Construction News - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Tne Warner company will also proceed with the immediate erection of a new ... Union Ave., Schenectady, N. "ST., has completed plans for a new three-st...
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N o v e m b e r 10, 1929


Simplified Practice Recommendations Available T o acquaint American business men w i t h t h e various simplifica­ tion programs now in effect, the Division of Simplified Practice of the National Bureau of Standards has just announced the avail­ ability of complimentary mimeographed schedules of these recom­ mendations. T h e s e mimeographed schedules, called sheet forms, contain the recommended list of sizes a n d varieties only, as adopted b y the industry concerned, a n d are especially designed for. the u s e of engineers, architects, purchasing agents, the personnel of order departments, storekeepers, accountants, foremen, a n d others who are desirous of possessing, in concise form, schedules w h i c h are easily adaptable to their filing systems. A sheet listing the names of all simplified practice recommenda­ tions now in effect will be mailed those interested in securing copies of these recommendations in sheet form. From t h i s list recommendations of particular interest may be selected.

New Technical Bookstore in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh will have its first technical bookstore operated under t h e auspices of the Instruments Publishing Co., of 1117 W o l f e n dale St., Pittsburgh, P a . T h i s bookstore is t o serve a double purpose. First, it w i l l b e a distributing agency for technical books published b y the v a r i o u s book companies throughout the world; a n d secondly, i t will serve a s a general library and inspection room i n which these books can be examined. T h i s will enable one to examine a book before purchasing it. A t present the complete s e t of books of t h e Chemical C a t a l o g Co. are on display. Books from a number of other American a n d foreign publishers are expected to b e available within a. veryshort time.

A. S. T. M. Tentative Standards, 1929 T h e American Society for Testing Materials has just issued i t s 1929 edition of A. S. T. M. T e n t a t i v e Standards. T h e s e standards are issued annually, and t h e volume now under consideration consists of 901 pages, comprising 173 t e n t a t i v e standards, d i v i d e d a s follows: 24 relating t o ferrous metals; 10 t o non-ferrous m e t a l s ; 20 t o cement, lime, gypsum, and clay products; 38 t o preservative coatings and petroleum products; 3 4 to r o a d a n d p a v i n g materials; 25 to rubber products, insulating and -textile materials; 2 2 t o coal and coke, shipping containers, s l a t e , a n d miscellaneous materials. T h e volume may b e procured in paper for $7.00 and i n d o t h for $8.00, from the American Society of Testing Materials, 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, P a .

National Safety Council Pamphlets T h e National Safety Council, 108 B a s t Ohio St., Chicago, 111., h a s issued Health Practices Pamphlets 9 and 10 coyering "Skin Affections" and "Gases a n d Vapors;" also Industrial Safety Pamphlets o n "Safety in D r y Cleaning a n d Dyeing E s t a b l i s h ­ m e n t s " and "Safety i n R a y o n Manufacture." T h e council also h a s available a considerable number of Safe Practices Pamphlets, miscellaneous publications, and approximately 2 0 0 0 film slides covering plant hazards.

T h e Scientific and Industrial Research Coundl of Alberta h a s recently issued its ninth annual report, for t h e y e a r 1928. This is Report 2 4 , containing 53 pages, and may b e obtained f r o m t h e council at Kdmonton, Alberta, Canada, at a cost of 35 cents.

Construction N e w s Chemical The Monarch Chemical· Co., 21 Thirty-third St., Brooklyn, Ν . Y . , h a s approved plans for a n e w plant at Carteret. N . J., adjoining the works o f t h e Warner Chemical Co., with which it is affiliated. The new unit will b e one-story, used primarily for a mixing and packing plant for baking pow­ ders and kindred products, for which raw materials are being furnished largely by the Warner company; t h e nresent factory vcill be removed from Brooklyn and its capacity increased. The project i s reported to cost approximately S40.000, including equipment. T n e Warner company will also proceed with the immediate erection of a new building at the Carteret site, t o be equipped as a laboratory, estimated to cost more than $25,000, including equipment. The Board of Trustees, Union College, Union Ave., Schenectady, N. "ST., h a s completed plans for a new three-story chemical laboratory at the i n ­ stitution, estimated to cost approximately S185.000, including equipment. i t will include a group o f laboratori«-s, combustion division, and other r e ­


search and testing departments. Contract for building onlv has been l e t to the Closson Parkhurst Engineering Corp., 1 0 5 West Fortieth S t . . N e w York. H. Craig Severance, 36 West Forty-fourth St., New York, is archi­ tect. The Celanese Corporation of America, Amcelle, near Cumberland, Md., has plans for an addition to its rayon mill, comprising a multi-story unit, with chemical division and other allied production departments, reported to cost more than $500,000. including machinery. Contract for bail.ling only has been awarded t o George F. Hazel wood, Perrin RIdg., Cumberland. The company engineering department is in charge. The Sugar By-Products Corp., 7407 Bordeaux St., New Orleans. La., has^ plans in progress for the construction of a new local plant for which a site has been selected, consisting of alcohol distillery, with by-products plant for the manufacture of fusel oil, acids, potash, a n d kindred products. The works will consist of several buildings, reported t o cost approximttely $100,000, including equipment. T h e list of machinery to be installed will be arranged at a n early date. R. E . Jilouin is president; P . A. O'Dell i s company engineer. The Barium Reduction Corp., Charleston, W. Va., h a s taken over a large tract of land a t Horseshoe Lake, near Ormiston, Sask., with extensive raw material deposits, and plans t h e installation of a plant for t h e pro­ duction of sodium sulfate and allied products. The project will consist of a group of units, with power house, machine shop, and auxiliary struc­ tures, and will be equipped for an initial output of more than 2000 tons p e r month. The plant is reported to cost more than $300,000, including equip­ ment. Paint a n d Varnish. Beclnvith-Chandler, Inc., 201 Emmet St., Newark, N". J., manufacturer o f varnishes, etc., has asked for bids o n a general contract for a three-story addition to its plant, 8 0 X 100 ft., on Delancey St., near Rutherford S t . , reported to cost approximately $75,000, including equipment. It is pro­ posed t o begin work o n the superstructure a t an early date. Abbott, Merkt & Co., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, are architects. The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Paint '/Division, is said t o have preliminary plans under way for t h e construction of a n addition to its paint, varnish, and oil plant on Pittsburgh Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., consisting of a five-story structure, estimated to cost in excess of $750.000, including equipment. Ludington P a t ton, Milwaukee address noted, is vice president. Τ fie Lilly Varnish Co., 670 South California St., Indianapolis, Ind., h a s filed plans for a one-story addition to i t s plant at California and Abbott Sts., equipped primarily for grinding service, estimated t o cost approxi­ mately $40,000, including machinery. Mothershead & Fitton, 9 6 0 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, are architects, and will be i n charge of t h e erection. Frank Brighara is president. The Kreuter-Faasen Co., 100 Stevens St., Grand Rapids, Mich., manufac­ turer of varnishes, enamels, etc., h a s plans nearing completion for a o n e story addition o n an adjoining site, estimated t o cost approximately $40,000, including equipment. I t is proposed to begin work on the superstructure a t an early date. Robinson & Campau, Michigan Trust Bldg., Grand Rapids, are architects. P . J. Brogger is treasurer. Ceramic The American Encaustic Tile Co., State St., IMaurer, near Perth Amboy, N*. J., manufacturer of floor and wall tile, with headquarters at Zanesville, Ohio, has approved plans for an addition to i t s plant a t Maurer, consisting of a two-story unit, reported to c o s t upward o f $50,000, including; equip­ ment. Contract for building only has been let t o the Austin Co., 1 2 0 Broadway, N e w York. Cowan Potters, Inc., Lake R o a d , Rocky River, near Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturer of art ware, is reported t o be planning an addition to i t s pottery for a large increase in its present output, comprising a one- a n d two-story unit, reported to cost more than $45,000, including equipment. I t is understood that a n architect will b e selected t o prepare plans at a n early date. R. Guy Cowan is president. Miscellaneous The Hood Rubber Co., Nichols Ave., Watertown, Mass., an interest of the B. F. Goodrich Co., Goodrich Station, Akron, Ohio, has asked f o r bids on a general contract for a two-story addition t o its mill, equipped primarily as a vulcanizing plant, estimated t o cost $50,000, including machinery. The F. A. KauÇmann Mfg. Co., 106 South Second St., S t . Louis, MCo., manufacturer of vinegar and kindred products, is s a i d to b e planning t h e early rebuilding of its four-story plant destroyed by fire October 26, w i t h loss reported a t approximately $85,000, including equipment. The Cleveland Wax Paper Co., 2217 Scranton Road, Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturer of waxed and other processed papers, has approved plans for a one-story addition t o its mill, estimated t o cost approximately $45,000, ncluding equipment. Contract for building only has been awarded to t h e Sam W. Emerson Co., 1836 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. F. A. Sarstedt is president. The Utah Oil Refining Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, John C. Howard, president, is considering an expansion a n d improvement program at i ts local oilrefining plant, including the erection of new operating units and installation of equipment for a large increase in i t s present capacity. T h e entire project is reported to cost in excess of $300,000, including machinery. The Goodyear Tire 6» Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, has concluded arrangements for the purchase of a tract of land at La Plata, Argentina, and will have plans drawn for a new automobile tire and t u b e plant for South American distribution, consisting of several multi-story units, reported to cost more than S4.000.000. The. company's engineei ing department is in charge. The Presi-O-Lite Co., 30 East Forty-second S t . , N e w York, manufacturer of acetylene gas, etc., a subsidiary of t h e Union Carbide & Carbon C o . , same address, has plans for the construction o f a n e w gas-producing plant a t Casper, W y o . , consisting of several one-story units, reported to c o s t i n excess of $75,000, including equipment. "Work will b e placed under way at once. The National Lead Co., I l l Broadway, New York, is said to b e closing negotiations for the purchase of a tract of land i n the vicinity of hos Angeles, Calif., as a site for the erection of a new Pacific Coast plant for the production of white lead and affiliated products. Plans for The initial units will be prepared at an early date, consisting of a group of one-story structures, reported t o cost more than $200,000, including equipment. The Acme Refining Co., 3591 West Fifty-sixth S t . , Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturer of fine gteases, lubricants, etc., has preliminary plans under way for a two-story addition to i t s plant on West Fifty-fifth St., reported t o cost $125,000, including equipment. It i s understood that bids will b e requested on the general contract a t an early date. T. R. Walsh is president. The Guilford Folding Box Co., Eager St. and Fallsway, Baltimore, M d . , manufacturer of corrugated boxes and containers, has completed plans and will break «round a t once for a new one-story plant on t h e Philadelphia Road, to be 160 X 200 ft., reported to cost in excess of ? 140.000 including equipment.