Concerted Displacement Reactions. VIII. Polyfunctional Catalysis1

Concerted Displacement Reactions. VIII. Polyfunctional Catalysis1. C. Gardner Swain, and John F. Brown Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1952, 74 (10), pp 2538â...
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Concerted Displacement Reactions. VIII. Polyfunctional Catalysis' BY



This paper proves for the first time that polyfunctional catalysis can occur. A polyfunctional catalyst is defined as one which uses concerted action by two or more groups, each acting on a different atom or point in the substrate. Such catalysts arc devised for a typical polar displacement reaction, the mutarotation of tetramethylglucose in benzene solution; they prove t o have extremely high catalytic activity at low temperatures and in very high dilution, to act independently of other acidic or basic species, and to show catalyst-substrate specificity unlike that of monofunctional catalysts but approaching that of enzymes.

Most catalysts in coininon use in industry or in the laboratory are certainly monofunctional, e.g., I-IO-, pyridine, Cu++ or HaO+. This research was initiated to determine whether i t is ever possible to achieve "polyfunctional catalysis" in a simple chemical system, i.e., by a catalyst with two or more active groupings ("functions") in the same molecule which act simultaneously upon the substrate. There are no previously proved examples of this kind of catalysis. Recently evidence's has been found which indicates that simple polar displacement reactions of electrically uncharged substrates (e.g., halides, esters, hemiacetals, carbonyl compounds) in s o h tion are generally concerted, ;.e., involve simultaneous attack upon the reacting species by both nucleophilic (N) and electrophilic (E) agents.

1 teiice otic way to make a polyluiictiondl catalyst would be to construct a molecule containing both iiucleophilic and electrophilic groups rigidly held a t just the optimum distance apart for interaction with the substrate.

This would facilitate proper steric orientation of N, S and E since two of the reacting groups (N and E) would be preoriented. Moreover, only a bimolecular (instead of a termolecular) collision should be required. This should be particularly advantageous in very dilute solution because terinolecular collisions, unless they involve solvent, become increasingly rare relative to bimolecular collisions as the solution becomcs more dilute. To test this prediction we have used the mutarotation of tetramethylglucose in benzene solution. This is a typical polar displacement reaction. The rate-controlling step is the hydrolysis of the hemiacetal link, and requires the simultaneous attack of a nucleophilic reagent (K) on hydrogen and of an electrophilic reagent (E) on oxygen.

(1) Paper V I I , C. G. Swain and J. 17. Brown, J r . , THISJOURNAL, '74, 2534 (1952). (2) C . G. S w a i n , i b i d . , TO, 1119 (1948); C. G. Swain and R. W. E d d y , ibid.. T O , 2991 (1948); C. G. Swain, ibid., 5'2, 4578 (1950); C. 0. Swain, Record of Chcrrzicnl Progress, 12, 21 (1951).

This gives the open-chain aldehyde form of thc sugar. Either pyridine or phenol alone has littlc catalytic power. A mixture of the two is a powcrful catalyst and the kinetics is third order. Pyridine supplies the nucleophilic group (N) and phenol the electrophilic group (E). Inspection of tnolecular models suggested that 2-hydroxypyridinc, which h s both groups in the same molecule, should be a polyfunctional catalyst. With pyridine and phenol the significant term in the rate expression' was 0.021 [pyridine][sugar][phenol]M sec.-*


For the present discussion we can neglect the other terms, which are (1) a small blank for the rate with no catalyst intentionally added and probably due to traces of impurities, (2) a term in which a second molecule of sugar is involved instead of phenol, but with a coefficient 1/40 as large, and ( 3 ) terms iiivolvirig phenol dimers or trimers, which are it11 portant only a t high phenol concentrations. ?-Hydroxypyridine is only one teti thousandth a i strong a base as pyridine and one hundredth a s strong an acid a s phenol, and hence might be ex pected to be always about one thousandth as strong as the mixture of pyridine and phenol if it did not operate as a polyfunctional catalyst. If i t does act as a polyfunctional catalyst it should be poorer in concentrated (1 Id)solution, but should begin to excel the mixture when the catalyst concentrations are made very dilute. Actually 2-hydroxypyridine in 0.05 M concetitrdtion already gives an observed rate of mutarotation more than fifty times the total rate with 0.0; .I! pyridine and 0.03 M phenol. With 0.001 111 2 hydroxypyridine and 0.1 M sugar, the high rate ohserved is 7000 times that calculated from equation I for 0.001 M pyridine and 0.001 M phenol. (C;tlculation must be resorted to because the rate due to pyridine and phenol a t this dilution is immeasurably small.) The high rate observed with 0.001 ,I1 2-hydroxypyridine is one hundred times g r e a t e r than a blank (containing only accidental impuritiei as catalysts) and is due entirely to one term, which is only first order with respect to 2-hydroxypyridine. 2-Hydroxypyridine is more than ten times a \ powerful a catalyst in benzene solution as hydronium ion in water solution, in spite of being esseiitially neutral. Adding either 0.1 M pyridine or 0.1 211 phenol does not significantly increase the sizeable catalysis produced by 0.0001 M 2-hydroxypyridine. Evidently polyfunctional catalysts are self-contained, self-sufficient catalysts which act independently of other acidic or basic species present in the solution. The spacing of the two functions (N and Ej

ality, i t appears that the following catalysts are polyfunctional for the mutarotation of tetramethylglucose in benzene solution : 2-hydroxypyridine, 2hydroxy-4-methylquinoline, benzoic acid, picric acid and 2-aminopyridine. However, pyridine, 2methoxypyridine and N-methyl-a-pyridone are monofunctional, serving as N only. Phenol and p nitrophenol are monofunctional, serving as E only. 3-Hydroxyquinoline is monofunctional but can act as either N or E. Carboxylic acids have catalytic activities in this reaction in benzene which are several powers of ten greater than those of non-orthosubstituted phenols of comparable acidity in water.4 The essential detail for an independently acting (“polyfunctional”) catalyst is the presence of both acidic and basic functions, suitably spaced in the catalyst molecule. IT ir One should also be able to design a polyfunctional catalyst in which the N and E groups were not parts of a conjugated system but were isolated by saturated atoms and behaved independently. This would have the further advantage that the two groups would not lower each other’s reactivity (as in 2-hydroxypyridine, which is a much weaker base than pyridine and a much weaker acid than phenol). All these cases of polyfunctional catalysis should evidently still be classed as polar (or Complex “concerted”) displacement reactions, since the N rate = k, [Coiiiplcx] (2) and E groups can be easily and surely identified. The coiiiplex has a much higher optical rotation The ideal catalyst for any polar displacement rethan the sugar and is formed immediately from the action is one which can complex with the substrate sugar and 2-hydroxypyridine, although neither of without serious steric limitations and which has these substances complexes to an appreciable extent polar functional groups so arranged that it has a with either phenol or pyridine. This is strongly pattern of polarities closely opposite to that of the reindicative of a chelated (doubly hydrogen-bonded) acting substrate in the desired transition state. ring structure. The pyranose-like hemiacetal, 2- Thus it can present a center of opposite polarity tetrahydropyranol, partially inhibits the niutaro- siinultaneously to each of the unstable polar centers. ?-Hydroxypyridine satisfied this condition for the iiiutarotation of tetrainethylglucose in benzene solution. Thus it is possible to have a iiiechanisiii of catalyI 0 sis in which two active groupings (one basic and I I1 one acidic) on a single catalyst molecule act simultaneously upon a substrate in bringing about reactation catalyzed by 2-hydroxypyridine by competi- tion. A catalyst of this type is capable of giving tive complexing with the catalyst. Added phenol powerful and specific catalysis even though i t conor pyridine do not do this. I n more polar solvents, tains only relatively mild groups (amino, carbonyl, like chlorobenzene, acetone or water, the catalytic hydroxyl). It appears that such polyfunctional activity of 2-hydroxypyridine is lower but only be- catalysts excel monofunctional catalysts in efficause the catalyst is associated more with the sol- ciency to the greatest extent in the case of reactions vent and less with the sugar. The rate of mutarota- run in neutral solution (where neither strong acids tion of the complex itself (the part that is associated nor strong bases can be present in high concentrawith the sugars) is little affected by changes in sol- tion), a t low temperature, when all the reactants vent. must be in high dilution, and when high catalystThe 2-hydroxypyridine used as a catalyst can be substrate specificity is desired. recovered a t the end of an experiment by extraction Speculation.-In the following respects enzymes with petroleum ether of the solid residue remaining resemble our polyfunctional catalysts closely : (1) after evaporating the benzene. they have both nucleophilic and electrophilic Using the kinetic order criterion for polyfunction- groups, but none of high general reactivity; (2) they excel especially in near neutral solution, a t low (3) I t is recognized that 2-hydroxypyridine exists predominantly in the o-pyridone form in aqueous solution. It is not known which form temperatures and in high dilution; ( 3 ) they show predominates in benzene solution. Either form should be effective as a high catalyst-substrate specificity; (4) they have polyfunctional catalyst, since the orientation and spacing of the nucleowould be predicted to be important. In ordinary chemical reactions 4-hydroxypyridine and its derivatives are similar to or slightly more reactive than the corresponding 2-hydroxypyridines. However, molecular models show that in 3- or 4-hydroxypyridine the nitrogen and hydroxyl groups are too far apart sterically to form the desired type of complex with the sugar. In accord with this, i t is found that 3- or 4hydroxypyridine derivatives are a t least poorer as catalysts and give only third-order kinetics, ‘showing that two molecules of catalyst are involved. The kinetics with 2-hydroxypyridine shows that most of the polyfunctional catalyst first complexes with the tetramethylglucose, and it is only the 1:1 coiiiplex which react^.^

philic and electrophilic portions of the molecule are the same in both cases, The hydroxypyridine terminology is used here merely to bring out the relationship to the catalysis by pyridine-phenol mixtures prcviously studied. The complex shown would give or-pyridone on reaction; a complex involving a-pyridone would give 2-hydroxypyridine.

(4) The carboxylic acids act as polyfunctional catalysts by forming reactive complexes with the sugar exactly like that formed with 2hydroxyiiyridirie, with the Carbonyl group of the acid acting as the nucleopliilc. Such complexes arc structurally vcry similar to the carboxylic acid dimers.



polar rather than free radical-like reactivity; and (5) they form catalyst-substrate complexes prior to reactions5 Hence, even though a detailed identification of the role of particular groups has not yet been accomplished for any enzymatic reaction, i t seems possible that enzymes may rely heavily on this same technique of polyfunctional catalysis. .4n example may serve to illustrate how this desirable type of catalysis may operate. In the formation of an amide from an ester or acid it is conventional to consider that the conjugate anion of the amine attacks the neutral ester (basic catalysis) or that the neutral amine attacks the conjugate acid of the ester or acid (acid catalysis) to give an orthoester intermediate with four groups singly bonded to carbon. It is however possible that a concerted attack of separate base and acid molecules may be a preferred mechanism in near-neutral solutions. 0








HA --+ RR'X step






, Y



This route may be favored even more in cases where B and HA are parts of a polyfunctional catalyst, e.g., free amino and carboxyl groups of a protein (proteolytic enzyme or virus). This alternate mechanism has the advantage that the amine and ester or acid never become charged ions a t any stage. Carbonium, oxonium, RR'N-, and alkoxide ions are intermediates of high energy, even in water solution, hence a route not involving them may be preferred. Industrially one may expect to find that the best heterogeneous catalysts for such amide or ester reactions will be neither the strongest acids nor bases available, but ones having both basic and acidic atoms suitably spaced on the surface.

Experimental Materials Used.-The preparation of most of the materials has already been described.' The catalysts which were commercially available were recrystallized from sodiumdried benzene before use, and conventional methods were used for the preparation of the others. The samples of 2hydroxypyridine, 3-hydroxyquinoline, and 4-hydroxyquinoline were further purified by vacuum sublimation before use. For example, 2-hydroxypyridine was prepared from 2arninopyridine by the method of Adams and Jonesfiand then vacuum sublinied, 1n.p. 106-107' (cor.). Kinetic Studies.--Table \:I1 gives constants tlefiried b>I