Concentration Profiles in Stefan Diffusion Tube - Industrial

May 1, 2002 - Concentration Profiles in Stefan Diffusion Tube. F. J. Heinzelmann, D. T. Wasan, C. R. Wilke. Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamen. , 1965, 4 (1), p...
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volumrtric equilibrium concentration of solute in liquid surface, measured ar temperature and prt:s>ure of experiment. dimensio:iles> = concentration of solute in bulk of liquid. g.-mole 'cc. = value of (,, a t time / I and t?. rejpecrively. g.-mole 'cc. = volume of ga\. measured ar temperature and pressure of exlieriincnr. absorbed in time interval zc, cc. = tip to tip lcng1h of stirrer blade, cni. = dilluqivity of solute in liquid. s q . c m . sec. = c\;prrirnental cnergy of activation, cal. g.-mole = apparrnt experimental energy of activation. cal. ' g.-inole. = rncrgy of activation per methylene group. cal. 'g.mole = a1)parent energy of activation per meth>-lene group. cal. g.-mole = crier$!- of activation per methylene group based on efIrctive number of carbon atoms. cal. g.-mole = cnrrq). of activation d u e to head and terminal methyl $roup. cal. g.-mole .oefficirnt. erg. g.-mole t>-factor defined b>-Equation 9. dimensionless = mass trancfei coefficient in liquid phase in absence of jurfacrants. c m . 'sec. = m a \ < transfer coefficient in liquid phase in presence of surfactants. cm. 'sec. = total hydrodynamic resistance to mais transfer defined by Equation 3. sec. cm. = interfacial resistance to mass transfer d u e to presence of suriactauts. x c . 'cm. = interfacial resistance to mass transfer due to presence of potential energy barrier. sec. 'cm. = diameter of reaction vessel. c m . = molecular \\eight. g. g.-mole = rate of stirrinq. rev. sec. = rate of absorption. g.-mole '(sq. cm.)(sec.) = Reynold5 number = &\-d* ' Y = gas constant. erg '(OK.) (g.-mole) or cal.;'(OK.) X (g , -mole) = temperature. OK. or " C . =


I.' Le' Y


time. sec. or min. volume of liquid phase. cc. constant time interval. t ? - f l . sec. or min = kinematic viscosity. s q . c m . 'sec. = surface presjure of film. d>-ne cm. = = =

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