Computers and the high school chemistry teacher: Some precepts for

computers as black-box number cmnchers, computers for teaching computer literacy, computers as hlackbo&ds, com- puter-assisted instruction, simulation...
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Computers and the High School Chemistry Teacher Some Precepts for their Use George Gerhold Western Washington University, Eellingham. WA 98225 This paper discusses the many possible applications of microcomputers in the high school science programs. Seven types of applications including computers as calculators, computers as black-box number cmnchers, computers for teaching computer literacy, computers as hlackbo&ds, computer-assisted instruction, simulations, and process control will be discussed. Obviously the computer can be programmed to handle a great variety of scientific computations. Floating point numbers and functions such as logs and exponentials present no difficultv. Assiened nroblems no longer need to be written with comp;tation3 ease in mind, but ra