Combined Nitritation–Anammox - American Chemical Society

Oct 7, 2011 - Combined NitritationАAnammox: Advances in Understanding. Process Stability. Adriano Joss,*. ,†. Nicolas Derlon,. †. Clementine Cypr...
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Combined NitritationAnammox: Advances in Understanding Process Stability Adriano Joss,*,† Nicolas Derlon,† Clementine Cyprien,† Sabine Burger,‡ Ilona Szivak,† Jacqueline Traber,† Hansruedi Siegrist,† and Eberhard Morgenroth†,§ †

Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Ueberlandstr. 133, 8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland ERZ, Entsorgung und Recycling Stadt Z€urich, WWTP Werdh€olzli, B€andlistrasse 108, 8010 Zurich, Switzerland § ETH Z€urich, Institute of Environmental Engineering, 8093 Z€urich, Switzerland ‡

bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: Efficient nitrogen removal from wastewater containing high concentrations of ammonium but little organic substrate has recently been demonstrated by several full-scale applications of the combined nitritationanammox process. While the process efficiency is in most cases very good, process instabilities have been observed to result in temporary process failures. In the current study, conditions resulting in instability and strategies to regain efficient operation were evaluated. First, data from full-scale operation is presented, showing a sudden partial loss of activity followed by recovery within less than 1 month. Results from laboratory-scale experiments indicate that these dynamics observed in full scale can be caused by partial inhibition of the ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB), while anammox inhibition is a secondary effect due to temporarily reduced O2 depletion. Complete anammox inhibition is observed at 0.2 mg O2 3 L1, resulting in NO2 accumulation. However, this inhibition of anammox is reversible within minutes after O2 depletion. Thus, variable AOB activity was identified as the key to reactor stability. With appropriate interpretation of the online NH4+ signal, accumulation of NO2 can be detected indirectly and used to signal an imbalance of O2 supply and AOB activity (no suitable online NO2 electrode is currently available). Second, increased abundance of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB; competing with anammox for NO2) is known as another cause of instability. Based on a comparison of parallel full-scale reactors, it is suggested that an infrequent and short-term increased O2 supply (e.g., for maintenance of aerators) that exceeds prompt depletion of oxygen by AOB may have caused increased NOB abundance. The volumetric air supply as a proxy for O2 supply thus needs to be linked to AOB activity. Further, NOB can be washed out of the system during regular operation if the system is operated at a sludge age in the range of 45 days and by controlling the air supply according to the NO3 concentration in the treated effluent. Early detection of growing NOB abundance while the population is still low can help guide process operation and it is suggested that molecular methods of quantifying NOB abundance should be tested.

’ INTRODUCTION Combined nitritationanammox in a single sequencing batch reactor has been confirmed as an attractive option for nitrogen removal in high-strength wastewater due to the low specific costs of nitrogen removal1,2 so that many full-scale projects are currently being realized. Now that anammox-based N-removal has been shown to reduce costs and energy consumption compared to denitrification-based processes, its process stability appears to be the major issue making operators reluctant to opt for this process. The start-up times required at full scale have decreased dramatically in recent years, confirming the progress made in terms of better understanding of the process as well as by empirically testing new operation strategies: Abma et al.3 used a granular reactor to show the feasibility of anammox start-up with an increase of observed performance (0.055 d1) close to the maximum growth rate observed in the lab (0.06 d1 4). Additional full-scale r 2011 American Chemical Society

examples confirm that start-up no longer requires years but can now be regarded as a well-controlled and reliable procedure lasting no more than several months.58 Further aspects currently under active discussion are a comparison of reactor configurations and process control options: single-stage versus two-stage reactors (i.e., with segregated nitritation and anammox stages), suspended growth versus attached biofilm or granular reactors, selection of sensors required for process control, and a detailed strategy for embedding these sensors in automated process control systems are among the topics most actively pursued both in the laboratories and in Received: July 12, 2011 Accepted: October 7, 2011 Revised: September 29, 2011 Published: October 07, 2011 9735 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 9735–9742

Environmental Science & Technology full-scale operation. According to the authors’ knowledge, such direct comparisons of different options are still difficult, since the various treatment schemes are still being optimized. The present work discusses full-scale data of suspended sludge nitritationanammox reactors with the help of lab experiments as a contribution to understanding process stability issues. Several options for improved process control in treatments combining nitritation and anammox in a single reactor are presented. We aim to contribute to the applicability of the process as well as providing a sound basis for discussing the suitability of alternative processes.

’ MATERIALS AND METHODS Pilot and Full-Scale Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Equipment. The pilot and full-scale sequencing batch reactor

equipment used was compatible and consists of a fully stirred reactor, a stirrer, a feed pump, a decanter, and an aeration unit. The process is controlled by a programmable logical controller equipped with online sensors for the water level, ammonium, nitrate, volumetric airflow control to the aeration unit, soluble oxygen, temperature, pH, and conductivity. The SBR cycle always comprises a feeding phase, an aeration phase, a mixing phase, a sedimentation phase, and a discharge phase; at full scale, a pause of up to several days was included between the discharge phase and the subsequent feeding phases to adapt to the incoming load, while the pilot-scale reactor was operated without pausing. A complete cycle typically lasts between 6 and 10 h under normal conditions, depending primarily on the amount of supernatant to be treated, parameter settings like the aeration rate, and the sludge conditions. During start-up or a washout phase of nitrogen oxidizing bacteria (NOB), a cycle can also last up to several days. Full-scale data are taken from the nitritation anammox reactor at the wastewater treatment facility (WWTP) of ZurichWerdholzli, which is equipped with two parallel reactors of 1400 m3 each. The operational parameters and influent of the two reactors were identical except for one detail: the reactor with growing NOBs was equipped with old aerator membranes, while the other one was fitted with new aerators prior to being put into operation. An aerator-cleaning procedure was consequently performed every 2 weeks only on reactor South (Figure 4): each cleaning event resulting in 2 h of increased aeration (26002800 m3 3 h1 after dosing with formic acid for scale removal). The pilot experiments were performed in a 400 L reactor fed with supernatant originating from the sludge dewatering plant at the WWTP Zurich-Werdholzli. The sludge originated from the full scale installation at the same WWTP (see ref 6 for more details). For the NOB washout experiment, sludge was taken from the full-scale reactor at WWTP Niederglatt (Switzerland), a 180 m3 reactor equipped identically with the one in Zurich, at a time (December 2009) when the sludge featured high NOB activity. Data Processing. Data processing was performed with Matlab (MathWorks Inc., Natick, USA) by directly accessing the raw data stored by the reactor’s supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, with a time resolution of 10 s for the pilotscale unit and 1 min for the full-scale installation. The ammonium depletion rate was obtained by linear regression of the ammonium online signal (Endress+Hauser, ionselective ammonium electrode Minical NAM 760) during the aeration phase, when ammonia oxidation and anammox occur simultaneously directly in the reactor.


The biomass growth or net activity (N removal) increase rate μ is calculated as follows:   rt ln r0 ð1Þ μ¼ t where r0 and rt are the rates of ammonium depletion at the beginning of the cycle and at a time t, respectively. Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization (FISH) and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Sludge samples, taken regularly over 40 days, were fixed by adding 100 μL of 37% (v/v) stabilized formaldehyde (Sigma Aldrich, Germany) to 1 mL of sludge and incubated on ice for 1 h. The samples were subsequently washed three times by centrifugation for 3 min at 4 °C and 10 000g and resuspended in 1 mL of phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS pH 7.2). Fixed samples were added to a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of ethanol/PBS and stored at 20 °C. A quantity of 10 μL was then applied to a well of epoxy-masked slides (Marienfeld, LaudaK€onigshofen, Germany), dried for 1530 min at 46 °C and sequentially dehydrated for 3 min in 50%, 80%, and 100% (v/v) ethanol/PBS solutions on ice. Next, 10 μL of hybridization buffer (0.9 M NaCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8, 0.01% SDS, 35% formamide) and 1 μL of each fluorescent-labeled probe mix were added for staining all bacteria with 30 ng μL1 of Cy5-labeled EUB-mix probe,9,10 30 ng μL1 of Cy3 labeled AOB-mix probe,1114 and 50 ng μL1 of FLUO-labeled NOB-mix11,15 were added to the sample and incubated for 90 min at 46 °C in a humidified chamber (50 mL Greiner tubes). Following hybridization, a washing step was performed for 10 min at 48 °C in a buffer (0.07 M NaCl, 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8), 5 mM EDTA) and the slides were dipped for 2 s into ice-cold deionized water. The slides were immediately dried under compressed air and mounted with Citi-fluor AF1 (Citifluor Ltd., London, UK). Oligo-nucleotide probes were obtained from Thermo-Fisher Scientific (Ulm, Germany). For visualization, at least 20 randomly acquired fields of view were recorded by confocal microscopy (Leica, SP5, Germany). Three images per field of view were acquired sequentially by using the 488, 520, and 633 nm laser lines to detect Cy3, Cy5, and FLUO signals, respectively. For one channel the same setting of the detector sensitivity was maintained for every field of view. Around 5% of the 600 images were not considered for image analysis due to overexposure or low biomass. Quantification of FISH Images. Quantification of FISH images consisted in measuring the biosurfaces of each population. The images were treated using ImageJ ( and a self-written macro. The threshold value was manually estimated for around 40 images (average = 30). It was then applied to all images to convert them from 8-bit to binary form. The suitability of the threshold was visually checked for each set of images. Biosurfaces of AOB to EUB, NOB to EUB, and AOB to NOB were then calculated. Analytical Methods for Liquid Samples. Commercial photochemical test kits (Hach Lange GmbH, D€usseldorf, Germany, Test LCK303, LCK339, LCK340, LCK342; spectrophotometer type LASA 26) were used to test the accuracy of the online ammonium sensors as well as for the offline measurement of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, and COD. In the NOB washout experiment, colorimetric nitrite tests with test strips (Nitrite-test, 010 mg NO2N 3 L1, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) were used. 9736 |Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 9735–9742

Environmental Science & Technology



Figure 1. Overlay of a typical online NH4 signal of two complete batches without (December 5, 2008, solid line) and with (December 9, dashed line) NO2 accumulation, respectively. For better comparison, the time scale has been shifted to fit zero to the end of the aeration phase. The gray area indicates the proposed observation time to check for NO2 accumulated during the preceding aeration. The dotted line shows the trigger level for switching to manual operation.



Monitoring Accumulation with the Probe. Since an NO2 online sensor is currently not available, the NO2 concentration at the end of each batch was obtained by interpreting the online NH4+ signal (Figure 1): hereto the NH4+ depletion between 5 and 20 min after switching off the aeration was used, and the stoichiometric factor of 1.32 NO2 per NH4+ consumed by anammox16 was considered. NH4+ depletion requires either soluble O2 (by AOB) or NO2 (by anammox). After the blower is switched off, oxygen is still available for about 5 min: it takes several minutes to shut down the blowers and to relax the membrane aerator; it takes half a minute for the bubbles to rise to the top of the reactor and less than a minute for the biomass to deplete the typically 100 mg NO3-N 3 L1 (thus achieving reduced


Figure 5. Experimental washout of nitrite oxidizers under normal operating conditions. Over 45 days the air supply and the NH4+ removal rate (left axis) could be increased in steps without the ratio of NO3 formed per NH4+ removed (right axis) permanently exceeding 30%.

N removal), in spite of keeping O2 availability rate limiting and avoiding NH4+ limitation (personal communication from various operators). In several circumstances, the problem of NOB activity could be solved only by discarding the NOB containing sludge and reinoculation from another reactor devoid of NOBs. Thus, better understanding and strategies for reducing NOB activity are still a relevant issue for process stability. Hao et al.27 confirm in their modeling effort that the ratio of different affinity constants is crucial to NOB versus AOB/anammox population dynamics and currently still uncertain, thus explaining the discrepancy between the mentioned lab- and full-scale operation. NOB Washout during Regular Operation. Previously published experiments6 had shown that the decay rate of NOB is too slow to decrease the abundance of NOB without active sludge withdrawal. Unpublished results in our lab showed that NH3 concentration in a typical range (i.e., up to pH 8 and 200 mg NH4+-N/L equivalent to 10 mg NH3-N/L) do not to impact on NOB growth sufficiently to be suitable for controlling their growth. The experiment illustrated in Figures 5 and 6 demonstrates that under regular operating conditions a strong population of NOB can be washed out by sludge removal at a sludge age of around 45 days. In addition, the availability of O2 and NO2 was limited to restrict NOB growth by controlling the aeration. During the experiment, the aeration was slowly increased in steps in order to stop the effluent NO3 concentration from permanently exceeding 30% of the removed NH4+-N: a step increase was performed only after the NO3 production had dropped below 20% of the NH4+ removal. At each step increase of the aeration rate, the NO3 production increased transiently, but was reduced to below 20% after a week or two of operation at an unchanged aeration rate. Prompt depletion kept the concentrations of O2 and NO2 below