Condensed Norms: ACS Cooperative Examinations - ACS Publications

Jul 1, 1975 - Condensed Norms: ACS Cooperative Examinations. J. Chem. Educ. , 1975, 52 (7), p 484. DOI: 10.1021/ed052p484. Publication Date: July ...
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Condensed Norms: ACS Cooperative Examinations Condensed norms are presented for the following tests: High School Form 1973, Advanced High School Form 1974, Brief Qualitative Analysis, Form 1973B, Organic Form 1974, Quantitative Analysis, Form 1974. These condensed norms are selected from a larger body of data which may he obtained from the Examinations Committee-ACS, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620. Additional tests featured this year: General Chemistry, Forms 1973,19705 Qualitative Analysis, Farm 1969 Brief Qualitative Analysis, Forms 19738,1967B Quantitative Analysis, Forms 1974,1970,1966 instrumental Analysis, Form 1971 Organic Chemistry Forms 1974,1971 Brief Organic Form 1971B Physical Chemistry Forms 1973,1969 Brief Physical Form 1968 Inorganic Chemistry Forms 1972,1969 Inorganic-Orgsnic-Biologies1Chemistry (for Allied Health Sciences Programs), Forms 1974,1971 Regular High School Chemistry, Forms 1973, 19739, 1971, 1971S, 1969s Advanced High School Chemistry, Forms 1974ADV, 1972ADV, 1970ADV

Toledo Chemistrv Placement Examination., Forms 1974. 1967 Gmduatr Lsvcl Plnwment Kxaminatims in: Annlytienl Chemistry. Forms 1973.A. 1969-A Inorganic Chemistry. Form 19711.1 Orgnnir Chemistry, Forms 1974.0, 1971.0 Phgslrai Chemistry. Forms 1972-P. 1967-P ~






Organic Chemistry Form 1974 %ile Rank

Raw Score 70 ( M ~ x . P-ible Score)

%ile Rank

Raw Smre 70 ( M ~ x . Possible Seorel

Thescoring formulaused was Rights Only. Thereliability d e i e n t wasestimated by the Kuder-RichardsonFormula

"* ..", ".. These norms are based on the scores of R,-

1.847 atudents from 61 institutions. Freshmen (1.1%), Sophomores (46.1%), Juniors (35.8%). Seniors (13.8%) Graduate students 13.241,) made no the erouo. Lecture hours ranged from 2 to 7 hr a week, with': mean of3.1. ~ i b o ~ i t houra o r ~ ranged from 0 to 6 hr pel week with a mean of 3.8.

Brief Oualitative Analvsis Form 19738 %ile Rank

Raw Smre 80 (Max. Possible Smre)



%ik Rank 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1

Quantitative Analysis Form 1974

Raw scare 80 (Max. Pagsible Scare) 17.2


Reliability coefficient

The scoring formula used w a s Rights Only. The reliability coefficientwasestimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula




The scoring formula used was Rights Only. The reliability coefficientwasestimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula

No. 21. These norms are baaed on the scorep of 233 atudents from 16 institutions. Freshmen (3.5%). Sophomores (16.9%), Juniors (55.2%). Seniors (22.2%), plus 2.2% Graduates. Lecture hours ranged from 1 to 3 hr per week with a mean of 2.2 hr. Laboratory hours ranged from 4 to 9 hr per week with a mean

hr per week with e mean of 3.9.

Hioh School Chemistrv Form 1973

i Rank 99 95 90 85 80 75 70

65 60 55 50 45

part I 40 37.4 35.3 32.8 30.5 29.3 27.1 25.8 24.4 23.4 22.4 21.2 20.1

Total 80 (Mar. part 11 possible 40 Score) 35.8 32.1 29.6 27.9 26.5 25.3 24.0 22.8 21.7 20.7 19.6 18.6

68.5 63.7 59.5 56.1 53.1 50.7 48.3 46.0 43.8 41.9 40.0 38.0

9me Rank 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1 F

Reliability Coefficient

part I 40

Total 80 (M?x. part 11 passlble 40 Score)

19.1 18.1 16.6 14.7 13.8 12.5 12.2 10.1 5.8 9.13 0.903

17.7 16.7 15.7 14.8 13.7 12.7 11.1 8.8 4.2 7.62 0.849

36.2 34.5 32.9 31.0 28.8 26.6 24.0 20.0 10.5 14.49 0.916

The scoringformulaused was RighteOnly. The reliability eoeffioientwasestimated by the Kuder-Richardson Fornula

N" . .-, -"1-.

These norms are based on the scores of 5,689 high school students eompleting two semesters of chemietzy in 105 high schools, as reported by their teachers.

High School Advanced Form 1974 .. -. %ile Rank

Part I 40

.. . . . . .

(Max. Part I1 Poss~ble %ile Score) 40 Rank

Part I 40

(Max. PyrtII P-ible 40 Score)

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1 0

Reliability coefficient The scoringformuls was Rights Only. The reliability coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula

NO.21. These norms are based on the score4 of 441 high school students in 29 high schools, asreported by their teachers.