fill the gap between crude portable instruments and the p.p.m. instru- ments. Argon, nitrogen, oxygen, hy- drogen, etc. are analyzed using a thermal c...
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Stable to 0.01% . . . Indefinitely



Refinery control lab determines nitrogen automatically on round-the-clock basis

Process gas analyzer is designed to fill the gap between crude portable instruments and the p.p.m. instru­ ments. Argon, nitrogen, oxygen, hy­ drogen, etc. are analyzed using a thermal conductivity cell to an accu­ racy of ± 2 % full scale. Model S - l . Thermco Instrument Corp., Laporte, Ind. 423

Using the automated Coleman Nitro­ gen Analyzer as basic equipment, the quality control laboratory of The Atlantic Refining Company (Phila­ delphia) determines nitrogen content of petroleum products down to 0.02 % nitrogen. Operated by control chemists on all three shifts, the instrument provides a complete nitrogen analysis in as little as 8 minutes. It is used for critical quality control work with gas oils, lube oil additives, greases and synthetic detergents. The instrument is fully as efficient in the control laboratory environment as it has proven under carefully-con­ trolled research laboratory conditions. Write for the specific method devel­ oped by Atlantic Refining's Product Quality Department for nitrogen de­ termination in refinery fluids—Cole­ man Technical Report AT-187.


The extreme stability of the Model 242 is not specified in hours. N o w over several months—you can per­ form extended duration measurem e n t s . C u m u l a t i v e d r i f t of t h i s regulated supply is prevented by a self-correcting feedback loop fea­ turing a temperature compensated zener diode reference, photo-chop­ per comparator and wire wound sampling resistors. 300 V to 3500 V are delivered at 25 ma, with less than 1 mv combined ripple and noise— ideal for photo tube, photo multiplier and electron multiplier applications. Other specifications contributing to the outstanding value of the Keithley 242 are shown below. • o u t p u t : 300 t o 3,500 V at 25 m a in 1 volt s t e p s — p l u s , m i n u s , or f l o a t i n g t o 4500 V • stability: 0 . 0 1 % i n d e f i n i t e l y , minute warm-up



• accuracy: = 0 . 1 % • ripple and noise: Less t h a n 1.0 m i l l i ­ volt r m s • line r e g u l a t i o n : 0.005% for 10% c h a n g e in line v o l t a g e • load r e g u l a t i o n : 0.005% f r o m z e r o t o full l o a d • overload p r o t e c t i o n : A u t o m a t i c dis­ c o n n e c t if c u r r e n t e x c e e d s 27 m a • price: $850

Other Regulated DC Supplies This Dual Titrometer provides a range of - 1 6 5 0 to + 1 6 5 0 mv. and 0 - 1 4 pH units, electrometric circuit sensitivity of less than ± 2 mv. ( ± 0 . 0 2 pH), in­ dicating meter with full scale deflec­ tion of 250 mv., and grid current of ΙΟ - 1 3 amps magnitude. "Mag-Mix" stirrers provide convenient stirring control. Bulletin 615A. Precision Scientific Co., 3 7 3 7 W. Cortland St., Chicago 4 7 , III. 424

M o d e l 241, 0 1000 V, 0.05% a c c u r a c y


M o d e l 240, 0-1000 V, 1.0% a c c u r a c y


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K E I T H L E Y I N S T R U M E N T S 12415 Euclid A v e n u e

· C l e v e l a n d 6, Ohio

Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card

VOL 34, NO. 13, DECEMBER 1962


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