Coarse-Graining Atactic Polystyrene and Its Analogues

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Coarse-Graining Atactic Polystyrene and Its Analogues Anupriya Agrawal,† Dipak Aryal,† Dvora Perahia,*,† Ting Ge,‡ and Gary S. Grest§ †

Department of Chemistry, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 29634, United States Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, United States § Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185, United States ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Capturing large length scales in polymers and soft matter while retaining atomistic properties is imperative to computational studies of dynamic systems. Here we present the results for a coarse-grained model based on atomistic simulation of atactic polystyrene (PS). Similar to previous work by Harmandaris et al. and Fritz et al., each monomer is described by two coarsegrained beads. In contrast to these early studies in which intramolecular potentials were based on Monte Carlo simulations of isotactic and syndiotactic single PS molecules to capture stereochemistry, we obtained intramolecular interactions from a single molecular dynamics simulation of an all-atom atactic PS melt. The nonbonded interactions are obtained using the iterative Boltzmann inversion (IBI) scheme. This methodology has been extended to coarse graining of poly(4-tert-butylstyrene) (PtBS) in which an additional type of coarse-grained bead is used to describe the tert-butyl group. Similar to the process for PS, the intramolecular interactions are obtained from a single all-atom melt simulation for atactic PtBS.

1. INTRODUCTION Polymer properties are often determined by structure and dynamics on multiple length and time scales. The presence of a wide range of spatial and temporal scales that are often correlated remains a challenge for both experimental and computational studies of polymers.1−5 Computationally, a fully atomistic description of polymers that would capture the electronic behavior and assembly of the macromolecules does not allow reaching large enough dimensions where mechanical properties are manifested, whereas generic coarse-grained bead−spring models which capture mesoscopic length scale often miss atomic level details. Developing models that capture atomistic details and expand to mesoscopic length scales is imperative to the understanding of polymer dynamics driving a large effort to coarse-grained polymers while retaining some of the atomistic characteristics. A significant number of these studies depict polystyrene (PS) as a model polymer to develop coarse-grained potentials. Because of its low glass transition temperature and narrow polydispersity, PS has been intensively studied both experimentally and computationally, providing a vast amount of data for comparison and validation of new models. Significant strides have been made in coarse graining of polymers.6−21 Different pathways were developed to determine the coarse-grained potentials, some of which were obtained from melts and some from single molecules. All these studies have clearly demonstrated the need for systematically coarsegraining polymers with transferability while capturing their stereochemistry. Transferability could relate to different © 2014 American Chemical Society

temperatures, chemical analogues, and a coarse-graining scheme that allows formation of structured polymers. Building on the state of the art, we present here the results of a coarsegrained methodology that captures the chain stereochemistry from a single molecular dynamics simulation of a fully atomistic PS melt. Early computational studies using bead−spring models have captured the universal physics of chemically diverse polymers. Kremer and Grest6 for example resolved dynamics of linear polymers in melts using the bead−spring model at temperatures above glass transition temperature. These studies have realized the power of this simple model. Nevertheless, detailed chemical information is essential for a full realization of the behavior of polymers on multiple length scales. To accelerate simulations of specific polymers, coarse-grained techniques that reduce the degrees of freedom in a simulation have been developed. Coarse graining in this case signifies bundling of several atoms into one “coarse-grained bead” (CG) and treating these CG beads as the building blocks of polymers.7−9,22 Depending on the properties that need to be explored, these CG beads can be defined and their interaction potential can be obtained from atomistic simulations of either a single polymer chain or a melt of short chains. Most commonly used methods to obtain these interaction potentials are iterative Boltzmann Received: February 11, 2014 Revised: March 19, 2014 Published: April 17, 2014 3210 | Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3210−3218



inversion (IBI),10−16 inverse Monte Carlo (IMC),17−19 force matching (FM),4,5,20,21,23,24 and relative entropy.25,26 Depending on number of beads used to define a monomer of PS, a coarse-grained model of PS can be categorized as 1:1,13,14 2:1,27−31 and 4:132 models where n:1 represent n beads to define a monomer of polystyrene. Each of these models captures a different aspect of the polymer properties. For a detailed comparison of these different models for PS see recent reviews by Karimi-Varzaneh et al.,2 Li et al.,4 and Brini et al.5 The first coarse-grained model for PS was suggested by Milano and Müller-Plathe,13 who described a PS monomer using 1 bead (1:1 model) such that the bead center was at CH2 group and mass of phenyl group was equally distributed between two consecutive beads. They used two types of beads depending on the relative configuration of two consecutive phenyl groups. When two consecutive phenyl rings are on the same side of the chain, this configuration is called meso while when they are on opposite side of backbone, it is called racemic. For isotactic PS, all the monomers are in the meso configuration where two consecutive phenyl rings are on the same side of the backbone, while for syndiotactic PS, all the monomers are in the racemic configuration; i.e., the phenyl groups are on the opposite side. Atactic PS consists of monomers in the two configurations randomly. Milano and Müller-Plathe13 used an atactic PS allatom melt simulation of 56 chains of 10 monomers at 500 K to obtain the intramolecular bond, angle, and dihedral distributions which were used to develop the interaction potentials for coarse-grained simulations. The nonbonded interactions were developed using the IBI method. Spyriouni et al.33 improved these CG potential functions for PS melts from previous works done by Müller-Plathe and co-workers and showed that they can capture the correct entanglement length of PS melts. The packing length and tube diameter were found to be in agreement with experiments. However, the obtained isothermal compressibility is far from the experimental value, which indicates poor transferability of the potential. Qian et al.34 chose another mapping scheme with two types of beads defined according to the absolute configuration of the monomer in a 1:1 model and found that the newly obtained potentials could reproduce the thermal expansion and structure properties of the PS melts from 400 to 500 K.2 These potentials provided insight into the interphase structure in silica−nanoparticle nanocomposites.35 Sun and Faller14,36 also used one bead to describe the PS monomer (1:1 model), however, without any stereochemical detail. Starting from all-atom melt simulation of 48 chains of 15 monomers of atactic PS at 450 K temperature, they obtained the interaction parameters. The nonbonded potential were developed using the IBI method. Using their 1:1 coarse-grained model of polystyrene, Sun et al.36 showed that new set of potential is needed to be developed to study polystyrene in different environment such as dilute solution and dense melt; however, the same set of potentials can be used to study the effect of chain length. They further used their model to study the shift from unentangled to entangled dynamics of polystyrene melt and reported the entanglement length to be about 85 monomers from their 1:1 model.37 Bayramoglu and Faller38 extended their previous work to study polystyrene in four different environments including melt, dilute solution, unconfined, and confined concentrated solutions and showed that coarse-graining is most effective for polymer melts and least effective for dilute solutions due to stronger slowdown of diffusive dynamics in atomistic simulations with concentration.

To explore the transferability of the potentials developed through IBI methodology, Bayramoglu and Faller39 studied the effect of confinement on the concentrated solution of polystyrene in toluene. They show that the interaction potential between confinement wall and polystyrene monomer/toluene molecules, developed from a parent system, could not be transferred to the other systems. Further complexity has been introduced to CG by Hermandaris et al.,27 who described PS using two bead models for the first time and demonstrated that the choice of the beads are crucial for obtaining the correct structure of the melt. When the two beads described a CH2 group and the second bead consists of C6H5−CH group, the melt structure of polystyrene could not be well replicated. They27 suggested another 2:1 scheme (Figure 1a), which had a phenyl group constituting one

Figure 1. Coarse-grained model for (a) polystyrene and (b) poly(4tert-butylstyrene). A (red), B (green) and C (yellow) represent the beads for their corresponding monomers.

bead and a second bead involved the CH−CH2−CH group along the backbone. In this scheme, however, the mass of the two CH groups was equally distributed between two consecutive beads. This scheme was more successful in replicating the atomistic melt structure of polystyrene. They used a united atom model of atactic PS melts at 463 K to obtain the interaction potential for coarse-grained beads. The nonbonded interactions between the beads were assumed to be the form of the purely Lennard-Jones 6−12 potential with modified coefficients. Using this model, they studied the dynamics of polystyrene melts in molecular weight range 1 and 50 kDa and showed that time scaling between coarse-grained and atomistic simulations is dependent on molecular weight of the constituting chains.28,40 These coarse-grained simulations are in excellent comparison to experiment, without any parameter fit to experiment. The only quantity used is the density. To incorporate stereochemistry, Fritz et al.30 used the two comparable bead-mapping scheme proposed by Hermandaris et al.28,29 and obtained the bond lengths, angle, and dihedrals distributions from a single isotactic and a single syndiotactic PS chain simulation. In contrast to previous work,28 they30 used the potential of mean force between the beads to develop the nonbonded potentials. Although the atomistic simulations were carried out at 503 K temperature, these potentials were transferable to temperature range 400−500 K. Using this coarse-grained potential, they studied the dynamics of the PS melts with different tacticities and mapped the results to atomistic simulations. 3211 | Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3210−3218



was extracted from a simulation of 35 ns in which snapshots were saved every 10 ps. For the fitting of nonbonded CG potential for polystyrene, a system of 160 chains of 40 CG beads (20 PS monomers) was used. Constant volume simulations at the equilibrium density obtained from the atomistic simulation with a time step δt = 1 fs were run for 3 ns for which RDF was obtained from last 2 ns of simulation. RDF was averaged over 200 snapshots for each iteration. Potential forces were obtained by taking the derivative of the interaction energy. These values were used in the tabulated form for the simulations. Following the work of Fritz et al.,30 we also include a special 1−5 interaction, which were treated as bonded potential. The nonbonded potential between CG beads within four beads along the backbone is not included. All CG pairs beyond the 1−5 pairs along the backbone were treated as nonbonded pairs. Using the set of bonded and nonbonded potential, we studied larger PS systems (Table 1), which were created in

In this paper, building on the two-bead CG model previously discussed, we show that one can capture the stereochemistry of PS and extract all the relevant potentials from a single atomistic MD simulation of atactic melts. From the single atactic PS melt simulation, all the intramolecular interactions were determined as well as intermolecular RDF, which is used as a target for the IBI to iterate the nonbonded interaction. We also include a separate pressure correction term to obtain the accurate density of the melt at ambient pressure. Densities of PS melts with varying chain lengths formed by our coarse-grained model were in good agreement with the experimental values. This methodology is ideally suited for extending the coarse-graining methodology to PS derivatives such as atactic poly(4-tertbutylstyrene) (PtBS) by introducing a third type of CG bead, shown in Figure 1b. A similar approach of introducing an additional bead has been used to coarse grain a diblock copolymer poly(styrene-b-butadiene) melt41 as well as polystyrene/polyisoprene blends.42 In the next section we present the details of the atomistic and coarse-grained simulations followed by the details of coarsegrained modeling metholodgy for polystyrene in section 3. The extension of the methodology to PtBS is discussed in section 4 followed by conclusions.

Table 1. Coarse-Grained PS Systems Studied at T = 500 K and P = 1 atm

2. MODEL AND SIMULATION METHODS The All Atom Optimized Potential for Liquid Simulations (OPLS-AA) force field by Jorgensen et al.43,44 was used for the fully atomistic simulations. The attractive (r−6) dispersion term in the Lennard-Jones interaction and the electrostatic interactions were calculated using particle−particle particlemesh algorithm.45 As a result, the Lennard-Jones interaction becomes a fully long-range potential. Interactions closer than 1.2 nm are calculated in real space; those outside this range are calculated in reciprocal Fourier space with precision of 10−4. The repulsive (r−12) Lennard-Jones interaction is truncated at 1.2 nm. All simulations in this paper were performed using the parallel molecular dynamics code Large Atomic Molecular Massive Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS).46 Atactic PS and PtBS chains were created using Accelrys Materials Studio.47 Simulation cells with periodic boundary conditions with 20 unique chains of atactic PS and PtBS with 20 monomers (2.0 and 3.2 kDa, respectively) each were equilibrated using NPT ensemble with temperature 500 K and 1 atm pressure where temperature and pressure were controlled using a Nosé−Hoover thermostat and barostat, respectively. Once polymer melts were equilibrated, production runs of 35 ns with a time step δt = 1 fs were performed at constant volume for the two polymer systems. For these constant volume runs each monomer was coupled weakly to a Langevin thermostat with a damping constant of 100 fs to maintain a constant temperature. The atomistic density of this short chain melt is 0.90 g/cm3 for PS and 0.85 g/cm3 for PtBS. This result is in agreement with the experimental density of 0.90 g/cm3 at 500 K temperature and 1 atm pressure for short chain PS (0.9 kDa).48 Cutting off the dispersion (r−6) term in the LennardJones interaction at 1.2 nm, as is often done, leads to a slightly lower melt density of 0.87 g/cm3. Bond length, angle, and dihedral distributions used to extract the intramolecular interactions were obtained from these fully atomistic melt simulations. The intermolecular RDF g(r), which is used as the target for iteration of nonbonded potential, was also extracted from the same atactic melt simulations. RDF

Mw (kDa)

no. beads/chain

no. of chains

t (ns)

density (g/cm3)

2.0 5.2 12.4 20.8 52.0

40 100 240 400 1000

1280 384 384 162 162

24 35 22 26 23

0.896 0.928 0.936 0.941 0.942

Materials Studio and then converted to coarse-grained beads. For 5, 12, and 20 and 52 kDa molecular weight, we make samples with six chains with different, random tacticity, which were subsequently replicated to increase number of chains to that shown in Table 1. Polymers with six chains with different, random tacticity, which were subsequently replicated. Each was equilibrated with both our new potential. The systems are presented in Table 1.

3. POLYSTRYENE Polystyrene consists of aliphatic backbone and phenyl ring as side group on alternative carbon along the backbone. In this coarse-graining model of PS, we have used the 2:1 (2 beads to represent 1 monomer) mapping scheme of Harmandaris et al.28 as shown in Figure 1a. Here, bead A encompasses the −CH− CH2−CH− group such that CH groups contribute half of their mass to the consecutive bead and the phenyl group constitutes B bead. The advantage of this 2:1 model over 1:1 mapping scheme is that it captures the effect of tacticity as well as the steric effects of phenyl ring. A minimum of five beads are required to capture the stereochemistry of atactic PS as shown by Fritz et al.30 In the five-bead configuration when started from A (A-B-A-B-A), both B’s can be in meso configuration or racemic configuration. In those two cases, first A is assigned two different types of beads. For five-bead configurations that start at B (B-A-B-A-B), three B can be in meso, racemic, or mixed configuration for which three B types of beads are assigned. These configurations are shown in Figure S1 of the Supporting Information. Thus, to include the stereochemistry of atactic PS in CG model, we have defined five types of beads: two types of A beads and three types of B beads. The energy U of this CG model consist bonded (B) and nonbonded (NB) potential 3212 | Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3210−3218

Macromolecules U CG =



Fritz et al.30 mixed distribution is the average of racemic and meso distributions. For the BAB angle distributions there are only two types, meso and racemic, and they match well with those of Fritz et al.,30 except their racemic distribution shows an additional peak at 145°. The ABAB dihedral distributions obtained from two methods match very well as shown in Figure 2d. As discussed by Fritz et al.,30 the distance between CG beads separated by three intermediate beads, the 1−5 distance, is important to maintain the rigidity of the backbone. These distributions were obtained for five types of beads and are shown in Figures 3a and 3b for A and B beads, respectively.


Intramolecular interactions are generally obtained from intramolecular distributions of bond lengths, angles, and dihedrals and are assumed to be decoupled from the CG nonbonded interactions. The most common strategy is to use Boltzmann inversion to convert distributions to potential energies. The underlying principle to obtain potential from these distributions is that these distributions are not correlated such that PCG(r , θ , ϕ , T ) = PCG(r , T )PCG(θ , T )PCG(ϕ , T )


where P are probability distributions, r is bond length, θ is bond angle, ϕ is dihedral angle, and T is temperature. Thus, the mapping scheme must be chosen so that the above equation holds true. We have compared the distribution obtained from atactic PS melt with the distribution obtained by Fritz et al.30 from single chain isotactic (meso) and syndiotactic (racemic) PS atomistic simulations. Distribution of bond lengths between beads A and B is shown in Figure 2a. These bonds can be of two types

Figure 3. Distribution of 1−5 distances obtained from all-atom atactic polystyrene melt simulations for (a) A beads and (b) B beads. The corresponding energy is shown in (c) A beads and (d) B beads. Filled symbols are from this work, and open symbols are from Fritz et al.30

The distributions of bond lengths between the 1−5 CG beads show a single peak at 4.9 and 5.1 Å for meso and racemic A beads, respectively. Meso B beads exhibit a broad double peak, which could be explained by steric effects of phenyl ring. Racemic B beads exhibits a peak at ∼6 Å and a smaller peak at ∼8 Å. The distributions were then converted to the corresponding potential energy using the inverse Boltzmann scheme

Figure 2. (a) AB bond length distribution, (b) ABA angle distribution, (c) BAB angle distribution, and (d) ABAB dihedral distribution. Open symbols are the data obtained from Fritz et al.,30 and filled symbols are obtained from a single atomistic atactic polystyrene melt simulation.

depending on whether A is meso type or racemic type. As can be seen, our racemic distribution matches well with the single chain simulation of Fritz et al. However, our meso AB bond distribution shows a peak at 3.6 Å and a slight second peak at 3.9 Å, and Fritz et al.30 show double peak at 3.6 and 3.8 Å. The second peak in our distribution has lower intensity as the result of presence of racemic configuration along the chain thus having a smearing effect at longer distances. The ABA angle distributions obtained from the melt simulation are somewhat different than that found by Fritz et al. There are three angle distributions depending on type of B bead. For meso type of B bead, the ABA angle shows two peaks at ∼36° and ∼40° compared to results of Fritz et al.,30 who found two peaks at 36° and 42°. Our racemic and mixed distributions are very similar to a peak at ∼40°; however, the

U CG(r , T ) = −kBT ln(PCG(r , T )/r 2)


U CG(θ , T ) = −kBT ln(PCG(θ , T )/sin(θ ))


U CG(ϕ , T ) = −kBT ln(PCG(ϕ , T ))


Bonded energies corresponding to the bond, angles, and dihedrals show minima at the maxima in the distributions curves. These energy curves are given in Figure S2 of the Supporting Information. The 1−5 distributions were inverted using eq 3 to obtain the respective potentials, which are plotted in Figure 3c,d. Results are compared with the potential obtained by Fritz et al.30 The 1−5 interactions for the meso A beads obtained from the melt simulation match very well with those obtained by Fritz et al. However, for racemic A 3213 | Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3210−3218



beads, Fritz et al. have a local broad minima around 4 Å. Similarly, Fritz et al.30 found that the racemic B beads show a global minima at ∼8 Å; however, our global minima lies at 5 Å. Mixed type of B beads from both methods show mixed character of meso and racemic type of B beads. In this work, we have used the IBI method to get the nonbonded potential between CG beads, which are on different chains or separated by more than four beads along the backbone. An initial guess for the nonbonded interactions is taken from a Boltzmann inversion of intermolecular RDF, determined from the fully atomistic simulations, for the AA, AB, and BB CG monomers as CG UNB,0 = −kBT ln(g (r ))


These RDFs, obtained from the atomistic simulations, are the target functions for determining the various nonbonded potentials from the IBI method. In order to take the potential and corresponding force smoothly to zero at cutoff distance, the Mei−Davenport− Fernando taper function49 was applied CG UNB,cutoff

⎧1, r < rm ⎪ 3 2 = ⎨(1 − x) (1 + 3x + 6x ), rm ≤ r < rc , ⎪ ⎪ 0, r ≥ rc ⎩ (7)

where x = (r − rm)/(rc − rm), rm is the start of the taper range, and rc is the cutoff distance. Here we used rm as 0.94 nm and rc as 1.0 nm. The nonbonded potentials were iterated using the IBI scheme10 as follows ⎛ g (r ) ⎞ i CG CG ⎟⎟ UNB, ⎜ i + 1 = U NB, i + λ1kBT ln⎜ g ⎝ (r ) ⎠

Figure 4. Left panel shows the radial distribution function of polystyrene for (a) A−A, (c) B−B, and (e) A−B. Right panel shows the nonbonded energies for (b) A−A, (d) B−B, and (f) A−B after pressure correction (apc). Dashed line in the left panels is the pair correlation function g(r) obtained from all atom atomistic (aa) simulation, and in the right panels, it shows the nonbonded potential obtained from Fritz et al.30


where gi(r) is the RDF after the ith iterations and λ1 is a constant to control the rate of change in the energy in each iteration. We set λ1 = 0.1 since the rate of convergence is very poor for λ1 = 1. Using this scheme, starting from the initial guess of the nonbonded potential eq 6, the CG simulation was simulated for 3 ns, gi(r) was calculated from last 2 ns of simulation, and a new estimate of the nonbonded potential was determined using eq 8. After 167 iterations gi(r) and g(r) converged as shown below. It is important to note that the IBI scheme is iterated only on RDF and there is no term to control the pressure of the system. The average pressure for the constant volume CG simulation was 200 atm for the 167th iteration. In order to obtain density consistent with an ambient pressure, in addition to the IBI term in eq 8, we applied a pressure correction term13,14,50 ⎛ r⎞ ΔUipc ⎟ + 1 = − (Pi − P)Vatomλ 2⎜1 − rc ⎠ ⎝

affected by the pressure correction while the A−B and B−B interactions have slightly lower minima after the pressure correction is applied. For separations less than 4 Å, the pressure correction does not have significant effect on the potential since g(r) is zero in this region. Fritz et al.30 found a single attractive minimum for all the components of nonbonded potential. The location of their attractive minima for all the components is ∼0.25 Å lower than our potential using the IBI method, which could explain the higher density of ∼0.98 g/cm3 at P = 1 atm obtained using the Fritz et al. potential for the same 20 PS monomer system. When we use the Fritz et al.30 CG potential at 0.89 g/cm3, the system phase separated into a denser melt and vacuum. Using our new potential, we calculated the density of atactic polystyrene as a function of chain length for systems reported in Table 1. Figure 5 shows the results for our potential compared to that using the Fritz et al.30 potential for the same chain lengths and with experimental data.48 Densities of atactic polystyrene using our potential match very well with the experimental values as seen in Figure 5.48 The Fritz et al.30 potential overestimates the density by 7%. Without implementing any terms to include the effect of the chain length on density in this model, these potentials could be successfully


where Pi is the average pressure obtained from ith iteration, P is the target pressure, Vatom is the volume per atom, and λ2 is a constant to control the rate of change of energy between the iterations. Here we take λ2 = 0.1. For larger values of λ2, the pressure fluctuations are large and the iterative procedure does not converge. For λ2 = 0.1, the pressure converges quickly after a few iterations. The pair correlation functions g(r) and the corresponding nonbonded potential are shown in Figure 4 after the pressure correction. The nonbonded A−A interaction is not 3214 | Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3210−3218



Figure 5. Density of atactic polystyrene versus molecular weight Mw at temperature 500 K and ambient pressure using the potential developed here (■), the potential of Fritz et al. (●), and experiment (⧫) (ref 48). Arrow shows the experimental density of the higher molecular weight system.

used to study the effect of chain length. The thermal expansion coefficient of 20 kDa atactic polystyrene sample at 1 atm pressure was found to be 5.0 × 10−4 K−1 in the temperature range 400−540 K (Figure S3 in Supporting Information). This compares well with the experimental value48 of 6.0 × 10−4 K−1 for 34.5 kDa sample at P = 1 atm. Compressibility of the same sample was found to be 1.8 × 10−4 MPa−1 in the pressure range 1−200 atm at T = 500 K (Figure S4 in Supporting Information). The experimental value of compressibility for 34.5 kDa sample at 503 K is 4.7 × 10−4 MPa−1.48 To correctly reproduce the dynamical behavior of PS melt, a time-mapping constant based on the friction coefficients obtained from short chain atomistic and coarse-grained simulation is required similar to previous work by Harmandaris et al.1,27,40 for PS melts and Li et al.51 for polyisoprene melts.

4. POLY(4-tert-BUTYLSTYRENE) To represent each monomer of PtBS, we extended the twobead representation of PS to include a third CG bead. The first bead (A bead) is same for PS, the phenyl ring (C6H4) is represented by second bead (B bead), and third bead (C bead) is the tertiary butyl group (as shown in Figure 1b). In order to account for tacticities, we have defined two types of A bead, three types of B bead, and one type of C bead. Distributions of bonded degrees of freedom for the coarsegrained model of atactic PtBS obtained from a fully atomistic simulation of an atactic melt are shown in Figure 6. There is one additional bond in PtBS when compared to PS, i.e., BC. Bond length distributions are shown in Figure 6a. While the AB bonds are either meso or racemic type, the BC is not affected by tacticity, which is evident from its characteristic single peak at 3.3 Å. The ABA angle distributions are shown in Figure 6b, which are comparable to atactic PS except that the mixed ABA exhibits the average behavior of meso and racemic ABA angle distributions. The BAB angle exhibits different characteristics for meso and racemic type of B beads (Figure 6c); however, the ABC shows a single peak at 160° (Figure 6d). The ABAB and BABC dihedral angle distributions show disparate characteristic for meso and racemic. The 1−5 distance distributions were also extracted for A and B beads. Since C is not directly attached to the backbone, the 1−5 distance distribution for C bead was not maintained by additional potential. These distributions were inverted in similar fashion as for PS to obtain the corresponding potential (Figure S5 of Supporting Information).

Figure 6. Bonded distribution functions for poly(4-tert-butylstyrene). (a) Bond distribution for AB meso type, AB racemic, and BC. (b) ABA angle distribution for meso, racemic, and mixed angles. (c) BAB angle distribution for meso and racemic and (d) ABC angle distribution. (e) ABAB dihedral angle distributions for meso and racemic and (f) BABC dihedral distriubtions for meso and racemic. The 1−5 distance distribution for (g) AA meso and racemic and (h) BB meso, racemic, and mixed.

The nonbonded potential for PtBS has six components AA, AB, AC, BB, BC, and CC. These were fitted simultaneously using the same process as described for PS. The initial guess for the nonbonded potential energy was taken from eq 6 where g(r) is obtained from atomistic simulation, which was iterated using eq 8 with cutoff radius rc = 1.0 nm and λ1 = 0.1. A very good match with the atomistic RDF was obtained after 150 iterations with an average pressure of 400 atm. We then applied the pressure correction term as eq 9 with λ2 = 0.05. After 17 additional iterations, we obtained very good agreement between the CG g(r) and the atomistic g(r) with pressure ∼1 atm. The comparison of CG and atomistic pair correlation functions is shown in Figure 7. The nonbonded potentials 3215 | Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3210−3218



Figure 7. (a−f) Intermolecular radial distribution function of PtB obtained from PtBS1 and PtBS2. aa represents atomistic radial distribution function. (g−l) The nonbonded potential for PtBS for PtBS1 and PtBS2. The nonbonded potential PS is shown for comparison.

is comparable between PtBS1 and PtBS2 for all other components of g(r). A third approach (PtBS3) is to keep A and B interactions from PS fixed and iterate only the nonbonded interactions containing C beads. We iterated the three nonbonded potentials including the C bead based on this approach; however, the pressure quickly became negative even if we include the pressure correction from the beginning of the IBI. After additional iterations, the system phase separated into a denser melt phase and vacuum. Similarly using the PtBS1 or PtBS2 potential for PS does not give a good fit to g(r). Also, the pressure is 500 atm instead of 1 atm. The fact that the addition of the tert-butyl required a reparameterization of the original PS potential is consistent with previous results of Sun et al.,42 who found similar effects for polystyrene/polyisoprene blends. The two potentials PtBS1 and PtBS2 are in general similar in their characteristics, e.g., position of minima match well. However, the PtBS2 potential exhibits a stronger attractive minimum than PtBS1 for most pairs except for AB and BC. The CC interaction is essentially the same for both the potentials, which could be due to its strong RDF peak. The density of longer chain systems calculated using these potentials is given in Table 2. The densities obtained using this coarse-grained model increase with chain length as expected. No further parameters were needed to explicitly incorporate the chain length.

obtained using this methodology (labeled PtBS1) are also shown in Figure 7. We also carried out the IBI procedure starting from the previous results for PS for the AA, AB, and BB nonbonded potential as a test of the methodology. For the nonbonded interactions involving the CG C bead, we used the AB potential of PS for the AC and BC potential of PtBS and BB potential of PS for CC. We chose BB potential to represent CC potential rather than the AA potential because B and C beads both belong to the side group whereas A represents backbone. We refer to this set of results as PtBS2. Since after a few iterations at constant volume, the pressure became negative, we applied the pressure correction term from the start such that ⎛ g (r ) ⎞ ⎛ r⎞ Ui + 1 = Ui + λ1kBT ln⎜⎜ i ⎟⎟ − (Pi − P)λ 2Vatom⎜1 − ⎟ rc ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ g (r ) ⎠ (10)

with λ1 and λ2 are constants and their values are taken as 0.1 and 0.05, respectively. After 20 iterations, we were able to get reasonable RDF (as shown in Figure 7) and density at P = 1 atm. With additional iterations, the pressure became negative again. The potential obtained in this way show attractive minima for all the nonbonded components of PtBS. This gave AA, AB, and BB potential comparable to PS potentials. The RDF and nonbonded potentials are shown in Figure 7 as PtBS2. The agreement between g(r) for AA from PtBS1 with atomistic RDF is slightly better than for PtBS2. The agreement 3216 | Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3210−3218



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Table 2. Coarse-Grained PtBS Systems Studied in the Present Work at T = 500 K and P = 1 atm density (g/cm3) Mw (kDa)

no. beads/chain

no. of chains

tr (ns)



3.2 8.0 32.0

60 150 600

1280 384 162

1 20 15

0.847 0.857 0.862

0.846 0.856 0.862

5. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we have developed a methodology based on allatom simulation of a single atactic PS melt to determine all the intramolecular and intermolecular interactions for a coarsegrained model for PS and its derivatives. We have successfully shown that once the model is developed for the base polymer, it is relatively easy to build on the model for its derivatives as we have shown for PS and PtBS. Results for the density as a function of chain length for PS are in excellent agreement with experiment. Models developed in this manner could easily be used to study the dynamics of polymers at homogeneous as well as heterogeneous interfaces. These potentials could also be extended to study block copolymers and other PS analogues.


S Supporting Information *

Figures S1−S5. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail [email protected] (D.P.). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Kurt Kremer for helpful discussions and gratefully acknowledge financial support from DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-12ER46843 and NSF Grant No. DMR-1006805. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF PHY11-25915. This research used resources at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the Office of Science of the United States Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. This work was made possible by advanced computational resources deployed and maintained by Clemson Computing and Information Technology. This work was performed, in part, at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnology, a U.S. Department of Energy and Office of Basic Energy Sciences user facility. Sandia National Laboratories is a multiprogram laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract No. DE-AC04-94AL85000.


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