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Comment on “Size-Dependent Composition and Molar Extinction Coefficient of PbSe Semiconductor Nanocrystals”. Iwan Moreels†, Karel Lambert†, Da...
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We are happy to read that Dai et al.1 find that PbSe quantum dots (Qdots) are nonstoichiometric, thereby reproducing the results we published 2 years ago.2 However, we cannot agree with their conclusion that “Moreels et al. (. . .) reported different molar extinction coefficients for PbSe semiconductor nanocrystals”. Treating our data according to the procedure proposed by Dai et al. shows that both data sets agree (Figure 1). In addition, the key point of our work is that PbSe Qdots have the same absorbance as bulk PbSe at short wavelengths like 400 nm. Therefore, Qdot concentrations can be determined very accurately from a single point absorbance measurement, regardless of size dispersion, and the normalization procedure reintroduced by Dai et al. is unnecessary for PbSe Qdots. We also regret that Dai et al. stick to an integration or normalization on a wavelength scale. Integration of the first exciton transition on an energy scale yields an extinction coefficient directly proportional to the oscillator strength of the transition,2 which is the more fundamental materials property. In conclusion, in contrast to the contribution of Dai et al., we believe that the message to researchers using extinction coefficients to determine Qdot concentrations should be to use size-independent (bulk) values whenever applicable and, otherwise, energy integrated extinction coefficients.

Iwan Moreels,† Karel Lambert,† David De Muynck,‡ Frank Vanhaecke,‡ Dirk Poelman,§ Jose´ C. Martins,储 Guy Allan,⬜ and Zeger Hens†,* † Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures, ‡Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, §Department of Solid State Sciences , 储NMR and Structure Analysis Unit, Ghent University, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium, and ⬜Institut d’Electronique, de Microélectronic et de Nanotechnologie, F-59652, Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France *Address correspondence to [email protected]. Published online August 25, 2009. 10.1021/nn9005363 CCC: $40.75 © 2009 American Chemical Society


Comment on “Size-Dependent Composition and Molar Extinction Coefficient of PbSe Semiconductor Nanocrystals”

Figure 1. Q-PbSe molar extinction coefficient of Moreels et al.2 (dots, Q-PbSe suspended in CCl4) and Dai et al.1 (open circles, Q-PbSe in C2Cl4), calculated according the procedure of Dai et al.1 A power law with exponent 2.07 is fitted to the data sets. In the case of the data set of Moreels et al., five points have been determined by means of elemental analysis while the others have been obtained by normalizing the Q-PbSe absorption spectrum to bulk PbSe at 400 nm.2

REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Dai, Q.; Wang, Y.; Li, X.; Zhang, Y.; Pellegrino, D. J.; Zhao, M.; Zou, B.; Seo, J.; Wang, Y.; Yu, W. W. Size-Dependent Composition and Molar Extinction Coefficient of PbSe Semiconductor Nanocrystals. ACS Nano 2009, 3, 1518–1524. 2. Moreels, I.; Lambert, K.; De Muynck, D.; Vanhaecke, F.; Poelman, D.; Martins, J. C.; Allan, G.; Hens, Z. Composition and SizeDependent Extinction Coefficient of Colloidal PbSe Quantum Dots. Chem. Mater. 2007, 19, 6101–6106.

VOL. 3 ▪ NO. 8 ▪ 2009