2 Capture Capacity. The CO2 capture capacity of limestone decreases with an increase in the number of cycles. The detailed analysis by SEM and BET measurements 5405 | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 5397−5406

Energy & Fuels


Advanced Technology Foundation, FLSmidth A/S, and the Technical University of Denmark under the research platform of New Cement Production Technology are acknowledged for their sponsoring of the project.

Table 5. CO2 Capture Decay Constant (k) and Residual CO2 Capture Capacity (Xr) of Limestone Mixed with the Main Components of the Raw Meal solids

T (calcination), °C

CO2 conc, vol. %



850 950 950 850 950 950 950 950 950 950 950

0 0 84 0 0 84 84 84 84 84 84

0.79 0.97 2.8 0.91 1.5 6.2 8.7 8.5 4.17 2.05 9.05

0.08 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.065 0.03









Faxe Bryozo Faxe Bryozo Faxe Bryozo synthetic raw meal synthetic raw meal synthetic raw meal cement raw meal Faxe Bryozo, Al2O3 Faxe Bryozo, Fe2O3 Faxe Bryozo, SiO2 Faxe Bryozo, Al2O3, Fe2O3 Faxe Bryozo, Fe2O3, SiO2 Faxe Bryozo, Al2O3, SiO2

The results show that for pure limestone and for the limestone in the raw meal under the tested conditions the calcination temperature influences the residual CO2 capacity of the limestone whereas the CO2 concentration has a profound effect on the decay constant with no influence on the residual CO2 capture capacity. These observations were similar to the results obtained by Grasa,30 but the effect of the main components of the raw meal was complex and both the residual CO2 capture capacity and decay constant were affected.

CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the experimental work, the main conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) Raw meal could be used as the sorbent even though there are interactions between lime and the other components, especially under realistic calcination conditions. (2) SEM, XRD, and BET analyses indicated that sintering is the main reason for the observed decrease in the CO2 capture capacity. A correlation was established between the surface area of the mixtures and the CO2 capture capacity of the limestone in the mixture under realistic conditions. (3) XRD results show that the CaO crystallite size was influenced not only by the calcination conditions but also by the components of the cement raw meal. (4) The decay in the CO2 capture capacity of the limestone in the raw meal is due to sintering, resulting in a change in particle morphology and a larger CaO crystal size. (5) The CO2 capture capacity as a function of cycle number can be described by a two-parameter correlation, which can be used for process simulation studies using raw meal sorbent.


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The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is part of the research work of the Combustion and Harmful Emission Control (CHEC) Research Centre at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. The Danish National 5406 | Energy Fuels 2013, 27, 5397−5406