Collecting is an art

Collecting is an art. The state-of-the-art. LC fraction collector is Gilson's. The Gilson ... unattended, or continuous collection. For literature (or...
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New Products Chemicals Stable Isotopes

Collecting is an art.

Stable isotopes which have been sepa­ rated and enriched may be used for the manufacture of mass spectrometer standards. Available isotopes include helium-3, neon-20, neon-22, krypton82, xenon-124, carbon-13, nitrogen-15, oxygen-17, and oxygen-18. Isotec. Inc. 450

Chelating Ion Exchange Resin Chelex 100 purifies buffers and ionic reagents by removing metal ions with­ out altering the concentration of nonmetallic ions. The resin has a selectivi­ ty for divalent over monovalent ions of approximately 5000 to 1, and has a strong attraction for transition metals, even in concentrated salt solutions. Bio-Rad Laboratories 452 G l y c o h e m o g l o b i n Kit The Fast Hb Glycohemoglobin test kit is now cyanide-free. The ion exchange resin columns and the two hemoglobin elution solutions no longer contain cya­ nide. The omission of cyanide has im­ proved the performance of the test. Isolab Inc. 453

Standard for Potassium

The state-of-the-art LC fraction collector is Gilson's. The Gilson FC-220 is the preferred fraction collector for liquid chromatography because of its long record of reliable performance. This large capacity collector accommodates 220 test tubes in a variety of sizes: 18 χ 150 mm; 13 χ 100 mm; 17 χ 55 mm mini-vials. Three collection methods may be used—drop counting, time collection, or volume with an optional volumetric pump. Each rack is a "cube" containing 20 tubes, a configuration that avoids accidental tipping and loss of sample. The FC-220 includes an internal heater and components selected for reliable cold room operation to 0 degree C. over extended use. Other features which make the FC-220 a truly convenient collector include: 3-digit LED display; optional shut-off valve to stop column flow during tube change; multiple collection for 2, 3, 4, or 5 columns; 220 collections unattended, or continuous collection. For literature (or better yet a demonstration from a qualified Gilson representative), call or write:


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An assay-isotopic standard for potassi­ um, Standard Reference Material 985, may be used for the calibration of iso­ tope ratio mass spectrometers. This SRM is supplied as highly purified po­ tassium chloride and is certified for assay (99.9%) and for isotopic compo­ sition. Price, $58 per 1.0 g sample. Of­ fice of Standard Reference Materials, Room B311, Chemistry Bldg., National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234 Mineral Glasses Standard Reference Material 470, min­ eral glasses for microanalysis, is a set of two homogeneous glasses (K-411 and K-412) which are composed of Si0 2> FeO, MgO, and CaO; and Al 2 0 3 in the case of K-412. These glasses should be useful for quantitative analy­ sis of naturally occurring minerals, glasses, and ceramics. Extensive ho­ mogeneity testing has been done for all elements except oxygen. SRM 470 in­ cludes one rod of each glass. A rod is approximately 1 mm X 1 mm X 15 mm. Price, $185. Office of Standard Reference Materials, Room B311, Chemistry Bldg., National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 202.34