Conformational effects of alkyl groups on the. pi.. far.. pi.* transitions of

Conformational effects of alkyl groups on the .pi. .far. .pi.* transitions of .alpha.-enones. Alain. Bienvenue. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1973, 95 (22), pp ...
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sides of Figure 11 indicate how this estimation can be made. Each activation enthalpy AH*1-1,1-2 and AH*I~.1~--.-~~-2t can formally be considered as the sum of two enthalpy differences, as indicated in the figure: AH*I.l-I-2 = H I I I - HI = (HIIT - HI*) (HI* - HI) and A H * I I . ~ L ~=~ -HIT ~ ~ - HI1 = (HIv - H I I * ) ( H I I * - HII). The first difference in each of these expressions is the resonance energy of 111and I V , respectively, since I* and 11" are hypothetical structures with 7r-bond localization (with normal single and double bonds) and with the same degree of planarity as 111 and IV. (111 and I* are presumed to be planar; IV and 11* are presumed to approach planarity as much as is compatible with nonbonding interactions between the inner hydrogens.) The second difference expresses how much energy is required t o force the nonplanar ground-state structures I and I1 into planar or quasiplanar geometries (i.e., into I* and II*, respectively). The energy difference HI* - HI was estimated to be of the order of 3 kcal mol-' or less,6 the planar KekulC structure I* thus being higher in energy than the nonplanar ground-state structure I in which the nonbonding interactions between the inner protons and the strain energy are considered to be



minimized. The difference HII* - HII could not be estimated since TI* (or IV) as well as I1 have unknown geometries. Most likely TI* and IV (and thus 11) have very similar geometries and the difference HII* HIIis therefore probably close to zero. Thus, we can conclude that the resonance energy associated with 20 7r electrons delocalized over 7r-bond systems of geometries such as I11 (planar, 18 sp? carbon atoms) or I V (quasiplanar, 18 sp? carbon atoms) is negative and lies between -8.7 and -5 kcal mol-'. R E (20 7r e-/18 sp2C) = - 5 to -8.7 kcal mol--' It is interesting to note that resonance energy values of -2.8 kcal mol-' (P. P. P. method) and of -7.2 kcal mol-' (S. P. 0. method) were found by semiempirical SCF calculations for the planar [20]annulene (of configuration 439) with delocalized 7r bonds." Acknowledgments. We acknowledge, with gratitude, the support of the Schweizerische National Fonds and of the Swiss Chemical Industries (Ciba-Geigy, Lonza, and Hoffmann-La Roche). One of us ( E . P. W.) is indebted to the National Research Council of Canada for a Postdoctoral Fellowship (1968-1969). We thank also Dr. J.-M. Gilles for the line-shape calculations.

Conformational Effects of Alkyl Groups on the Transitions of a-Enones

n- -+ n-*

Alain Bienvenue

Coiitribution from Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Physique de 1'Unicersite' Pciris VU, associe au C.N.R.S., 75005 Paris, France. Receiced February 21, 1973 Abstract: The ir and uv spectra ( T + T* transition) of 18 cis and trans a-enones, RCOCHECHMe, have been studied (R = Me, Et, Pr, i-Bu, GPr, t-Bu, neoPe, -CH(Me)-t-Bu, and -CMe2-t-Bu). The molar fractions of all the conformers are calculated from the ir spectra of the enones, assuming that the specific intensities of all the YC=,) bands are constants. For trans enones the s-trans S s-cis equilibrium is displaced toward the s-cis form when R varies in the order Me, Et, Pr, i-Bu, neoPe, -CHMe-t-Bu, i-Pr, t-Bu, or -CMez-t-Bu, whereas the cis enones are exclusively s-cis. For R = neoPe, -CH(Me)-t-Bu, and -CMez-t-Bu in addition, it has been possible to calculate the contribution of the gauche conformation of R (for enones in the s-cis or in the s-trans forms) where the t-Bu substituent does not eclipse the carbonyl. In this conformation one of the Me groups of t-Bu is close to the C-C bond and gives rise to VU shifts. In the electronic spectrum, a constant *,v wave number is found to be associated with each possible set of enone (s-cis or s-trans) and R (eclipsed or gauche) conformations, regardless of the nature of R and the configuration of the enone. When an enone is a mixture of conformations, a linear combination of these v,,-,,* (using the previously calculated conformer fractions) is shown to give a vmax in very good agreement with experimental results. The vmaXfor the s-cis conformation is found to be 2400 cm-' lower than that of the s-trans conformation (47,500 cm-l) and an additional bathochromic shift of 800 cm-I is observed when a Me group is close to the C=C bond.


oodward's rules,' which relate the position of the 7r n-* transition to the number of alkyl substituents in the R,, R,,, or R,, positions of enones, are well known, and their analytical utility is beyond question. It is curious, however, to note that there have been few attempts to explain them theoretically. The following are two typical approaches: that of Allinger, et al.,? who apply a modified Pariser-Parr treatment to cyclic enones in conformations approximating to s-cis -f

( I ) R. B. Woodward, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 63,1123 (1941). (2) N. L. Allinger, T. W. Stuart, and J. C. Tai, ibid., 90,2809 (1968).

or s-trans; that of Luft and Basso3 who calculate by a w,w',w" SCF method the effect of progressively substituting hydrogen atoms by methyl groups in the skeleton MeCOC=C. The two calculations lead to results no closer to experimental values (about 2-5 nm) than Woodward's empirical rules. It is likely that these differences are caused in part by the failure to take into account the variations of the bond angles in cyclic systems or the conformational modifications imposed by substitution in labile system. (3) R. Luft and J. Basso, C. R. Acud. Sci., Sei-. C, 265, 980 (1967).





Transitions of a-Enones

7346 We have shown,4 in an earlier study of the P + P* transition of trans enones RCOCH=CHR, in hexane, that the nature of the R group markedly influences the electronic spectrum of these compounds. There is, for

Table I. Comparison of Y,+,* for Locked Conformations

Wave Numbers

s-Trans compd V,

s-Cis compd v,cm-’






43,28OC Hexane



45,130d Hexane



43,480e Ethanol







31j.500~ Ethanol




example, a 2400 cm-l shift in v,+. in going from R = Me to R = Tm (or tetramethylpropyl), and this shift is independent of the nature of R,, (which varies from H to neoPe and t-Bu). Neither Woodward’s rules nor semitheoretical calculations predict an effect of this magnitude. We have therefore chosen to investigate enones in which ring strain is absent, which means that they are probably in conformational equilibrium. This equilibrium can be observed by ir spectroscopy, since temperature studies on the vibrational spectra of enones clearly show that the spectral modifications are due t o conformational change^.^ The purpose of the present work was to examine the nature of the effects of R on Y,,,*, knowing in advance that inductive or steric constants6,’ give little useful information. The question is the following. Is the effect of R electronic or can the influence of R on the conformational equilibrium s-trans G? s-cis explain the v ~ - . ~ * shifts? Existing data on the locked conformations (Table I) show that v , + , + ~ - ~is ~higher ~~~ than v ~ + ~ but * ~ the - ~ difference ~ ~ between these two frequencies is not constant probably because other factors, such as ring strain, also have a bearing on the frequency.

trans. s-cis

trans. s-trans




cis, s-trans













cis, s&

We investigated the ir and uv spectra of two series of 9 a-enones RCOCH=CHMe trans (It, R = Me; 2t, R = Et; 3t, R = Pr; 4t, R = i-Bu; St, R = i-Pr; 6t, R = t-Bu; 7t, R = neoPe; 8t, R = -CH(Me)-tBu; 9t, R = Tm) and cis (lc-9c with R in the same order as for the trans series). In the cis series, all the enones are probably s-cis as is the case for 3-penten-2where R = Me. However, in the trans series, (4) A . Bienveiiiie and J. E . Dubois,J. Chim. Phys., 623 (1972). (5) (a) R. N . Jones and K. Noack. Can. J. Chem., 39, 2214 (1961); (b) A . J. Bohles, W. 0. George, and W. F.Maddams, J . Chem. SOC.E , 810 (1 969). (6) R. W. Taft, Jr, in “Steric Effects in Organic Chemistry,” M . S. Newmann, Ed., Wiley, New York, N. Y., 1956. (7) C. I