Nov 5, 2010 - ... are being taken over by the Chemical Corps of the Army on that date. ... which will provide 60,000 square feet of floor space, is be...
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CONTAINERS Aft! Hammond Builds N e w Plant The H a m m o n d Bag a n d Paper Co. of Wellsburg, W . Va., has started construc­ tion of a n e w multiwall paper bag plant at Pine Bluff, Ark. Expected to b e in operation b y Sept. 1, this n e w $300,000 fireproof plant will replace t h e company's present Pine Bluff facilities which are be­ ing taken over by the Chemical Corps of the Army on that date. T h e one story, reinforced concrete factor)', which will provide 60,000 square feet of floor space, is being built on seven acres of ground located on the Cotton Belt and Missouri Pacific Railroads. In order to minimize the loss of pro­ duction time t h e company has developed a plan to m o v e a n d place t h e machinery in operation one piece at a time as the building goes up. This will allow most of the production e q u i p m e n t to remain in operation either in the n e w plant or the old as individual machines are being moved. The decision to remain in Pine Bluff, where H a m m o n d has maintained facili­ ties since 1947 was m a d e because of its proximity t o good sources of raw mate­ rials a n d because it is a convenient ship­ ping point to customers in t h e Midwest a n d Southwest, according to Μ. Ε . Greiner, vice president. T h e main plant and general offices of the company are at Wellsburg, W. Va. T h e company manufactures multiwall paper bags for shipping cement, lime, fertilizers, pigments, flour, foods, feeds, potatoes, chemicals, and many other items.

from industry at t h e foreman or super­ visory level in the basic methods of mili­ tary preservation, packaging, packing, and marking. T h e course is a continuing one, with classes of two weeks' duration starting each week. Spaces have been reserved in each class for firms holding military contracts, with first priority given to prime or subcontractors supplying equipment packed for overseas shipment. Applications from firms interested in having representatives attend the course should be directed to the Officer-inCharge, Joint Military Packaging Course, Rossford Ordnance Depot, Toledo, Ohio. Civilian firms must furnish at least one of their current military contract numbers and a brief description of the material or equipment b e i n g supplied under contract. Training facilities at Rossford Ordnance Depot are a d e q u a t e to handle the current military packaging training requirements. If training needs increase, establishment of additional courses at other locations will b e considered.

Canco Receives Large Quartermaster Order T h e American Can C o . has received a $1.91 million order from the Army Quar-

termaster Corps ιο manufacture 76,554,000 cans for the new type of combat rations now eaten by soldiers in Korea, Τ. Ε. Alwyn, vice president in charge of sales, reported recently. T h e order, largest of its lts type type received received by by tt hh ee company company from trom the the Armed Armed Forces Forces since since the the outbreak outbreak of of the the Korean filled at Korean War, War, will will be be filled at the the Fairport, Fairport, Χ. Χ. Υ., Υ., Maywood, Maywood, 111., 111., and and Oakland, Oakland, Calif., Calif., plants, plants, Mr. Mr. Alwyn Alwyn said. said. Deliveries Deliveries will will be be completed completed by by Aug. Aug. 20. 20. T T hh ee Canco Canco order order was was for for approximately approximately two two thirds thirds of of the the total total contract contract awarded awarded by by the the Quartermaster Quartermaster Corps Corps for for C-ration C-ration cans. cans. T T hh ee containers, containers, made made from from electro­ electro­ lytic lytic tin tin plate, plate, will will be be coated coated with with aa brown brown opaque opaque coating coating to to prevent prevent external external corro­ corro­ sion. sion. Lithographed Lithographed on on the the top top of of each each can can will will be be the the list list of of contents. contents. Seven Seven cans cans constitute constitute aa day's day's rations rations for for one one man man and and provide provide 3800 3800 calories. calories. Each Each meal meal basically basically consists consists of of two two cans; cans; one one of of meat meat or or poultry, poultry, the the other other containing containing dry dry in­ in­ gredients, gredients, usually usually crackers crackers or or cookies, cookies, sugar, sugar, candy candy or or aa tin tin of of jam, jam, and and laminated laminated foil foil bags bags of of coffee, coffee, milk, milk, and and cocoa. cocoa. The The seventh seventh can can contains contains fruit fruit for for dessert. dessert.

W a t e r Transport Course T h e University of Pittsburgh is develop­ ing a course in Water Transportation un­ der its Department of Transportation. Sidney L. Miller is head of the depart­ ment. Primary emphasis of the new course is upon operation of inland waterways.

W a l l Bracket f o r Polyethylene Dispenser In a special promotional package for phisoHex, W i n t h r o p - S t e a m s , Inc., is offer­ ing a filled squeezable bottle of the de­ tergent in combination with an injectionmolded wall b r a c k e t of polystyrene. Phisoriex is a prophylactic degermer for the ->kin of doctors, dentists, nurses, or pa­ tients with skin infections. T o use the detergent, the user turns the bottle upside down in its wall bracket, squeezes with one hand, and catches the stream in the palm of t h e other h a n d . The application marks the first known instance in which the Plaxpak bottle has been employed as a m o u n t e d dispenser. Plax Corp , .( Conn., supplies the bottles.

Joint M i l i t a r y Packaging Course Established by A r m y A joint military packaging course has been established b y the D e p a r t m e n t of the Army at t h e Rossford Ordnance Depot, Toledo, Ohio. T h e course is designed to train Army, Navy, Air F o r c e , and Marine Corps personnel and certain personnel V O L U M E

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