COLORLESS at the start - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

6 Nov 2010 - Publication Date: March 30, 1959. Copyright © 1959 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Sucrose A c e t a t e Isobutyrate, new resin modifier-extender* exhibits low color and excellent color stability S u c r o s e Acetate Isobutyrate (SAIB) is a most unusual compound of immediate interest to all who are concerned with the formulation or performance of plastic mate­ rials, lacquers, hot melts or other protective coatings. Consider these characteristics : Its color and clarity are a sparkling water-white. Its color stability on exposure to ultraviolet light is excellent. Its color stability on prolonged heating is excellent. Example: samples heat-aged 6 days @ 350°F showed only a 9 Gardner color change, from 1 to 10Its color stability in the presence of other lacquer in­ gredients is excellent. Example: in metallic pigmented lacquers, SAIB does not produce a "greening" effect with bronze powder. Lacquer film formers highly modified with SAIB show unusually good film tensile properties and hardness. The low solution viscosity of S A I B permits formulation of high-solids lacqv rs at at suit, greater coverage per gallon of lacquer is achieved and solvent requirements are reduced. Formulating is simplified, too, through replacement of several lacquermodifying components with SAIB. Film adhesion and permanence is improved in many cases. To see how easy SAIB is to use, arid how little it affects film properties while increasing solids content, add it to your present lacquer—try 5 to 10% by volume of total lacquer to s t a r t with—spray it, and observe the result. In hot melt-peelable plastic formulations, SAIB greatly extends the basic film former. Serving as a solubilizer, it enables the formulator to use increasing

amounts of mineral oil. Because of SAIB's low volatility, there is no fuming of hot melts, even at temperatures up to 350*F. Modification with SAIB also lowers the operating temperature of hot melts. Recent tests show its use with plasticizers improves the permanence and forming properties of molding and extrusion compounds, such as those based on cellulose acetate. Few commercial compounds so high in molecular weight display so compact a structure. The outstanding stability characteristic of SAIB is attributed to this dense molecular configuration. Another unusual property of SAIB is its extremely high viscosity at room temperature and sharp decrease in viscosity with the addition of heat or solvents. At 30°C, its viscosity is about 100,000 centipoises. At 100°C, the viscosity drops to 90 centipoises. Indicative of its solubility is the fact that a 90% solution of SAIB in Tecsol®, Eastman proprietary ethyl alcohol, exhibits a viscosity of only 750 centipoises at 30° C. For convenience in formulating, SAIB is sold both as a 90% low-viscosity solution, designated 8ΑΙΒ-90&ηΰ as a 100% concentrate, designated SAIB. Many other applications for SAIB a r e being investi­ gated by the Eastman Customer Service Laboratories. May we help you in evaluating this unique material in your product? For this service or for a sample of SAIB, w r i t e to Chemical Sales Development Department, Chemicals Division, Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee, or contact t h e Eastman sales office nearest you.





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