Five new
Eastman Organic Chemicals
News Edition
Construction News
(MADE IN U. S. A.)
are now in stock
2222 *Phenylanthranilic Acid MP 182-183° 100 g. 2223 *Palmityl Chloride MP 11-12° 100 g. T1582 Anthraquinone-j3-sulfonic Acid (Techn.) 1 kg. 2224 £-Xylenolsulfonphthalein 1 g. 2225 *0-Resorcylaldehyde Dimethyl Ether MP 69-70° 100 g.
$ 7.00 Β 20.00 Β 5.00 Ε 2.50 A 25.00 B
Over 2200 fine organic chemicals in stock Send for List No. 16
EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Research Laboratories
Rochester, Ν. Υ.
C H E M I C A L AND SCIENTIFIC PORCELAIN if you want anything that can be made of write us
The Novadel Process Corporation, Buffalo, Ν. Υ., manufacturer of chemical specialties used in the bleaching of flour, etc., has leased a building at 293 Larkin Street, for a term of years, and will establish a new plant at this location. Installation of equipment will begin at once. Production is scheduled to begin in April. The Wellington Process Co., Binghamton, Ν. Υ., manufacturer of tanning materials, chemical specialties, etc., has leased a two-story building at 1413-15 Philpot Street, Baltimore, Md., and is said to be planning the es tablishment of a new plant at that location. I t is purposed to begin the installation of equipment at an early date. The Stauffer Chemical Co., 624 California Street, San Francisco, Cal., manufacturer of carbon specialties, potash, soda products, etc., has con cluded negotiations for the purchase of a tract of land at Richmond, Cal., heretofore held by the Hittell Estate. The property totals about 10 acres and will be used in the future for the construction of a new plant. No date has as yet been settled for beginning operations. I t is understood, however, that estimates of cost and preliminary plans will soon be made. The Standard Oil Co., Elk and Peabody Streets, Buffalo, Ν. Υ., is said to be planning the early rebuilding of the portion of the paraffin works at its local Atlas plant, destroyed by fire, March 7, with loss reported in excess of $300,000, including equipment. R. T. Lockwood is assistant general manager. Headquarters are at 26 Broadway, New York. The Louisiana Exploration Co., Ouachita, Sterlington, La., care of W. J. Hunter, Ouachita, has plans under way for the construction of a new plant for the manufacture of naval stores, including turpentine, pine oil, chemical by-products, etc. A site has been selected on the Sterlington River. The initial unit is estimated to cost about $30,000, with equipment. I t is ex pected to build additional units at a later date.
special porcelain,
The Paul A. Sorg Paper Co., Middletown, Ohio, has engaged Warren D. Spengler, Union Trust Building, Cleveland, Ohio, engineer, to prepare plans for the proposed addition to its local mill, to consist of several units, esti mated to cost in excess of $750,000, with machinery. I t is expected to ask bids at an early date on general contract. The project will include a steamoperated electric power plant. Frank Smith is president and general manager. The United States Sand Paper Co., Williamsporl, Pa., has tentative plans under consideration for the rebuilding of the portion of its plant destroyed by fire, March 8, with loss reported at close to $150,000, including stock and equipment. The reconstruction will cost approximately a like sum. The Chicago Coated Board Division of the Robert Gair Co., 420 East North Water Street, Chicago, I11., is completing plans for the construction of a new addition to its local mill, to be equipped as a machine department. I t will be two-story, 30 X 80 ft., reported to cost about $60,000. Bids will be asked on general contract at once. C. R. Engle is company engineer, address noted. Headquarters of the parent company, the Robert Gair Co., are at 350 Madison Avenue, New York.
CONTEMPORARY DEVELOPMENTS IN CHEMISTRY Twenty-five booklets, based on a series of lectures given a t Columbia University during the Summer Session of 1926, on the occasion of the opening of the Chandler Chemical Laboratories. The authors and subjects were chosen with reference to the importance of recent developments in the particular branch or phase of chemistry and the author's part in these developments. In paper binding 50 cents each; set Set in cloth bound volume Send for a list of the
$10.00 $11.00 lectures
New York
The Clay Crafters Corporation, Brazil, Ind., care of James E. Hendrix, Veedersburg, Ind., recently formed by Mr. Hendrix and associates, has acquired the plant of the Chicago Sewer Pipe Co., Brazil, manufacturer of vitrified clay pipe, and the works of the Tulip Clay Co., Tulip, Greene County, Ind. The plant at Brazil was destroyed by fire a number of months ago, and will be rebuilt by the new owner at an early date. I t will be used in the future for the manufacture of hollow tile and other burned clay fireproofing materials. I t is proposed to remove a portion of the equipment at the Tulip plant to the new location, and install considerable additional machinery. The new company also proposes to establish a face brick plant on the Brazil site, and will install automatic and other machinery for this production. The Kohler Co., Kohler, Wis., manufacturer of sanitary ware, will soon begin superstructure work for a new addition to its plant, comprising a one-story and basement extension, 195 X 220 ft., to the North Enameling Shops, Nos. 8 and 9. I t will be equipped for enameling service and is re ported to cost in excess of $60,000, with machinery.
Gasoline Refining The Skelly Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla., has plans for the immediate construction of a new natural gasoline refining plant on the Schafer Ranch property, Panhandle Oil Field, Texas, reported to cost in excess of $450,000, with equip ment. The plant will be developed later as one of the largest units of its kind in the country, with a capacity for handling about 50,000,000 cu. ft. of gas per day. The initial project will consist of a group of buildings, with compressor units, pipe lines, storage and distributing facilities. The Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla., is said to have plans under way for the construction of a new gasoline refining plant at Noodle Creek, about 20 miles from Abilene, Texas. The initial unit will be equipped for a capacity of about 6000 gals, per day, and is estimated to cost close to $200,000, with machinery. A storage and distributing plant will be built.
Badger Service Evaporators: Types for every purpose Distilling Machinery for every product Solvent Recovery Equipment Design and Construction of Complete Plants See 1926 Chemical Engineering Catalog pages 404-424
The Baldwin Rubber Co., Pontiac, Mich., manufacturer of rubber mats and kindred hard rubber specialties, has purchased the former local plant of the Van Auken Top Co., heretofore used for the manufacture of automobile tops, and will remodel and equip for a new plant. The property consists of several buildings on a 3-acre tract of land; the machinery installation will provide for an output of about 10,000 mats of various sizes per day. The Chicago Granitine Co., 3619 Wall Street, Chicago, I11., manufacturer of composition products, including tubs, etc., has completed plans for a new one-story addition to its plant, to be 107 X 200 ft., reported to cost in excess of $80,000, including equipment. I t will be located at 4920 South Rockwell Street. The Austin Co., 160 North La Salle Street, has acted as architect and engineer for the project, and will carry out erection. The Linde Air Products Co., 30 East Forty-second Street, New York, manufacturer of industrial oxygen and kindred products, has acquired property at Duluth, Minn., totaling about 11 acres of land, and will use a portion of the site for a new plant, for which plans will soon be drawn. I t is reported to cost close to $200,000, with equipment. The Prest-O-Lite Co., an affiliated organization, same address, manufacturer of acetylene gas and gas products, welding apparatus, etc., is said to have plans under way for a new branch plant on adjoining site at Duluth, estimated to cost ap proximately a like sum. I t is expected to begin both operations in May. The two companies are subsidiaries of the Union Carbide & Carbon Cor poration. A. Lowenstein, 110 Lillie Street, Newark, N. J., operating a scrap rubber works, is having plans prepared for a new one-story addition on adjoining site, to be 90 X 122 ft., estimated to cost $30,000, with equipment. M. A. I Wolf, 845 Broad Street, is architect.