CONSTANT-LEVEL SIPHON FOR A HOT WATER BATH*. G. R. YOHE AND C. G. I(ECmER. Ohio Weskyan University, Delaware, Ohio. I T IS frequently ...
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CONSTANT-LEVEL SIPHON FOR A HOT WATER BATH* G. R. YOHE AND C. G. I ( E C m E R Ohio Weskyan University, Delaware, Ohio

I T IS frequently desirable to heat a reaction-mixture d e c t may be set up, which will drain Pir completely. in a boiling water bath for a number. of hours. In D should therefore be constructed of smaller tubing; order to keep the water bath from boiling dry, the the flow through it can be writers have made use of the device illustrated herewith. regulated by introducing a constriction as shown It is explained as follows. S is the main siphon which a t C , or by using a screw serves to keep the water level in the bath W the same pinch-clamp on the rubber as that in the suction filter flask F. A constant stream of water is brought into F through the tube I, which tube leading from D to the may be the outlet tube from a condenser jacket. The 0 drain. The s i p h o n i s water escapes from F through the outlet 0, and the easily filled by introducing level in F is therefore kept constant. A simple siphon it into F and W and C used in this way tends to fill with air bubbles as disapplying suction to the solved air is driven from the water heated in W. In end of the tube D. this device the upper siphon D carries a constant stream Siphons employing this of water from F to the drain; as bubbles rise into S, principle may of course be constructed in a number they are immediately removed, and the main siphon of different shapes. The writers have used one simiis thus kept full of water. If too rapid a stream of lar to that sketched in an actively boiling water as thirty hours, during. water flows through D, a suction-pump . . (Bernoulli) bath for as long- a period . which time it functioned perfectly an2 required no atat the Organic Symposium, Cornell tention whatever. sity, December 28-30, 1933.


