combined operations ...another Santobane mission under way - C&EN

Nov 4, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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. . . Of interest to users of Santobane* Monsanto'sDichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane, Tech.), and to users of formulations of this famous war-developed insecticide, is this announcement of a joint research development... in the laboratory and in the field . . . by Monsanto Chemical Company and McLaughlin-Gormley-King Co. whereby the latter will be able to offer to its many licensees dependable formulations of Santobane for pest control. This first announcement of such a combined operation does not mean that consumers can immediately expect Santobane formulations to end insecticide problems in industry, on the farm or in the home. Santobane is still going practically 100% to the military, with only experimental quantities

available for other use. Also, there is considerably more to be learned about Santobane's proper formulation as well as its toxicity to humans before its full effectiveness or its limitations can be determined. But the program as announced here has been set up, excellent results have been achieved, and the millions interested in positive pest control can look forward with confidence to the same excellent results from Santobane's peacetime applications as are being achieved in war. MONSANTO CHEMICAL COMPANY, Organic Chemicals Division, 1700 South Second St., St. Louis


*Reg.U.S. Pat.Off.






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