color odor instability - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - Publication Date: October 18, 1976. Copyright © 1976 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image. Adverti...
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m*miHiiiv When these three trouble­ makers rear their ugly heads in your organic chemical products... you need Sodium Borohydride. Whether you are producing basic, intermediate or finished chemicals, problem impurities often lurk in your system waiting to set Color, Odor and Instability free to destroy your product quality. These impurities may only be present at the parts per

Product Improvement With Sodium Borohydride

million level, so traditional purification methods are often powerless against them. Sodium Borohydride, our highly active reducing agent will ferret out these troublesome impurities, no matter how low the level, and will reduce them to a benign state in a matter of minutes. Sodium Borohydride comes in several forms: powder, pellets and a stabilized water solution, so

that you can conveniently add it to your system wherever you are experiencing trouble, from raw material feeds to finish product storage. Added at an early stage, Sodium Borohydride will often eliminate or significantly reduce the need for normal finishing or purification further down the line. Currently, over a billion pounds of alcohols, esters, amines and

other chemicals are economically purified each year with Sodium Borohydride and the number keeps growing. To find out more about how Sodium Borohydride can solve your difficult production and quality control problems, send for our free brochure or call Ken Herman at (617) 922-1875. Ventron Corporation, Congress Street, Beverly, MA 01915

Sodium Borohydride. Some of our customers call it a panacea, we call it the "Trouble-Shooter." CIRCLE 4 2




Oct. 18, 1976 C&EN