
McNair and Lee Polite. MS (GC/MS) in Environmental. Analysis. Phillip Epstein and W. Marcus Cooke. Practical. Capillary Electro- phoresis. Robert Wein...
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Luminescence Spectrometry Flow Injection Analysis: Applications in ICP Spectrometry Ion-Trapping Techniques Chemical Sensing: Where Is It Going? Process Analysis: IR Instruments and Applications Plasma Discharge Diagnostics Shoot-Out at the Spectroscopy Corral: The Other Side Solid-State Detectors for Atomic Spectrometry Methods for Ultratrace Analysis of Biomaterials Raman Microspectroscopy: The Past 15 Years and Near Future Materials Characterization by NMR Chromatography and Atomic Spectroscopy

Chemical State Imaging: Vibrational Spectroscopic Approaches Lasers and MS Vibrational Spectroscopy as Applied to Heterogeneous Catalysis Other Methods for Atomic MS Fundamentals and Applications of Electrothermal AAS Glow Discharges for Atomic Spectroscopies Quality Assurance ANACHEM Award Symposium Nonlinear Chemometrics Environmental Electrochemistry Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Chromatographic Advances in Petroleum Analysis



Flow Injection Analysis: Recent Advances Ionization Techniques for Biomolecular MS Molecular Probes in Luminescence Analysis Quantitative and Novel IR Microspectroscopy Fundamental Limits of Detection in Atomic Spectrometry ICPMS: Fundamentals and Instrumentation Optical and Electrochemical Sensors in Clinical Chemistry Chemometrics: The Dream Beam and Beyond Optical Probes of Electrified Interfaces Raman Spectroscopy: Industrial Applications Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Materials Characterization of Automotive Coatings Chromatography and Reference Materials

Toward New Sensor Devices High-Speed GC Mystery Symposium Characterization of Polymer Products and Their Components by MS Inorganic Solids Analysis by MS Advances in Analytical Electrophoresis Flow Injection Analysis: Process Analysis and Biotechnology Qualitative and Quantitative Pharmaceutical Near-IR Spectrometry Photoacoustic/Photothermal IR Spectrometry Advances in Applications of Gas Discharges to Chemical Analyses Slurry Atomization and Solid Sampling in Atomic Spectrometry Raman Spectroscopy: Biological, Chemical, and Resonance Techniques Developments in Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry

TUESDAY AFTERNOON New Directions in Structure Determination by MS: Peptide Fragmentation Mechanisms Molecular Probes in Luminescence Spectrometry Quantitative and Novel IR Microspectroscopy Fundamental Limits of Detection in Atomic Spectrometry Sample Introduction for Elemental Analysis by ICPMS and Electrospray MS Fundamentals of Electrothermal Atomic Spectrometry Emerging Technologies for Clinical Analysis Chemometrics: The Dream Beam and Beyond Electrochemical Sensors and Nonmetallic Electrodes Raman Spectroscopy: Industrial Applications Materials Characterization by NMR Chromatography and Reference Materials Flow Injection Analysis: Recent Advances

WEDNESDAY MORNING Lasers in Analytical Spectroscopy Application of MS to Biomolecular Structure Determination Looking for the Molecular Needle in a Liquid Haystack Fundamentals of Electrothermal Atomic Spectrometry Glow Discharges for Atomic Spectroscopies Quality Assurance ANACHEM Award Symposium Biological Applications of Electrochemistry Raman Spectroscopy: Advances in Methodologies and Instrumentation Chromatographic Advances in Petroleum Analysis Sample Preparation for Chromatography Chemometrics: Calibration

THURSDAY AFTERNOON Chemometrics: Applications in IR Spectrometry Different Approaches for Ion Generation and Characterization in MS High-Speed GC Inorganic Solids Analysis by MS Characterization of Superabrasives Advances in Analytical Electrophoresis Flow Injection Analysis: Applications and Instrumentation for Environmental and Industrial Analysis IR Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere Advances in Applications of Gas Discharges to Chemical Analysis Slurry Atomization and Solid Sampling in Atomic Spectrometry Developments in Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry

FRIDAY MORNING Developments in IR Spectrometry Environmental Analyses Materials Characterization: Depth Profiling, Thermal Methods, and Thin Films Applications of Atomic Spectrometry Study of Reaction Mechanisms Chromatography: Developments in Detection, Theory, and Applications Flow Injection Analysis: Applications and Instrumentation for Environmental and Industrial Analysis Advances in Applications of Gas Discharges to Chemical Analysis Determination of Actinides and Rare-Earth Elements by Atomic Spectrometry

The following ACS courses are offered in conjunction with FACSS, Oct. 22-23. For more information, contact the Dept. of Continuing Education, American Chemi­ cal Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Wash­ ington, DC 20036 (202-872-4508; fax 202-872-6336) • Air Toxics A n a l y s i s by U.S. EPA Methods. William T. Winberry and Reinhold Rasmussen • AA, I C P , a n d I C P M S . Gordon Wallace and Marvin Miller • Capillary GC. S t u a r t Cram and Milos Novotny • F u n d a m e n t a l s of HPLC. Harold McNair and Lee Polite • MS (GC/MS) in E n v i r o n m e n t a l A n a l y s i s . Phillip E p s t e i n and W. Marcus Cooke • Practical Capillary Electro­ phoresis. Robert Weinberger • Quality Assurance Practices for t h e E n v i r o n m e n t a l L a b o r a ­ tory. Steve J. Callio • Spectrometric Characteriza­ t i o n of P o l y m e r s . Jack Koenig and Bruce Chase • Water a n d Waste A n a l y s i s b y U . S . E P A M e t h o d s . W. M a r c u s Cooke and Marvin Miller

Conferences • 9th International Symposium o n A d v a n c e s a n d Applications of C h r o m a t o g r a p h y in Industry. Aug. 29-Sept. 3. Bratislava, Czecho­ slovakia. Contact: Jozef Polonsky, De­ partment ofAnalytical Chemistry, Slovak Technical University, Radlinskeho 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (0042-7560-43; fax 0042-7-49-31-98) • 2nd European Symposium on Near-IR Spectroscopy: Aspects of Industrial Use. Aug. 30-Sept. 2. Kolding, Denmark. Contact: Lone Vejgaard, The Biotechnological Institute, Holbergsvej 10, P.O. Box 818, DK-6000 Kolding, Denmark (45 7 5520433; fax 45 75529989) • 5 6 t h A n n u a l M e e t i n g of t h e A m e r i c a n C o u n c i l of I n d e p e n ­ d e n t L a b o r a t o r i e s . Sept. 1 1 - 1 5 . Vail, CO. Contact: ACIL, 1629 Κ St., N.W., Washington, DC 20006 (202-8875872; fax 202-887-0021) • 3rd E u r o p e a n Ceramic S o c i e t y C o n f e r e n c e . Sept. 1 2 - 1 7 . Madrid, S p a i n . Contact: Third European Ce­ ramic Society Conference, Ferraz 11, 3 Dcha, E-28008 Madrid, Spain (34 1 54217700; fax 34 1 5590575) • 2nd National Symposium on Planar Chromatography: Mod­ e r n T L C . Sept. 1 9 - 2 2 . R e s e a r c h Triangle Park, NC. Contact: Janet Cun­ ningham, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 65, NO. 14, JULY 15, 1993 · 643 A

MEETINGS 279, Walkersville, MD 21793 (301-8983772; fax 301-898-5596) • 6th A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e of t h e International A s s o c i a t i o n of E n ­ vironmental Testing Laborato­ r i e s . Sept. 2 6 - 2 8 . San Diego, CA. Contact: Sheelah Moyer, IAETL, 1911 N. Fort Meyer Dr., Arlington, VA, 22209 (703-524-2427; fax 703-524-1453) • 34th ORNL-DOE Conference on Analytical Chemistry in En­ ergy Technology. Oct. 5 - 7 . Gatlinburg, TN. Contact: W. R. Laing, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, MS 6127, Oak Ridge, TN 378316127 (615-574-4852; fax 615-574-4902) • 3rd I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m on Environmental Chemistry. Oct. 11-15. Oaxaca, Mexico. Contact: Institute de Geografia, Circuito de la In­ vestigation Cientifica, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico, D. F. Mexico (52-5622-4336; fax 52-5-548-4086) • 14th S c i e n t i f i c I n s t r u m e n t s S h o w . Oct. 1 3 - 1 6 . Osaka, J a p a n . Contact: Secretariat, The Japan Indus­ trial Journal, 2-4-9, Umeda, Kita-ku, Osa­ ka 530, Japan (81-6-343-3222; fax 81-6341-4773) M A n n u a l ASTM E - 1 9 M e e t i n g . Oct. 1 8 - 2 1 . Minneapolis, MN. Con­ tact: Bob Held, ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215-299-5504; fax 215-299-2630) • 4th Annual F r e d e r i c k Confer­ ence on Capillary E l e c t r o p h o r e ­ sis. Oct. 19-20. Frederick, MD. Con­ tact: Margaret L. Fanning, Program Resources, Inc., NCI-Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center, P.O. Box B, Frederick, MD 21702-1201 (301846-1089; fax 301-846-5866) • 1993 P a c i f i c C o n f e r e n c e o n Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Oct. 1 9 - 2 3 . Pasadena, CA. Contact: Don Frankel, Pacific Conference, P. 0. Box 5732, Pasadena, CA 91117 (714495-8714) or Eleanor Siebert, ML St. Mary's College, 12001 Chalon Road, Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310-471-9831; fax 310-476-9296) • 1st I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n ISO 9000. Nov. 1 - 2 . Orlando, FL. Contact: Sermin Caola, 1522 Spruce St., Cheswick, PA 15024 (412-226-5593 or 412-274-7559; fax 412-274-0926) • Electrophoresis '93. Nov. 7-10. Charleston, S O Contact: Janet Cun­ ningham, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, MD 21793 (301-8983772; fax 301-898-5596) • 4 t h A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e : Cur­ rent Issues in Air Toxics. Nov. 1 5 16. S a c r a m e n t o , CA. Contact: Eric Winegar, Air Toxics, Ltd., 11325 Sunrise Gold Circle, Suite E, Rancho Cordova, CA 95724 (916-638-9892) • 32nd Annual Eastern Analyti­ cal S y m p o s i u m . Nov. 15-19. Som­

erset, Ν J. Contact: EAS, P.O. Box 633, Montchanin, DE 19710-0633 (302-7386218; fax 302-738-5275) • S a n Diego Conference: B e y o n d DNA P r o b e s . Nov. 1 8 - 2 0 . San Di­ ego, CA. Contact: Jerry Goldsmith, AACC, Meetings Department, 2029 Κ St., N.W., Washington, DC 20006 (800-8921400, 202-857-0717; fax 202-887-5093) • 11th I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h e m i s t r y Exhibition a n d MAC '93. Nov. 2 3 27. Milano, Italy. Contact: RICH and MAC '93, Organization Secretariat, Viale Premuda 2, 20129 Milano, Italy (39 2 55181842; fax 39 2 5400481) • 1993 Fall Meeting of the Mate­ r i a l s R e s e a r c h S o c i e t y . Nov. 2 9 Dec. 3. Boston, MA. Contact: Materials Research Society, 9800 Mcknight Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15237 (412-367-3003; fax 412-367-4373)

Prepare yourself to meet the demands facing your lab today. Attend

Short Courses and Workshops • P l a n t B i o t e c h n o l o g y Methods. Aug. 1 7 - 2 0 . U n i v e r s i t y P a r k , PA. Contact: Jerri Milsom, Conference Coordi­ nator, The Pennsylvania State University, 410 Keller Conference Center, University Park, PA 16802-1304 (814-865-5141; fax 814-865-3749) • M o d e r n T e c h n i q u e s in GC. Aug. 3 1 - S e p t . 3. Blacksburg, VA. Contact: H. M. McNair, Chemistry De­ partment, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0212 (703-231-8210; fax 703231-3255) • Tracer Methodology Course: P r i n c i p l e s a n d Practice of Tracer Methodology in Metabolism. Sept. 5 - 9 . Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Sept. 1 9 - 2 3 . Galveston, TX. Contact: Tracer Methodology Meeting, University of Texas Medical Branch, Box 55176, Galveston, TX 77555-5176 (409-7706628, 409-770-6605; fax 409-770-6825) • 2 n d E u r o p e a n FTMS Work­ shop. Sept. 7 - 9 . Antwerp, Belgium. Contact: Luc Van Vaeck, Department of Chemistry, University ofAntwerp (UIA), Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 WilrijkAntwerpen, Belgium 32-3-820-2348; fax 32-3-820-2376) • S a m p l i n g H a n d l i n g of P e s t i ­ cides in the Aquatic Environ­ m e n t . Oct. 4 - 6 . Paris, France. Con­ tact: Short Course Office IAEAC, M. FreiHausler, Postfach 46, CH-4123 Allschwil 2, Switzerland (41-61-4812789; fax 4161-4820805)

These events are newly listed in the JOURNAL. See back issues for other events of interest.

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