N o v e m b e r 10, 1929
Simplified Practice Recommendations Available T o acquaint American business men w i t h t h e various simplifica tion programs now in effect, the Division of Simplified Practice of the National Bureau of Standards has just announced the avail ability of complimentary mimeographed schedules of these recom mendations. T h e s e mimeographed schedules, called sheet forms, contain the recommended list of sizes a n d varieties only, as adopted b y the industry concerned, a n d are especially designed for. the u s e of engineers, architects, purchasing agents, the personnel of order departments, storekeepers, accountants, foremen, a n d others who are desirous of possessing, in concise form, schedules w h i c h are easily adaptable to their filing systems. A sheet listing the names of all simplified practice recommenda tions now in effect will be mailed those interested in securing copies of these recommendations in sheet form. From t h i s list recommendations of particular interest may be selected.
New Technical Bookstore in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh will have its first technical bookstore operated under t h e auspices of the Instruments Publishing Co., of 1117 W o l f e n dale St., Pittsburgh, P a . T h i s bookstore is t o serve a double purpose. First, it w i l l b e a distributing agency for technical books published b y the v a r i o u s book companies throughout the world; a n d secondly, i t will serve a s a general library and inspection room i n which these books can be examined. T h i s will enable one to examine a book before purchasing it. A t present the complete s e t of books of t h e Chemical C a t a l o g Co. are on display. Books from a number of other American a n d foreign publishers are expected to b e available within a. veryshort time.
A. S. T. M. Tentative Standards, 1929 T h e American Society for Testing Materials has just issued i t s 1929 edition of A. S. T. M. T e n t a t i v e Standards. T h e s e standards are issued annually, and t h e volume now under consideration consists of 901 pages, comprising 173 t e n t a t i v e standards, d i v i d e d a s follows: 24 relating t o ferrous metals; 10 t o non-ferrous m e t a l s ; 20 t o cement, lime, gypsum, and clay products; 38 t o preservative coatings and petroleum products; 3 4 to r o a d a n d p a v i n g materials; 25 to rubber products, insulating and -textile materials; 2 2 t o coal and coke, shipping containers, s l a t e , a n d miscellaneous materials. T h e volume may b e procured in paper for $7.00 and i n d o t h for $8.00, from the American Society of Testing Materials, 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, P a .
National Safety Council Pamphlets T h e National Safety Council, 108 B a s t Ohio St., Chicago, 111., h a s issued Health Practices Pamphlets 9 and 10 coyering "Skin Affections" and "Gases a n d Vapors;" also Industrial Safety Pamphlets o n "Safety in D r y Cleaning a n d Dyeing E s t a b l i s h m e n t s " and "Safety i n R a y o n Manufacture." T h e council also h a s available a considerable number of Safe Practices Pamphlets, miscellaneous publications, and approximately 2 0 0 0 film slides covering plant hazards.
T h e Scientific and Industrial Research Coundl of Alberta h a s recently issued its ninth annual report, for t h e y e a r 1928. This is Report 2 4 , containing 53 pages, and may b e obtained f r o m t h e council at Kdmonton, Alberta, Canada, at a cost of 35 cents.
Construction N e w s Chemical The Monarch Chemical· Co., 21 Thirty-third St., Brooklyn, Ν . Y . , h a s approved plans for a n e w plant at Carteret. N . J., adjoining the works o f t h e Warner Chemical Co., with which it is affiliated. The new unit will b e one-story, used primarily for a mixing and packing plant for baking pow ders and kindred products, for which raw materials are being furnished largely by the Warner company; t h e nresent factory vcill be removed from Brooklyn and its capacity increased. The project i s reported to cost approximately S40.000, including equipment. T n e Warner company will also proceed with the immediate erection of a new building at the Carteret site, t o be equipped as a laboratory, estimated to cost more than $25,000, including equipment. The Board of Trustees, Union College, Union Ave., Schenectady, N. "ST., h a s completed plans for a new three-story chemical laboratory at the i n stitution, estimated to cost approximately S185.000, including equipment. i t will include a group o f laboratori«-s, combustion division, and other r e
search and testing departments. Contract for building onlv has been l e t to the Closson Parkhurst Engineering Corp., 1 0 5 West Fortieth S t . . N e w York. H. Craig Severance, 36 West Forty-fourth St., New York, is archi tect. The Celanese Corporation of America, Amcelle, near Cumberland, Md., has plans for an addition to its rayon mill, comprising a multi-story unit, with chemical division and other allied production departments, reported to cost more than $500,000. including machinery. Contract for bail.ling only has been awarded t o George F. Hazel wood, Perrin RIdg., Cumberland. The company engineering department is in charge. The Sugar By-Products Corp., 7407 Bordeaux St., New Orleans. La., has^ plans in progress for the construction of a new local plant for which a site has been selected, consisting of alcohol distillery, with by-products plant for the manufacture of fusel oil, acids, potash, a n d kindred products. The works will consist of several buildings, reported t o cost approximttely $100,000, including equipment. T h e list of machinery to be installed will be arranged at a n early date. R. E . Jilouin is president; P . A. O'Dell i s company engineer. The Barium Reduction Corp., Charleston, W. Va., h a s taken over a large tract of land a t Horseshoe Lake, near Ormiston, Sask., with extensive raw material deposits, and plans t h e installation of a plant for t h e pro duction of sodium sulfate and allied products. The project will consist of a group of units, with power house, machine shop, and auxiliary struc tures, and will be equipped for an initial output of more than 2000 tons p e r month. The plant is reported to cost more than $300,000, including equip ment. Paint a n d Varnish. Beclnvith-Chandler, Inc., 201 Emmet St., Newark, N". J., manufacturer o f varnishes, etc., has asked for bids o n a general contract for a three-story addition to its plant, 8 0 X 100 ft., on Delancey St., near Rutherford S t . , reported to cost approximately $75,000, including equipment. It is pro posed t o begin work o n the superstructure a t an early date. Abbott, Merkt & Co., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, are architects. The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Paint '/Division, is said t o have preliminary plans under way for t h e construction of a n addition to its paint, varnish, and oil plant on Pittsburgh Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., consisting of a five-story structure, estimated to cost in excess of $750.000, including equipment. Ludington P a t ton, Milwaukee address noted, is vice president. Τ fie Lilly Varnish Co., 670 South California St., Indianapolis, Ind., h a s filed plans for a one-story addition to i t s plant at California and Abbott Sts., equipped primarily for grinding service, estimated t o cost approxi mately $40,000, including machinery. Mothershead & Fitton, 9 6 0 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, are architects, and will be i n charge of t h e erection. Frank Brighara is president. The Kreuter-Faasen Co., 100 Stevens St., Grand Rapids, Mich., manufac turer of varnishes, enamels, etc., h a s plans nearing completion for a o n e story addition o n an adjoining site, estimated t o cost approximately $40,000, including equipment. I t is proposed to begin work on the superstructure a t an early date. Robinson & Campau, Michigan Trust Bldg., Grand Rapids, are architects. P . J. Brogger is treasurer. Ceramic The American Encaustic Tile Co., State St., IMaurer, near Perth Amboy, N*. J., manufacturer of floor and wall tile, with headquarters at Zanesville, Ohio, has approved plans for an addition to i t s plant a t Maurer, consisting of a two-story unit, reported to c o s t upward o f $50,000, including; equip ment. Contract for building only has been let t o the Austin Co., 1 2 0 Broadway, N e w York. Cowan Potters, Inc., Lake R o a d , Rocky River, near Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturer of art ware, is reported t o be planning an addition to i t s pottery for a large increase in its present output, comprising a one- a n d two-story unit, reported to cost more than $45,000, including equipment. I t is understood that a n architect will b e selected t o prepare plans at a n early date. R. Guy Cowan is president. Miscellaneous The Hood Rubber Co., Nichols Ave., Watertown, Mass., an interest of the B. F. Goodrich Co., Goodrich Station, Akron, Ohio, has asked f o r bids on a general contract for a two-story addition t o its mill, equipped primarily as a vulcanizing plant, estimated t o cost $50,000, including machinery. The F. A. KauÇmann Mfg. Co., 106 South Second St., S t . Louis, MCo., manufacturer of vinegar and kindred products, is s a i d to b e planning t h e early rebuilding of its four-story plant destroyed by fire October 26, w i t h loss reported a t approximately $85,000, including equipment. The Cleveland Wax Paper Co., 2217 Scranton Road, Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturer of waxed and other processed papers, has approved plans for a one-story addition t o its mill, estimated t o cost approximately $45,000, ncluding equipment. Contract for building only has been awarded to t h e Sam W. Emerson Co., 1836 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. F. A. Sarstedt is president. The Utah Oil Refining Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, John C. Howard, president, is considering an expansion a n d improvement program at i ts local oilrefining plant, including the erection of new operating units and installation of equipment for a large increase in i t s present capacity. T h e entire project is reported to cost in excess of $300,000, including machinery. The Goodyear Tire 6» Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, has concluded arrangements for the purchase of a tract of land at La Plata, Argentina, and will have plans drawn for a new automobile tire and t u b e plant for South American distribution, consisting of several multi-story units, reported to cost more than S4.000.000. The. company's engineei ing department is in charge. The Presi-O-Lite Co., 30 East Forty-second S t . , N e w York, manufacturer of acetylene gas, etc., a subsidiary of t h e Union Carbide & Carbon C o . , same address, has plans for the construction o f a n e w gas-producing plant a t Casper, W y o . , consisting of several one-story units, reported to c o s t i n excess of $75,000, including equipment. "Work will b e placed under way at once. The National Lead Co., I l l Broadway, New York, is said to b e closing negotiations for the purchase of a tract of land i n the vicinity of hos Angeles, Calif., as a site for the erection of a new Pacific Coast plant for the production of white lead and affiliated products. Plans for The initial units will be prepared at an early date, consisting of a group of one-story structures, reported t o cost more than $200,000, including equipment. The Acme Refining Co., 3591 West Fifty-sixth S t . , Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturer of fine gteases, lubricants, etc., has preliminary plans under way for a two-story addition to i t s plant on West Fifty-fifth St., reported t o cost $125,000, including equipment. It i s understood that bids will b e requested on the general contract a t an early date. T. R. Walsh is president. The Guilford Folding Box Co., Eager St. and Fallsway, Baltimore, M d . , manufacturer of corrugated boxes and containers, has completed plans and will break «round a t once for a new one-story plant on t h e Philadelphia Road, to be 160 X 200 ft., reported to cost in excess of ? 140.000 including equipment.