Combined Nontargeted Analytical Methodologies for the

driven by the metabolic baggage at bottling, characterized here ... with the FT-ICR-MS, along with calibration with internal signals with 0.1 ppm prec...
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Chapter 2

Combined Nontargeted Analytical Methodologies for the Characterization of the Chemical Evolution of Bottled Wines C. Roullier-Gall,1,2 M. Witting,2 D. Tziotis,2 A. Ruf,2 M. Lucio,2 P. Schmitt-Kopplin,*,2,3 and R. D. Gougeon*,1 1UMR

PAM Université de Bourgogne/AgroSup Dijon, Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin, Jules Guyot, 21000 Dijon, France 2Research Unit Analytical BioGeoChemistry, Department of Environmental Sciences, Helmholtz Zentrum München, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany 3Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry, Technische Universität München, 85354 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany *E-mail: [email protected].

Various non-targeted approaches have already shed light on the thousands of compounds that are present at various concentrations in grape and wine. Among them, direct injection Ion Cyclotron Resonance Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FTICR-MS) undoubtedly provides the most comprehensive chemical fingerprints, based on unrivalled resolution on mass measurement, but limited to structural assumptions. Here, we show that the combination of FTICR-MS and Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF-MS), which increases the scope of detectable unknown metabolites and allows the separation between isomers, provides an unprecedented synoptic characterization of the chemical complexity of wines, where results obtained with one platform can directly be validated with data from the other. To that respect, wine ageing appears to be particularly interesting when related to the oeno-diagenesis processes that operate in bottle, and which depend on the actual initial composition of the wine. Applied to Pinot noir red wines from three different appellations in

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Burgundy, and over three vintages (1979, 1989, 1999), this approach revealed that the ageing chemistry is fundamentally driven by the metabolic baggage at bottling, characterized here by thousands of compounds from various chemical families including carbohydrates, amino acids, or polyphenols, but with a remarkably high distribution of nitrogen and sulfur-containing compounds.

Introduction Because it addresses both scientists and non-scientists concerns, the diversity of knowledge about wine is valued by a range of audiences. Among these knowledges, wine chemical composition and its evolution throughout the entire winemaking process have become well-documented fields of chemistry, where the most advanced analytical tools can actually find numerous applications (1–3). Among these tools, FTICR-MS with electrospray ionization (ESI) has now become a powerful technique for studying wine, in particular when employed in direct infusion experiments (1, 3, 4). However, if a chromatographic separation is not applied prior to the MS detection, a large number of molecules are subjected simultaneously to the ionization process, which can cause ion suppression for numerous analytes and the inability to separate isobaric and isomeric substances (5, 6). Chromatographic separation prior to MS-analysis is therefore important for both targeted and non-targeted metabolomics, and it has already been used for untargeted metabolomics analysis of grape to differentiate grape berry ripening and post-harvest withering (7), for wine authentication (8), or for the understanding of the terroir impact in wine (9). The combination of UHPLC with time-of-fight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) has preferentially been applied for many targeted wine studies such as the separation and detection of resveratrol (10), of phenolic compounds (11–15) or toxins (16). In contrast, so far very few studies have used such combination of highest chromatographic resolution, excellent sensitivity, fast data acquisition and high mass accuracy, for untargeted metabolomics analyses of grapes and wines (17, 18). A likely reason for this is that exact mass measurement can be obtained through the highest resolution achieved by FTICR-MS, which typically requires higher acquisition times by combining multiple narrow-range spectra into one wide range spectrum and thus do not fully exploit the potential of fast UPLC (3) or CE (19). Resolution of 400.000 around mass 400 and 800.000 around mass 200 in full scan mode (mass range 120 to 2000) are routinely obtained with the FT-ICR-MS, along with calibration with internal signals with 0.1 ppm precision. Neither this mass accuracy, nor this resolution can be obtained with QTOF systems. As a consequence, the combination of exact mass measurement by FTICR-MS, versatile UPLC-Q-ToF-MS and multivariate statistics appears to be at the forefront of non-targeted metabolomics of wines. Here, the versatility of LC-MS techniques definitely adds to the identification of unknowns through 14

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the covering of the widest range of compounds, which can be separated either by reversed phase or hydrophilic interaction chromatography (5, 20). Reversed-phase (RP) liquid chromatography has been highlighted as the mostly used separation mode for the metabolome analysis (6, 18, 20, 21). RP separation covers a large part of the metabolome, and at the same time provides the most reliable and robust LC stationary phases. Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) provides separations complementary to those obtained by RPLC–MS in that early eluting analytes in the RP mode are often well retained by HILIC (5, 6, 22). In this paper, we show that such combination of FTICR-MS, UPLC-Q-ToFMS and multivariate statistics can provide unprecedented chemical description of the chemistry associated with bottle ageing of Pinot noir red wines, during which the composition changes through a complex array of chemical reactions that are still only partly understood (23–29).

Materials and Methods Chemicals Methanol, acetonitrile and water (LC-MS grade) were purchased from Fluka Analytical (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, USA). Low concentration ESI Tuning Mix for Q-ToF calibration was obtained from Agilent (Agilent, Waldbronn, Germany).

Wines All measurements were done on Pinot noir wines from three different appellations in Burgundy (Richebourg (R), Grand Echezeaux (GE) and Beaune (B)) and from three vintages (1979, 1989 and 1999), sampled directly from the bottles in 2 ml vials under argon to protect them from oxygen. 50 µl of wine were diluted into 950µl methanol for FTICR-MS analysis and 40 µl of acetonitrile was added to 960 µl of wine with for both RP and HILIC LC-MS analysis.

Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Analysis (FTICR-MS) Ultra high-resolution mass spectra were acquired using a FTICR-MS instrument (solariX, Bruker Daltonik, Bremen, Germany) equipped with a 12 Tesla superconducting magnet and an Apollo II electrospray ionization source operated in the negative ionization mode. Samples were introduced at a flow rate of 120 µL.h-1 using a syringe pump. The MS was externally calibrated on clusters of arginine (10 mg.L-1) in methanol. Spectra were acquired with a time domain of 15

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4 mega-words per second with a mass range from m/z 100 to 1000 to guarantee a high accuracy in elemental formula assignments in this proof-of-principle study. Up to 500 scans per sample were accumulated. A resolving power (R), greater than 500,000 at mass 400 was achieved. Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FTICR) spectra were internally recalibrated on a list composed by fatty acids and recurrent compounds in wine, linear up to m/z 600, with mass errors below 0.05 ppm (expressed using the formula (mass error/exact mass).106 where mass error is the difference between the exact mass and the measured mass) and peak with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 4 and higher were exported to peak lists. In conjunction with an automated theoretical isotope pattern comparison, the generated formulas were validated by setting sensible chemical constraints (n rule; O/C ratio ≤ 1; H/C ratio ≤ 2n+2; element counts: C ≤ 100, H ≤ 200, O ≤ 80, N ≤ 3, S ≤ 3 and P ≤ 1).

Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Quadrupole Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Analysis (UPLC/Q-ToF-MS)

Analyses were performed on a Waters Acquity UPLC (Waters, Milford, USA) coupled to a maXisTM UHR-ToF-MS (Bruker Daltonik, Bremen, Germany) system using reversed phase (RP) and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) separation (3). Sample analyses were carried out in (-) ESI. RP separation was performed using a Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 column (1.7 µm; 1.0x150 mm) using gradient elution with an initial isocratic hold of 100% A for 0.5 min, followed by a linear increase to 100% solvent B in 4.9 min, isocratic conditions for 3 min and return to initial conditions in 1.6 min (solvent A: 10% ACN, 1 mM ammonium formate; solvent B: 100% ACN). HILIC separations were performed on a Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH Amide column (1.7 µm; 2.1x150 mm) using a two-step gradient elution program from 100% A to 100% solvent B (solvent A: 95% ACN, 5% water, 1 mM ammonium formate; solvent B: 50% ACN, 50% water, 1 mM ammonium formate). The flow rate for both separation modes was set to 0.25 ml/min with a column temperature of 40 °C and a full loop injection of 10 µl. UHR-ToF-MS acquisitions were carried out in profile spectra mode with 1 Hz accumulation time. Instrument tuning focused on detection and resolution of molecular weight compounds in the mass range of 50-2000 Da. Mass calibration was carried with Low Concentration ESI Tuning Mix (Agilent, Waldbronn, Germany) (Table 1).



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Table 1. Composition of the Low Concentration ESI Tuning Mix Used for the Mass Calibration of Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Quadrupole Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Name



Molecular weight

Trifluoroqcetic acid ammonium salt








Tris(trifluoromethyl)-1, 3, 5-triazine








Tris(heptafluoropropyl)-1, 3, 5-triazine








Hexakis(1H, 1H, 3H-tetrafluoropropoxy)phosphazine




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Network Analysis

To obtain chemical formulas for subsequent use in querying chemical databases, exact masses were subjected to mass difference network analysis using the Netcalc algorithm and in-house software tool (30). In a mass difference network, nodes represent m/z values (metabolite candidates) and edges represent chemical reactions. Netcalc enables network reconstruction by comparing the mass differences of all experimental masses of a mass spectrum to a list of user-defined theoretical mass differences (selected according to atomic units, e.g. C, H, N, O, S, P, or common functionality groups, e.g. homologous series of CH2, H2, or OH. The mass difference list used in this example was optimized to detect chemical differences between all annotatable nodes in the experimental data in order to reveal patterns in compositional or functional chemical spaces. The purpose of mass difference network analysis is the visualization of the sample’s compositional structure and the calculation of elemental formulae of experimental masses. In such a scale-free network, highly inter-connected nodes tend to cluster together while sparsely connected ones are peripherally dispersed. Netcalc increases the percentage of m/z peaks, which can be assigned to a preliminary formula up to a 40-60% per dataset including isotope peaks 13C (5). The goal of this model is the visual and mathematical evaluation of organic molecular complexity in terms of elemental composition, an approach that permits explicitly defined relationships between different samples (30).

Statistical Analysis

Filtering of masses was performed in MS Excel 2010 (Microsoft, Redmond, USA). All further statistical analyses were performed with Genedata Expressionist for MS 8.0 (Genedata, Basel, Switzerland) and Simca-P 9.0 software (Umetrics, Sweden) (3).

Results and Discussion FTICR-MS

Samples were analyzed by direct injection ESI (-) FTICR-MS (1, 4, 31). Negative ionization was used as it provides a higher number of different resolved ion signals in the selected mass range than the positive ionization mode (32). As illustrated for the 1999 wine, the ultra-high resolution power of FTICR-MS spectra enabled the detection of more than 18000 distinct mass signals with a signal-to-noise ratio ≥ 4 in the negative-ion mode in the 100-1000 Da mass range (Figure 1). Only singly charged peaks were detected as shown in the enlargement (Figure 1A-C). 18

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Figure 1. Progressive detailed visualization of the ESI(-) FTICR/MS spectra of the three red wines in the 100-1000Da mass range (A), 200-230Da (B) and 223.00-223.10Da with credible elemental formula assignments (C). OPLS score plot analysis of the three wines from the three vintages. Q²(cum)=0.995 and R²(Y)=0.967(D). Visualisation of the regions specific to chemical families and the FTICR/MS data of 1979 and 1999 wines as van Krevelen diagrams, (H/C vs. O/C atomic ratios) (E). Relative frequency histograms of average elemental compositions for the three wines (GE, R and B) for each vintages (F). Color code for van Krevelen diagrams and formula: CHO (blue), CHOS (green), CHON (yellow), CHONS (red.) The bubble sizes correspond to the relative intensity of peaks annotated with elemental formulas associated with these O/C and H/C ratio. (see color insert) 19

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An OPLS supervised statistical analysis satisafactorily discriminated wines according to vintages along the first axis, regardless of the appellation, consistently with many previous reports on FTICR-MS analyses of wines (31, 33). van Krevelen diagrams provided a striking representation of the chemical diversity of these red wines, with abundance of carbohydrates, polyphenols and amino acids in particular (Figure 1E). Furthermore, as illustrated by the counts of CHONS formulas averaged over the three appellations for a given vintage, these wines exhibited only low variability in terms of composition, and appeard to be relatively rich in nitrogen and sulfur-containing compounds, compared to recent wines (31) (Figure 1F). Sulfur-containing compounds were significantly associated with polyphenols (region centered around O/C=0.6 and H/C=1) in agreement with the sulfites/polyphenols chemistry, and the more than 400 CHOS elemental formulas provided a snapshot of the extent of the yet-unknown sulfur-related chemistry associated with bottle ageing of wines. Most interestingly, the counts in Figure 1F also revealed that over the 20 years period investigated here the overall chemical diversity did not decrease with ageing, and the older 1979 wines could still exhibit the highest number of CHON compounds, thus providing an unsual representation of the acknowledged ageing ability of great red wines. Mass difference network analyses were set to determine elementary compositions and thus faciltate metabolite annotations as well as visualize functional connectivities within the data (Figure 2). Using common structural functional-group (Figure 2), which may be seen in highly complex data, a mass difference network was created. For these wine samples, several regions showed a local high density of masses with mostly CHO compounds. Sulphur-containing compounds (CHOS and CHONS corresponding to green and red links, respectively) seemed to be distributed over the entire network showing an unspecific reactivity of sulphur within the structural domain. As an illustration, the enlargement of a small portion of the network around m/z 458.22566 ([C19H32N5O8]-) showed a functional connectivity to m/z 490.19778 ([C19H32N5O8S]-) by an accurate 31.97212 mass difference, which corresponds to a S functional difference. Such network-based approach theoretically enables the calculation of the elemental formulas of multiple metabolites in a sample, starting from a small number of known metabolites. Some sub networks appeared to be disconnected from the main graph, showing that the functional mass differences list may be incomplete; ongoing work implies the mass difference networking based on more than hundred biological transformations derived from databases and literature to set up a more comprehensive metabolic picture (3). Frequencies of some individual modifications can be observed (Figure 2), with highest frequencies found for H2, H2O, CO, CO2 and CH2O functional differences. Here again, no clear age-related trend could be observed, and it is actually the older wine which exhibited the highest number of functional differences (including differences involving N and S), whereas the intermediate 1989 wine showed the lowest number. Remebering that all of these wines were analysed at the same time, thus with the 1989 and the 1979 wines being 10 and 20 years older, respectively, than the 1999 wine, this non-regular distribution of functional differences remarkably illustrated the predominant vintage-related 20

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chemistry, which actually drives the evolution of the chemical diversity over ageing in bottle. In other words, at bottling, wines were not equipped with the same metabolic baggage, which could be the result of distinct initial compositions of grapes, and our non-targeted FTICR-MS analyses are able to provide snapshots of the corresponding instantaneous chemical signatures, which could still appear independent of the appellation, even after more than 30 years of bottle ageing (which is the case of the 1979 wines).

Figure 2. Overview on Netcalc networks drawn from R wines data. Counts of selected mass differences observed in the main network (Top) and main network from negative ionization mode (bottom left), and enlargement of this network centered on few masses (bottom right). Color code: CHO (blue), CHOS (green), CHON (yellow), CHONS (red) of red wine and an older red wine (grey). (see color insert)

Combination of FTICR-MS, Reverse Phase, and HILIC UPLC/Q-ToF MS To increase the scope of detectable metabolites and get structural information, in particular through the separation of isobaric and isomeric compounds, data obtained by direct infusion FTICR-MS can be combined with data obtained by 21

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on-line UPLC/Q-ToF-MS techniques. Since FTICR-MS combines excellent mass accuracy and ultra-high resolution, it offers high sensitivity and dynamic range, which allows the detection of analytes on a wide range of concentrations (34). The combination with two orthogonal UPLC/Q-ToF-MS methods increases the scope of detectable metabolites, decreases putative ion suppression effects and achieves a separation between isobaric substances (5, 22). To enable good sensitivity in FTICR-MS an accumulation of several hundreds of scans (>3s per scan) is needed in the instrumental setup leading to the highest resolution in full scan. As a consequence, coupling of FTICR-MS to liquid chromatography, with a necessary reduction of the acquisition time, is definitely detrimental to both sensitivity and spectral resolution (5). As a consequence, our combined approach definitely provide the best of both chromatography and mass spectrometry worlds. This approach, which depends both on column characteristics and chromatographic methods, thus brings two additional criteria for the structure determination. Reversed phase (RP) chromatography mostly separates mid- to non-polar metabolites and molecules elute according to their hydrophobicities, starting with the most hydrophilic substance in the mixture while HILIC is used for polar metabolites like amino acids. The coupling of a chromatographic technique and mass spectrometry extends the investigation of the widest range of compound classes and helps in the characterization of important compounds. Limitations of MS-based separation such as the inability to differentiate isobars or isomers and the suppression effect caused by the molecules competing for ionization, can be overcome by UPLC separation prior to MS injection (5, 22). As examples, Table 2 reports the possible number of isomers (retention times) that could be detected by RP UPLC/Q-ToF-MS for 8 mass peaks observed in FTICR-MS throughout the observed mass range. For instance, m/z 149.00916 ([C4H5O6]-) actually corresponded to three different isomers with retention times of 3.4, 4.9 and 16.1 min, whereas m/z 153.05585 ([C8H7NO2]-) could be related to one isomer with a retention time of 2.7 min (Table 2). The former example clearly illustrated the input of our combined approach, where based on FTICR-MS alone, a pertinent metabolite structure can be hypothetically associated with an elemental formula – here tartaric acid – and where chromatographic dimensions – here only RP – reveal that at least two other metabolites may actually contribute to the FTICR-MS peak, but not consistently over vintages. However, Table 2 also shows that many FTICR-MS features can have unique correspondances in LC-MS features. Altogether, these examples show that there are situations where multiple FT-ICR peaks exist within the envelope of a single QTOF peak, and alternatively, there are situations where only one FT-ICR peak exist within the envelope of a single QTOF peak. Furthermore, as shown below there are also situations where masses detected by FT/MS are not detected by LC-MS, because of ion selection by LC. Although the mass resolution of the Q-ToF instrument is clearly not sufficient to separate all the m/z features observed in FTICR-MS, mass profiles exhibited similarities among the techniques (Figure 3A). An enlargement of the m/z 227.00-227.20 region of the mass spectrum illustrates the limitation of the resolving power of the ToF. The mass error for the 227.07136 peak, corresponding to the [C14H11O3]- [M-H]- ion which can tentatively be assigned to resveratrol 22

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isomers, was 0.04 ppm for FTICR-MS, whereas the error was higher by a factor of about 100 for RP UPLC/Q-ToF-MS (3.03 ppm). No peaks were detected at that mass using HILIC/Q-ToF-MS. Similarly, the mass error of the 227.10335 peak (corresponding to the [M-H]- ion [C10H13N2O4]-) was 1.62 ppm for FTICR-MS and approximately ten times higher for HILIC/Q-ToF-MS (19.8 ppm) (Figure 3A). Five major peaks were present in the FTICR-MS for this mass range, and two of them could also be found using RP UPLC/Q-ToF-MS, while a third metabolite was confirmed with HILIC/Q-ToF-MS. The Venn diagram (Figure 3B) showed the overlap of masses found by the three applied techniques, when all 9 wine samples were considered. A total of 14,405 masses were detected using (-) FTICR-MS, including 10,476 specific to this method and 1,553 common to RP UPLC/Q-ToF-MS (but not to HILIC/Q-ToF-MS); 5,920 were detected by (-) RP UPLC/Q-ToF-MS, with only 2,230 specific to this method, whereas only 4,915 were detected with (-) HILIC/Q-ToF-MS with 1,518 specific to this separation. Up to 15 percent of all of the annotations were detected in at least two analytical procedures and masses common to all instruments (1,116) represented only 3.4 percent of the detected masses. It must be noted that the apparent lower number for both LC-based methods compared to FTICR-MS is due to the fact that only m/z features were considered in Figure 3B. As mentioned before through Table 2, the consideration of retention times (thus isomers) associated with each of LC-based m/z features would clearly increase the actual number of detected compounds. Therefore, as shown by the survey view, which corresponds to the two-dimensional chromatogram plot (Figure 3C), the advantage of the UPLC separation prior to MS injection is that it allows for the separation and identification of isomeric compounds, for example, the detection of two different isomers, at two close though distinct retention times (4.1 and 4.3 min), for the m/z 227.07136. Within an error of 0.1 ppm, the corresponding [M-H]- ions with mass formula [C14H11O3]- could be associated with up to 2011 substances (from the SciFinder search facility: but only two of them, i.e. resveratrol (1) and benzilic acid (35), actually appeared to be consistent with compounds that are known to be present in red wine. Conversely, only one isomer was detected for the 227.09921 mass using HILIC/Q-ToF-MS (Figure 3). Consequently, our results show that both methods are working orthogonal and complementary, rather than being redundant. Although being out of the scope of this study, it should be noted that some of the LC-based detected peaks may still be composite peaks resulting from the coalescence of isobaric ions, which would not be distinguished with the achievable Q-ToF-MS resolution. If hyphenated LC separations would be ideally suited to handle such question, the search for isotopologues within LC- Q-ToF specra also provides a validation of the unicity of the LC peak. The complementarity of FTICR-MS is again illustrated here, because only its mass accuracy allows for an accurate isotopologues search.


Table 2. Example of Isomers, Which Were Detected by RP UPLC-MS for the Individual Masses Measured by FTICR-MS Retention time (min) RP UPLC-MS

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Molecular ion formula


























































Figure 3. Enlargement of combined visualizations of the ESI(-) FTICR-MS spectrum, (-) RP UPLC- and HILIC- MS spectra in the 227.00-227.20Da mass range (A). Venn diagram showing the comparison of masses recovery according to applied techniques (B) Given numbers represent the count of unique or common detected masses. Zoom into the survey view of m/z 226.90-227.20 in RP LC-MS (C). 24

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Identification and Annotation Although 14,405 masses (10,476 + 1,260 + 1,116 + 1,153) were detected using FTICR-MS (Figure 3), only 1,421 masses could be detected and annotated using MassTRIX, a webserver for direct annotation of FTICR-MS data to metabolic pathways (36, 37) questioning different databases and especially the KEGG (38) and HMDB (39) databases. MassTRIX provides hypothetical structural identifications and enables the visualization of compounds annotation on pathways of a chosen organism, Vitis vinifera in case of wines samples. MassTRIX also enabled the assignment of 816 masses from the 5,920 masses provided by the RP UPLC/Q-ToF-MS data and 855 from the 4,915 masses provided by the HILIC/Q-ToF-MS data of which 563 annotations were found in both FTICR-MS and RP UPLC/Q-ToF-MS for example. Thus, our results also showed that whatever the method used, a considerable part of the chemical composition of wines remains unknown from actual accessible databases. One also has to be bear in mind that the number of UPLC/Q-ToF-MS detected metabolites might tend to be over-represented due to the different tolerated mass errors used for the annotation (3).

Conclusion A methodology based on the combination of ultra-high resolution FTICR-MS and both RP UPLC/Q-ToF-MS and HILIC UPLC/Q-ToF- MS for non-targeted metabolomics has been adapted for the analysis of wines. A major problem in metabolomics using mass spectrometry is the structural identification of the detected masses. The attribution of correct elemental compositions needs high accuracy in the mass calculation, which requires to consider all of the elements which might be present, not only carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorous, but also isotopes. There are thus several advantages in combining different non-targeted approaches: FTICR-MS data allow for the precise determination of exact masses and their correlation with UPLC/Q-ToF-MS signals obtained at lower resolution, while UPLC/Q-ToF-MS when based on multiple separation criteria, enables the validation of annotations of important compounds, along with distinguishing between isomers. The current capacity to describe complex samples, in this case wine samples, by means of FTICR-MS and UPLC/Q-ToF-MS is thus greatly expanded and our results indicated that up to 10,000 accurate masses could be detected by FTICR-MS for wines from three different appellations and over three vintages. Considering a low average value of only two possible isomers, as detected by UPLC/Q-ToF-MS per exact masses measured by FTICR-MS, the latter method would extend the current count of chemical compounds in wine far beyond the known and identified volatile and non-volatile metabolites in wine so far (about 3,000 altogether). When applied to the comparison of three wines from the same grape variety but from three different vintages, the methodology presented here revealed that, even after more than thirty years of ageing, Pinot noir red wines from Burgundy could still exhibit 25

remarkable chemical diversity compared to younger wines, and thus provide an unprecedented picture of the oenodiagenesis operating in the bottle during the ageing of great wines.

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Acknowledgments We warmly thank the Domaine de la Velle in Meursault, and the Domaine de la Romanée Conti in Vosne Romanée. This work was financially supported by the Région Bourgogne, the Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne (BIVB) and the Comité Interprofessionnel des Vins de Champagne (CIVC).

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