College Chemistry (Mahan, Bruce H.) - Journal of Chemical Education

College Chemistry (Mahan, Bruce H.) Richard Dresdner. J. Chem. Educ. , 1966 ... Published online 1 November 1966. Published in print 1 November 1966. ...
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BOOK REVIEWS which seems to he lacking in modem chemistry textbooks. On the other hand, the condensation of the discussion of metallic elements and the reorganization of the chapter order is a distinct improvement. Teachers of beginning college chemistry who are wnfronted with the problem of accepting average students into a program which is destined to serve as a soience requirement and a preparation for more chemistry should find this hook very helpful. The explanations artre clear and concise, and the illustrations are particularly well done. The placement of illustretions in the margin adjacent to the explanation should he very effective in contributing to understanding. These features plus the absence of typographical errors and misstatements will make it easier for both the student and teacher.

JAMES F. CORNIN Antioeh College, Yellow Springs, Ohio

College Chemistry

B m e H. Mahan, University of California, Berkeley. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, 1966. xiv 666 pp. Figs. and tables. 17 X 24 cm. $9.50.


Last year Professor Mahan (and Addison-Wesley) published "University Chemistry." This text hook was reviewed (J. CHEM.ED.42, 345 [1965]) by Professor R. Stuart Tobiss s t some length. The only differences between "College Chemistry" and "University Chemistry" are the cover, the preface, the addition of six pages to the beginning of the fimt chapter presumably to justify statements made in the preface, and some modifications in the treatment of the calculus in Chapter 8 which treats the topic of chemical thermodynanics. We agree with Professor Tohias that the first 11 chapters are well mitten. These chapters and Chapter 17 on the nucleus along with those sections of Chapter 15 that deal with crystal field theory and handing in transition metal complexes cover the physical chemical aspects in "College Chemistry." Thus those portions of Chapters 12 to 16 not excluded in the previous statement cover with adequate emphasis the so-called descriptive chemistry of the elements including organic chemistry. Continued reference is made to chemical principlw in discussing this material. Less than 20 per cent of the text emohasiaes the reaction chemistrv.

ness, i t is the paucity of questions and prohlems a t the end of some chapters particulaxly those relating to the chemistry of the families of theelements. The use of "College Chemistry" as the (Continued on page A9.94)



Journal o f Chemical Education

BOOK REVIEWS text book in a two-semester or threequarter sequence should be restricted to first college courses in which the students have had comprehensive high school courses in chemistry, mathematics, and probably physics and have scored high in meaningful examinations in these subjects. I t would be mast suitable as a. text in a general chemistry honola course. R r c ~ h n oDRESDNER University of Florida Gainesyille


E. Russell Hardwick, University of Cdifornia, Los Angeles. Blaisdell Publishing Ca. (a division of Ginn and Co.), 303 pp. Figs. New York, 1965. xi and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $7.50.


No instructor in introductory college chemistry needs to be told of the greatly increased emphasis on atomic and moleeular structure, thermodyuamics, and kinetics which has made recent first-year texts so different from their predecessors. Dr. Hardwick's book represents an extension of this trend into the area of the one-semester or two-quarter terminal course. The author hits, however, wisely chosen t o avoid the postulational approach which presents the facts af chemistry only as consequences of fundamental principles. Dr. Hardwick has succeeded remarkably well in overcoming the severe problems of selection and compression which the plan of his book entailed. The first five c h a p tern are devoted to the olassical development of the concepts of the atom and the molecule; the next five discuss atomic structure, periodicity, and chemical bonding, and the next four take up (among other things) equilibrium, ionisation eonstants, organic stnictures, and the properties of crystals in the light of the eadier material. A final chapter outlines several important processes of bhe chemical industry. The author approaches the student in an unusually direct and comradely fashion. There is a four page preface addressed to the student, and each chapter is provided with an introductory statement of purpose and a. ooncluding summary. The style is brisk and concise, with touches of humor: occasional referehces to lecture demonstrations provide valuable hints for the teacher. Many signifioant but commonl?' overlooked details are carefully clarified: for example, it is pointed out (p. 157) that the transfer of a n electron from a sodium atom to a chlorine atom results in a net decrease in potential energy only on condition that the two ions remain close together. The problems given, though not numerous, provide a good test of the student's comprehension. Unfortunately, there are times when Dr. Hardwick's efforts to achieve brevity and simplicity lead him into trouble. Sometimes this trouble takes the form of inadequate definitions; thus the paragraph on (Continued on page A996)